This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers
require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages
to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a
phone number with Amazon Pinpoint
If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Services service, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.
Creates a new Amazon Cognito user pool and sets the password policy for the pool.
If you don't provide a value for an attribute, Amazon Cognito sets it to its default value.
Amazon Cognito evaluates Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.
Request Syntax
"AccountRecoverySetting": {
"RecoveryMechanisms": [
"Name": "string
"Priority": number
"AdminCreateUserConfig": {
"AllowAdminCreateUserOnly": boolean
"InviteMessageTemplate": {
"EmailMessage": "string
"EmailSubject": "string
"SMSMessage": "string
"UnusedAccountValidityDays": number
"AliasAttributes": [ "string
" ],
"AutoVerifiedAttributes": [ "string
" ],
"DeletionProtection": "string
"DeviceConfiguration": {
"ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice": boolean
"DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt": boolean
"EmailConfiguration": {
"ConfigurationSet": "string
"EmailSendingAccount": "string
"From": "string
"ReplyToEmailAddress": "string
"SourceArn": "string
"EmailVerificationMessage": "string
"EmailVerificationSubject": "string
"LambdaConfig": {
"CreateAuthChallenge": "string
"CustomEmailSender": {
"LambdaArn": "string
"LambdaVersion": "string
"CustomMessage": "string
"CustomSMSSender": {
"LambdaArn": "string
"LambdaVersion": "string
"DefineAuthChallenge": "string
"KMSKeyID": "string
"PostAuthentication": "string
"PostConfirmation": "string
"PreAuthentication": "string
"PreSignUp": "string
"PreTokenGeneration": "string
"PreTokenGenerationConfig": {
"LambdaArn": "string
"LambdaVersion": "string
"UserMigration": "string
"VerifyAuthChallengeResponse": "string
"MfaConfiguration": "string
"Policies": {
"PasswordPolicy": {
"MinimumLength": number
"PasswordHistorySize": number
"RequireLowercase": boolean
"RequireNumbers": boolean
"RequireSymbols": boolean
"RequireUppercase": boolean
"TemporaryPasswordValidityDays": number
"PoolName": "string
"Schema": [
"AttributeDataType": "string
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": boolean
"Mutable": boolean
"Name": "string
"NumberAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxValue": "string
"MinValue": "string
"Required": boolean
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "string
"MinLength": "string
"SmsAuthenticationMessage": "string
"SmsConfiguration": {
"ExternalId": "string
"SnsCallerArn": "string
"SnsRegion": "string
"SmsVerificationMessage": "string
"UserAttributeUpdateSettings": {
"AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate": [ "string
" ]
"UsernameAttributes": [ "string
" ],
"UsernameConfiguration": {
"CaseSensitive": boolean
"UserPoolAddOns": {
"AdvancedSecurityAdditionalFlows": {
"CustomAuthMode": "string
"AdvancedSecurityMode": "string
"UserPoolTags": {
" : "string
"VerificationMessageTemplate": {
"DefaultEmailOption": "string
"EmailMessage": "string
"EmailMessageByLink": "string
"EmailSubject": "string
"EmailSubjectByLink": "string
"SmsMessage": "string
Request Parameters
For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
- AccountRecoverySetting
The available verified method a user can use to recover their password when they call
. You can use this setting to define a preferred method when a user has more than one method available. With this setting, SMS doesn't qualify for a valid password recovery mechanism if the user also has SMS multi-factor authentication (MFA) activated. In the absence of this setting, Amazon Cognito uses the legacy behavior to determine the recovery method where SMS is preferred through email.Type: AccountRecoverySettingType object
Required: No
- AdminCreateUserConfig
The configuration for
requests.Type: AdminCreateUserConfigType object
Required: No
- AliasAttributes
Attributes supported as an alias for this user pool. Possible values: phone_number, email, or preferred_username.
Type: Array of strings
Valid Values:
phone_number | email | preferred_username
Required: No
- AutoVerifiedAttributes
The attributes to be auto-verified. Possible values: email, phone_number.
Type: Array of strings
Valid Values:
phone_number | email
Required: No
- DeletionProtection
When active,
prevents accidental deletion of your user pool. Before you can delete a user pool that you have protected against deletion, you must deactivate this feature.When you try to delete a protected user pool in a
API request, Amazon Cognito returns anInvalidParameterException
error. To delete a protected user pool, send a newDeleteUserPool
request after you deactivate deletion protection in anUpdateUserPool
API request.Type: String
Valid Values:
Required: No
- DeviceConfiguration
The device-remembering configuration for a user pool. A null value indicates that you have deactivated device remembering in your user pool.
When you provide a value for any
field, you activate the Amazon Cognito device-remembering feature.Type: DeviceConfigurationType object
Required: No
- EmailConfiguration
The email configuration of your user pool. The email configuration type sets your preferred sending method, Amazon Region, and sender for messages from your user pool.
Type: EmailConfigurationType object
Required: No
- EmailVerificationMessage
This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 6. Maximum length of 20000.
Required: No
- EmailVerificationSubject
This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 140.
Required: No
- LambdaConfig
A collection of user pool Lambda triggers. Amazon Cognito invokes triggers at several possible stages of authentication operations. Triggers can modify the outcome of the operations that invoked them.
Type: LambdaConfigType object
Required: No
- MfaConfiguration
Specifies MFA configuration details.
Type: String
Valid Values:
Required: No
- Policies
The policies associated with the new user pool.
Type: UserPoolPolicyType object
Required: No
- PoolName
A string used to name the user pool.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.
Required: Yes
- Schema
An array of schema attributes for the new user pool. These attributes can be standard or custom attributes.
Type: Array of SchemaAttributeType objects
Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 50 items.
Required: No
- SmsAuthenticationMessage
A string representing the SMS authentication message.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 6. Maximum length of 140.
Required: No
- SmsConfiguration
The SMS configuration with the settings that your Amazon Cognito user pool must use to send an SMS message from your Amazon Web Services account through Amazon Simple Notification Service. To send SMS messages with Amazon SNS in the Amazon Region that you want, the Amazon Cognito user pool uses an Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) role in your Amazon Web Services account.
Type: SmsConfigurationType object
Required: No
- SmsVerificationMessage
This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 6. Maximum length of 140.
Required: No
- UserAttributeUpdateSettings
The settings for updates to user attributes. These settings include the property
, a user-pool setting that tells Amazon Cognito how to handle changes to the value of your users' email address and phone number attributes. For more information, see Verifying updates to email addresses and phone numbers.Type: UserAttributeUpdateSettingsType object
Required: No
- UsernameAttributes
Specifies whether a user can use an email address or phone number as a username when they sign up.
Type: Array of strings
Valid Values:
phone_number | email
Required: No
- UsernameConfiguration
Case sensitivity on the username input for the selected sign-in option. When case sensitivity is set to
(case insensitive), users can sign in with any combination of capital and lowercase letters. For example,username
, orUserName
, or for email,
. For most use cases, set case sensitivity toFalse
(case insensitive) as a best practice. When usernames and email addresses are case insensitive, Amazon Cognito treats any variation in case as the same user, and prevents a case variation from being assigned to the same attribute for a different user.This configuration is immutable after you set it. For more information, see UsernameConfigurationType.
Type: UsernameConfigurationType object
Required: No
- UserPoolAddOns
User pool add-ons. Contains settings for activation of advanced security features. To log user security information but take no action, set to
. To configure automatic security responses to risky traffic to your user pool, set toENFORCED
.For more information, see Adding advanced security to a user pool.
Type: UserPoolAddOnsType object
Required: No
- UserPoolTags
The tag keys and values to assign to the user pool. A tag is a label that you can use to categorize and manage user pools in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria.
Type: String to string map
Key Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.
Value Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 256.
Required: No
- VerificationMessageTemplate
The template for the verification message that your user pool delivers to users who set an email address or phone number attribute.
Set the email message type that corresponds to your
, specify anEmailMessageByLink
and leaveEmailMessage
, specify anEmailMessage
and leaveEmailMessageByLink
blank. When you supply both parameters with either choice, Amazon Cognito returns an error.Type: VerificationMessageTemplateType object
Required: No
Response Syntax
"UserPool": {
"AccountRecoverySetting": {
"RecoveryMechanisms": [
"Name": "string",
"Priority": number
"AdminCreateUserConfig": {
"AllowAdminCreateUserOnly": boolean,
"InviteMessageTemplate": {
"EmailMessage": "string",
"EmailSubject": "string",
"SMSMessage": "string"
"UnusedAccountValidityDays": number
"AliasAttributes": [ "string" ],
"Arn": "string",
"AutoVerifiedAttributes": [ "string" ],
"CreationDate": number,
"CustomDomain": "string",
"DeletionProtection": "string",
"DeviceConfiguration": {
"ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice": boolean,
"DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt": boolean
"Domain": "string",
"EmailConfiguration": {
"ConfigurationSet": "string",
"EmailSendingAccount": "string",
"From": "string",
"ReplyToEmailAddress": "string",
"SourceArn": "string"
"EmailConfigurationFailure": "string",
"EmailVerificationMessage": "string",
"EmailVerificationSubject": "string",
"EstimatedNumberOfUsers": number,
"Id": "string",
"LambdaConfig": {
"CreateAuthChallenge": "string",
"CustomEmailSender": {
"LambdaArn": "string",
"LambdaVersion": "string"
"CustomMessage": "string",
"CustomSMSSender": {
"LambdaArn": "string",
"LambdaVersion": "string"
"DefineAuthChallenge": "string",
"KMSKeyID": "string",
"PostAuthentication": "string",
"PostConfirmation": "string",
"PreAuthentication": "string",
"PreSignUp": "string",
"PreTokenGeneration": "string",
"PreTokenGenerationConfig": {
"LambdaArn": "string",
"LambdaVersion": "string"
"UserMigration": "string",
"VerifyAuthChallengeResponse": "string"
"LastModifiedDate": number,
"MfaConfiguration": "string",
"Name": "string",
"Policies": {
"PasswordPolicy": {
"MinimumLength": number,
"PasswordHistorySize": number,
"RequireLowercase": boolean,
"RequireNumbers": boolean,
"RequireSymbols": boolean,
"RequireUppercase": boolean,
"TemporaryPasswordValidityDays": number
"SchemaAttributes": [
"AttributeDataType": "string",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": boolean,
"Mutable": boolean,
"Name": "string",
"NumberAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxValue": "string",
"MinValue": "string"
"Required": boolean,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "string",
"MinLength": "string"
"SmsAuthenticationMessage": "string",
"SmsConfiguration": {
"ExternalId": "string",
"SnsCallerArn": "string",
"SnsRegion": "string"
"SmsConfigurationFailure": "string",
"SmsVerificationMessage": "string",
"Status": "string",
"UserAttributeUpdateSettings": {
"AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate": [ "string" ]
"UsernameAttributes": [ "string" ],
"UsernameConfiguration": {
"CaseSensitive": boolean
"UserPoolAddOns": {
"AdvancedSecurityAdditionalFlows": {
"CustomAuthMode": "string"
"AdvancedSecurityMode": "string"
"UserPoolTags": {
"string" : "string"
"VerificationMessageTemplate": {
"DefaultEmailOption": "string",
"EmailMessage": "string",
"EmailMessageByLink": "string",
"EmailSubject": "string",
"EmailSubjectByLink": "string",
"SmsMessage": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.
- UserPool
A container for the user pool details.
Type: UserPoolType object
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.
- InternalErrorException
This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.
HTTP Status Code: 500
- InvalidEmailRoleAccessPolicyException
This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InvalidParameterException
This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InvalidSmsRoleAccessPolicyException
This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InvalidSmsRoleTrustRelationshipException
This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust
or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.HTTP Status Code: 400
- LimitExceededException
This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon resource.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- NotAuthorizedException
This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- TooManyRequestsException
This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- UserPoolTaggingException
This exception is thrown when a user pool tag can't be set or updated.
HTTP Status Code: 400
The following example creates a user pool with all configurable properties set to an example value. The resulting user pool allows sign-in with username or email address, has optional MFA, and has a Lambda function assigned to each possible trigger.
Sample Request
X-Amz-Date: 20230613T200059Z
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
X-Amz-Target: AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.CreateUserPool
User-Agent: <UserAgentString>
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=<Credential>, SignedHeaders=<Headers>, Signature=<Signature>
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
"AccountRecoverySetting": {
"RecoveryMechanisms": [
"Name": "verified_email",
"Priority": 1
"AdminCreateUserConfig": {
"AllowAdminCreateUserOnly": false,
"InviteMessageTemplate": {
"EmailMessage": "Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}.",
"EmailSubject": "Your sign-in information",
"SMSMessage": "Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}."
"AliasAttributes": [
"AutoVerifiedAttributes": [
"DeviceConfiguration": {
"ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice": true,
"DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt": true
"DeletionProtection": "ACTIVE",
"EmailConfiguration": {
"ConfigurationSet": "my-test-ses-configuration-set",
"EmailSendingAccount": "DEVELOPER",
"From": "",
"ReplyToEmailAddress": "",
"SourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/"
"EmailVerificationMessage": "Your verification code is {####}.",
"EmailVerificationSubject": "Verify your email address",
"LambdaConfig": {
"KMSKeyID": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/a6c4f8e2-0c45-47db-925f-87854bc9e357",
"CustomEmailSender": {
"LambdaArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"LambdaVersion": "V1_0"
"CustomSMSSender": {
"LambdaArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"LambdaVersion": "V1_0"
"CustomMessage": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"DefineAuthChallenge": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"PostAuthentication": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"PostConfirmation": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"PreAuthentication": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"PreSignUp": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"PreTokenGeneration": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"UserMigration": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"VerifyAuthChallengeResponse": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction"
"MfaConfiguration": "OPTIONAL",
"Policies": {
"PasswordPolicy": {
"MinimumLength": 6,
"RequireLowercase": true,
"RequireNumbers": true,
"RequireSymbols": true,
"RequireUppercase": true,
"TemporaryPasswordValidityDays": 7
"PoolName": "my-test-user-pool",
"Schema": [
"AttributeDataType": "Number",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": true,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "mydev",
"NumberAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxValue": "99",
"MinValue": "1"
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "99",
"MinLength": "1"
"SmsAuthenticationMessage": "Your verification code is {####}.",
"SmsConfiguration": {
"ExternalId": "my-role-external-id",
"SnsCallerArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/test-cognito-SMS-Role"
"SmsVerificationMessage": "Your verification code is {####}.",
"UserAttributeUpdateSettings": {
"AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate": [
"UsernameConfiguration": {
"CaseSensitive": true
"UserPoolAddOns": {
"AdvancedSecurityMode": "OFF"
"UserPoolTags": {
"my-test-tag-key": "my-test-tag-key"
"VerificationMessageTemplate": {
"DefaultEmailOption": "CONFIRM_WITH_CODE",
"EmailMessage": "Your confirmation code is {####}",
"EmailMessageByLink": "Choose this link to {##verify your email##}",
"EmailSubject": "Here is your confirmation code",
"EmailSubjectByLink": "Here is your confirmation link",
"SmsMessage": "Your confirmation code is {####}"
Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 20:00:59 GMT
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
x-amzn-requestid: a1b2c3d4-e5f6-a1b2-c3d4-EXAMPLE11111
Connection: keep-alive
"UserPool": {
"AccountRecoverySetting": {
"RecoveryMechanisms": [
"Name": "verified_email",
"Priority": 1
"AdminCreateUserConfig": {
"AllowAdminCreateUserOnly": false,
"InviteMessageTemplate": {
"EmailMessage": "Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}.",
"EmailSubject": "Your sign-in information",
"SMSMessage": "Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}."
"UnusedAccountValidityDays": 7
"AliasAttributes": [
"Arn": "arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-east-1:123456789012:userpool/us-east-1_EXAMPLE",
"AutoVerifiedAttributes": [
"CreationDate": 1689721665.239,
"DeletionProtection": "ACTIVE",
"DeviceConfiguration": {
"ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice": true,
"DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt": true
"EmailConfiguration": {
"ConfigurationSet": "my-test-ses-configuration-set",
"EmailSendingAccount": "DEVELOPER",
"From": "",
"ReplyToEmailAddress": "",
"SourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/"
"EmailVerificationMessage": "Your verification code is {####}.",
"EmailVerificationSubject": "Verify your email address",
"EstimatedNumberOfUsers": 0,
"Id": "us-east-1_EXAMPLE",
"LambdaConfig": {
"CustomEmailSender": {
"LambdaArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"LambdaVersion": "V1_0"
"CustomMessage": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"CustomSMSSender": {
"LambdaArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"LambdaVersion": "V1_0"
"DefineAuthChallenge": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"KMSKeyID": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:767671399759:key/4d43904c-8edf-4bb4-9fca-fb1a80e41cbe",
"PostAuthentication": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"PostConfirmation": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"PreAuthentication": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"PreSignUp": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"PreTokenGeneration": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"UserMigration": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction",
"VerifyAuthChallengeResponse": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction"
"LastModifiedDate": 1689721665.239,
"MfaConfiguration": "OPTIONAL",
"Name": "my-test-user-pool",
"Policies": {
"PasswordPolicy": {
"MinimumLength": 6,
"RequireLowercase": true,
"RequireNumbers": true,
"RequireSymbols": true,
"RequireUppercase": true,
"TemporaryPasswordValidityDays": 7
"SchemaAttributes": [
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": false,
"Name": "sub",
"Required": true,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "1"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "name",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "given_name",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "family_name",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "middle_name",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "nickname",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "preferred_username",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "profile",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "picture",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "website",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "email",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "Boolean",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "email_verified",
"Required": false
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "gender",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "birthdate",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "10",
"MinLength": "10"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "zoneinfo",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "locale",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "phone_number",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "Boolean",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "phone_number_verifie",
"Required": false
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "address",
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxLength": "2048",
"MinLength": "0"
"AttributeDataType": "Number",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "updated_at",
"NumberAttributeConstraints": {
"MinValue": "0"
"Required": false
"AttributeDataType": "Number",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": true,
"Mutable": true,
"Name": "dev:custom:mydev",
"NumberAttributeConstraints": {
"MaxValue": "99",
"MinValue": "1"
"Required": false
"SmsAuthenticationMessage": "Your verification code is {####}.",
"SmsConfiguration": {
"ExternalId": "my-role-external-id",
"SnsCallerArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/test-cognito-SMS-Role",
"SnsRegion": "us-east-1"
"SmsVerificationMessage": "Your verification code is {####}.",
"UserAttributeUpdateSettings": {
"AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate": [
"UserPoolAddOns": {
"AdvancedSecurityMode": "OFF"
"UserPoolTags": {
"my-test-tag-key": "my-test-tag-value"
"UsernameConfiguration": {
"CaseSensitive": true
"VerificationMessageTemplate": {
"DefaultEmailOption": "CONFIRM_WITH_CODE",
"EmailMessage": "Your confirmation code is {####}",
"EmailMessageByLink": "Choose this link to {##verify your email##}",
"EmailSubject": "Here is your confirmation code",
"EmailSubjectByLink": "Here is your confirmation link",
"SmsMessage": "Your confirmation code is {####}"
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: