Tutorial: Create a pipeline that builds and tests your Android app with Amazon Device Farm - Amazon CodePipeline
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Tutorial: Create a pipeline that builds and tests your Android app with Amazon Device Farm

You can use Amazon CodePipeline to configure a continuous integration flow in which your app is built and tested each time a commit is pushed. This tutorial shows how to create and configure a pipeline to build and test your Android app with source code in a GitHub repository. The pipeline detects the arrival of a new GitHub commit and then uses CodeBuild to build the app and Device Farm to test it.


As part of creating a pipeline in the console, an S3 artifact bucket will be used by CodePipeline for artifacts. (This is different from the bucket used for an S3 source action.) If the S3 artifact bucket is in a different account from the account for your pipeline, make sure that the S3 artifact bucket is owned by Amazon Web Services accounts that are safe and will be dependable.


Many of the actions you add to your pipeline in this procedure involve Amazon resources that you need to create before you create the pipeline. Amazon resources for your source actions must always be created in the same Amazon Region where you create your pipeline. For example, if you create your pipeline in the US East (Ohio) Region, your CodeCommit repository must be in the US East (Ohio) Region.

You can add cross-region actions when you create your pipeline. Amazon resources for cross-region actions must be in the same Amazon Region where you plan to execute the action. For more information, see Add a cross-Region action in CodePipeline.

You can try this out using your existing Android app and test definitions, or you can use the sample app and test definitions provided by Device Farm.


The CodePipeline action for Device Farm is not available in the China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions. To reference other available actions, see Product and service integrations with CodePipeline.

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Device Farm console and choose Create a new project.

  2. Choose your project. In the browser, copy the URL of your new project. The URL contains the project ID.

  3. Copy and retain this project ID. You use it when you create your pipeline in CodePipeline.

    Here is an example URL for a project. To extract the project ID, copy the value after projects/. In this example, the project ID is eec4905f-98f8-40aa-9afc-4c1cfexample.


Configure CodePipeline to use your Device Farm tests

  1. Add and commit a file called buildspec.yml in the root of your app code, and push it to your repository. CodeBuild uses this file to perform commands and access artifacts required to build your app.

    version: 0.2 phases: build: commands: - chmod +x ./gradlew - ./gradlew assembleDebug artifacts: files: - './android/app/build/outputs/**/*.apk' discard-paths: yes
  2. (Optional) If you use Calabash or Appium to test your app, add the test definition file to your repository. In a later step, you can configure Device Farm to use the definitions to carry out your test suite.

    If you use Device Farm built-in tests, you can skip this step.

  3. To create your pipeline and add a source stage, do the following:

    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/codepipeline/.

    2. Choose Create pipeline. On the Step 1: Choose pipeline settings page, in Pipeline name, enter the name for your pipeline.

    3. In Pipeline type, choose V2. For more information, see Pipeline types. Choose Next.

    4. In Service role, leave New service role selected, and leave Role name unchanged. You can also choose to use an existing service role, if you have one.


      If you use a CodePipeline service role that was created before July 2018, you need to add permissions for Device Farm. To do this, open the IAM console, find the role, and then add the following permissions to the role's policy. For more information, see Add permissions to the CodePipeline service role.

      { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "devicefarm:ListProjects", "devicefarm:ListDevicePools", "devicefarm:GetRun", "devicefarm:GetUpload", "devicefarm:CreateUpload", "devicefarm:ScheduleRun" ], "Resource": "*" }
    5. Leave the settings under Advanced settings at their defaults, and then choose Next.

    6. On the Step 2: Add source stage page, in Source provider, choose GitHub.

    7. Under Connection, choose an existing connection or create a new one. To create or manage a connection for your GitHub source action, see GitHub connections.

    8. In Repository, choose the source repository.

    9. In Branch, choose the branch that you want to use.

    10. Leave the remaining defaults for the source action. Choose Next.

  4. In Add build stage, add a build stage:

    1. In Build provider, choose Amazon CodeBuild. Allow Region to default to the pipeline Region.

    2. Choose Create project.

    3. In Project name, enter a name for this build project.

    4. In Environment image, choose Managed image. For Operating system, choose Ubuntu.

    5. For Runtime, choose Standard. For Image, choose aws/codebuild/standard:5.0.

      CodeBuild uses this OS image, which has Android Studio installed, to build your app.

    6. For Service role, choose your existing CodeBuild service role or create a new one.

    7. For Build specifications, choose Use a buildspec file.

    8. Choose Continue to CodePipeline. This returns to the CodePipeline console and creates a CodeBuild project that uses the buildspec.yml in your repository for configuration. The build project uses a service role to manage Amazon Web Services service permissions. This step might take a couple of minutes.

    9. Choose Next.

  5. On the Step 4: Add deploy stage page, choose Skip deploy stage, and then accept the warning message by choosing Skip again. Choose Next.

  6. On Step 5: Review, choose Create pipeline. You should see a diagram that shows the source and build stages.

  7. Add a Device Farm test action to your pipeline:

    1. In the upper right, choose Edit.

    2. At the bottom of the diagram, choose + Add stage. In Stage name, enter a name, such as Test.

    3. Choose + Add action group.

    4. In Action name, enter a name.

    5. In Action provider, choose Amazon Device Farm. Allow Region to default to the pipeline Region.

    6. In Input artifacts, choose the input artifact that matches the output artifact of the stage that comes before the test stage, such as BuildArtifact.

      In the Amazon CodePipeline console, you can find the name of the output artifact for each stage by hovering over the information icon in the pipeline diagram. If your pipeline tests your app directly from the Source stage, choose SourceArtifact. If the pipeline includes a Build stage, choose BuildArtifact.

    7. In ProjectId, enter your Device Farm project ID. Use the steps at the start of this tutorial to retrieve your project ID.

    8. In DevicePoolArn, enter the ARN for the device pool. To get the available device pool ARNs for the project, including the ARN for Top Devices, use the Amazon CLI to enter the following command:

      aws devicefarm list-device-pools --arn arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:account_ID:project:project_ID
    9. In AppType, enter Android.

      The following is a list of valid values for AppType:

      • iOS

      • Android

      • Web

    10. In App, enter the path of the compiled app package. The path is relative to the root of the input artifact for the test stage. Typically, this path is similar to app-release.apk.

    11. In TestType, enter your type of test, and then in Test, enter the path of the test definition file. The path is relative to the root of the input artifact for your test.

      The following is a list of valid values for TestType:













      • XCTEST

      • XCTEST_UI


      Custom environment nodes are not supported.

    12. In the remaining fields, provide the configuration that is appropriate for your test and application type.

    13. (Optional) In Advanced, provide configuration information for your test run.

    14. Choose Save.

    15. On the stage you are editing, choose Done. In the Amazon CodePipeline pane, choose Save, and then choose Save on the warning message.

    16. To submit your changes and start a pipeline build, choose Release change, and then choose Release.