Tutorial: Create a pipeline that runs commands with compute - Amazon CodePipeline
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Tutorial: Create a pipeline that runs commands with compute

In this tutorial, you configure a pipeline that continuously runs provided build commands using the Commands action in a build stage. For more information about the Commands action, see Commands action reference.


As part of creating a pipeline, an S3 artifact bucket provided by the customer will be used by CodePipeline for artifacts. (This is different from the bucket used for an S3 source action.) If the S3 artifact bucket is in a different account from the account for your pipeline, make sure that the S3 artifact bucket is owned by Amazon Web Services accounts that are safe and will be dependable.


You must already have the following:

Step 1: Create source files and push to your GitHub repository

In this section, you create and push your example source files to the repository that the pipeline uses for your source stage. For this example, you produce and push the following:

  • A README.txt file.

To create source files
  1. Create a file with the following text:

    Sample readme file
  2. Save the file as README.txt.

To push files to your GitHub repository
  1. Push or upload the files to your repository. These files are the source artifact created by the Create Pipeline wizard for your deployment action in Amazon CodePipeline. Your files should look like this in your local directory:

  2. To use the Git command line from a cloned repository on your local computer:

    1. Run the following command to stage all of your files at once:

      git add -A
    2. Run the following command to commit the files with a commit message.

      git commit -m "Added source files"
    3. Run the following command to push the files from your local repo to your repository:

      git push

Step 2: Create your pipeline

In this section, you create a pipeline with the following actions:

  • A source stage with a GitHub (via GitHub App) action for the repository where the source files are stored.

  • A build stage with the Commands action.

To create a pipeline with the wizard
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at http://console.www.amazonaws.cn/codesuite/codepipeline/home.

  2. On the Welcome page, Getting started page, or the Pipelines page, choose Create pipeline.

  3. On the Step 1: Choose creation option page, under Creation options, choose the Build custom pipeline option. Choose Next.

  4. In Step 2: Choose pipeline settings, in Pipeline name, enter MyCommandsPipeline.

  5. CodePipeline provides V1 and V2 type pipelines, which differ in characteristics and price. The V2 type is the only type you can choose in the console. For more information, see pipeline types. For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

  6. In Service role, choose New service role to allow CodePipeline to create a service role in IAM.


    If you are using an existing service role, to use the Commands action, you will need to add the following permissions for the service role. Scope down the permissions to the pipeline resource level by using resource-based permissions in the service role policy statement. For more information, see the policy example in Service role policy permissions.

    • logs:CreateLogGroup

    • logs:CreateLogStream

    • logs:PutLogEvents

  7. Leave the settings under Advanced settings at their defaults, and then choose Next.

  8. On the Step 3: Add source stage page, add a source stage:

    1. In Source provider, choose GitHub (via GitHub App).

    2. Under Connection, choose an existing connection or create a new one. To create or manage a connection for your GitHub source action, see GitHub connections.

    3. In Repository name, choose the name of your GitHub.com repository. Specify a branch for the default, or you can specify triggers. For more information, see Automate starting pipelines using triggers and filtering.

    Choose Next.

  9. In Step 4: Add build stage, choose Commands.


    Running the Commands action will incur separate charges in Amazon CodeBuild.

    Enter the following commands:

    ls echo hello world cat README.txt echo pipeline Execution Id is #{codepipeline.PipelineExecutionId}

    Choose Next.

    The Step 4: Add build stage page for a new pipeline with the Commands action
  10. In Step 5: Add test stage, choose Skip test stage, and then accept the warning message by choosing Skip again.

    Choose Next.

  11. In Step 6: Add deploy stage, choose Skip deploy stage, and then accept the warning message by choosing Skip again.

    Choose Next.

  12. In Step 7: Review, review the information, and then choose Create pipeline.

  13. As a final step for creating your action, add an environment variable to the action that will result in an output variable for the action. On the Commands action, choose Edit. On the Edit screen, specify a variable namespace for your action by entering compute in the Variable namespace field.

    Add the CodeBuild output variable AWS_Default_Region, and then choose Add variable.

    The Edit page for the Commands action

Step 3: Run your pipeline and verify build commands

Release a change to run your pipeline. Verify that the build commands ran by viewing the execution history, the build logs, and the output variables.

To view action logs and output variables
  1. After the pipeline runs successfully, you can view the logs and output for the action.

  2. To view the output variables for the action, choose History, and then choose Timeline.

    View the output variable that was added to the action. The output for the Commands action shows the output variable resolved to the action Region.

    The output for the Commands action showing the output variable resolved to the action Region
  3. To view the logs for the action, choose View details on the successful Commands action. View the logs for the Commands action.

    Example logs for the Commands action