Use AdminRespondToAuthChallenge with an Amazon SDK or CLI - Amazon Cognito
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Use AdminRespondToAuthChallenge with an Amazon SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use AdminRespondToAuthChallenge.

Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code example:

Amazon SDK for .NET

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/// <summary> /// Respond to an admin authentication challenge. /// </summary> /// <param name="userName">The name of the user.</param> /// <param name="clientId">The client ID.</param> /// <param name="mfaCode">The multi-factor authentication code.</param> /// <param name="session">The current application session.</param> /// <param name="clientId">The user pool ID.</param> /// <returns>The result of the authentication response.</returns> public async Task<AuthenticationResultType> AdminRespondToAuthChallengeAsync( string userName, string clientId, string mfaCode, string session, string userPoolId) { Console.WriteLine("SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA challenge is generated"); var challengeResponses = new Dictionary<string, string>(); challengeResponses.Add("USERNAME", userName); challengeResponses.Add("SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE", mfaCode); var respondToAuthChallengeRequest = new AdminRespondToAuthChallengeRequest { ChallengeName = ChallengeNameType.SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA, ClientId = clientId, ChallengeResponses = challengeResponses, Session = session, UserPoolId = userPoolId, }; var response = await _cognitoService.AdminRespondToAuthChallengeAsync(respondToAuthChallengeRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Response to Authentication {response.AuthenticationResult.TokenType}"); return response.AuthenticationResult; }
SDK for C++

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Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig; // Optional: Set to the AWS Region (overrides config file). // clientConfig.region = "us-east-1"; Aws::CognitoIdentityProvider::CognitoIdentityProviderClient client(clientConfig); Aws::CognitoIdentityProvider::Model::AdminRespondToAuthChallengeRequest request; request.AddChallengeResponses("USERNAME", userName); request.AddChallengeResponses("SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE", mfaCode); request.SetChallengeName( Aws::CognitoIdentityProvider::Model::ChallengeNameType::SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA); request.SetClientId(clientID); request.SetUserPoolId(userPoolID); request.SetSession(session); Aws::CognitoIdentityProvider::Model::AdminRespondToAuthChallengeOutcome outcome = client.AdminRespondToAuthChallenge(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "Here is the response to the challenge.\n" << outcome.GetResult().GetAuthenticationResult().Jsonize().View().WriteReadable() << std::endl; accessToken = outcome.GetResult().GetAuthenticationResult().GetAccessToken(); } else { std::cerr << "Error with CognitoIdentityProvider::AdminRespondToAuthChallenge. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; }
Amazon CLI

To respond to an authentication challenge

There are many ways to respond to different authentication challenges, depending on your authentication flow, user pool configuration, and user settings. The following admin-respond-to-auth-challenge example provides a TOTP MFA code for and completes sign-in. This user pool has device remembering turned on, so the authentication result also returns a new device key.

aws cognito-idp admin-respond-to-auth-challenge \ --user-pool-id us-west-2_EXAMPLE \ --client-id 1example23456789 \ --challenge-name SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA \ --challenge-responses,SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE=000000 \ --session AYABeExample...


{ "ChallengeParameters": {}, "AuthenticationResult": { "AccessToken": "eyJra456defEXAMPLE", "ExpiresIn": 3600, "TokenType": "Bearer", "RefreshToken": "eyJra123abcEXAMPLE", "IdToken": "eyJra789ghiEXAMPLE", "NewDeviceMetadata": { "DeviceKey": "us-west-2_a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "DeviceGroupKey": "-ExAmPlE1" } } }

For more information, see Admin authentication flow in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

SDK for Java 2.x

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

// Respond to an authentication challenge. public static void adminRespondToAuthChallenge(CognitoIdentityProviderClient identityProviderClient, String userName, String clientId, String mfaCode, String session) { System.out.println("SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA challenge is generated"); Map<String, String> challengeResponses = new HashMap<>(); challengeResponses.put("USERNAME", userName); challengeResponses.put("SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE", mfaCode); AdminRespondToAuthChallengeRequest respondToAuthChallengeRequest = AdminRespondToAuthChallengeRequest.builder() .challengeName(ChallengeNameType.SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA) .clientId(clientId) .challengeResponses(challengeResponses) .session(session) .build(); AdminRespondToAuthChallengeResponse respondToAuthChallengeResult = identityProviderClient .adminRespondToAuthChallenge(respondToAuthChallengeRequest); System.out.println("respondToAuthChallengeResult.getAuthenticationResult()" + respondToAuthChallengeResult.authenticationResult()); }
SDK for JavaScript (v3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

const adminRespondToAuthChallenge = ({ userPoolId, clientId, username, totp, session, }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new AdminRespondToAuthChallengeCommand({ ChallengeName: ChallengeNameType.SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA, ChallengeResponses: { SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE: totp, USERNAME: username, }, ClientId: clientId, UserPoolId: userPoolId, Session: session, }); return client.send(command); };
SDK for Kotlin

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

// Respond to an authentication challenge. suspend fun adminRespondToAuthChallenge( userName: String, clientIdVal: String?, mfaCode: String, sessionVal: String?, ) { println("SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA challenge is generated") val challengeResponsesOb = mutableMapOf<String, String>() challengeResponsesOb["USERNAME"] = userName challengeResponsesOb["SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE"] = mfaCode val adminRespondToAuthChallengeRequest = AdminRespondToAuthChallengeRequest { challengeName = ChallengeNameType.SoftwareTokenMfa clientId = clientIdVal challengeResponses = challengeResponsesOb session = sessionVal } CognitoIdentityProviderClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { identityProviderClient -> val respondToAuthChallengeResult = identityProviderClient.adminRespondToAuthChallenge(adminRespondToAuthChallengeRequest) println("respondToAuthChallengeResult.getAuthenticationResult() ${respondToAuthChallengeResult.authenticationResult}") } }
SDK for Python (Boto3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

Respond to an MFA challenge by providing a code generated by an associated MFA application.

class CognitoIdentityProviderWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon Cognito actions""" def __init__(self, cognito_idp_client, user_pool_id, client_id, client_secret=None): """ :param cognito_idp_client: A Boto3 Amazon Cognito Identity Provider client. :param user_pool_id: The ID of an existing Amazon Cognito user pool. :param client_id: The ID of a client application registered with the user pool. :param client_secret: The client secret, if the client has a secret. """ self.cognito_idp_client = cognito_idp_client self.user_pool_id = user_pool_id self.client_id = client_id self.client_secret = client_secret def respond_to_mfa_challenge(self, user_name, session, mfa_code): """ Responds to a challenge for an MFA code. This completes the second step of a two-factor sign-in. When sign-in is successful, it returns an access token that can be used to get AWS credentials from Amazon Cognito. :param user_name: The name of the user who is signing in. :param session: Session information returned from a previous call to initiate authentication. :param mfa_code: A code generated by the associated MFA application. :return: The result of the authentication. When successful, this contains an access token for the user. """ try: kwargs = { "UserPoolId": self.user_pool_id, "ClientId": self.client_id, "ChallengeName": "SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA", "Session": session, "ChallengeResponses": { "USERNAME": user_name, "SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE": mfa_code, }, } if self.client_secret is not None: kwargs["ChallengeResponses"]["SECRET_HASH"] = self._secret_hash( user_name ) response = self.cognito_idp_client.admin_respond_to_auth_challenge(**kwargs) auth_result = response["AuthenticationResult"] except ClientError as err: if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ExpiredCodeException": logger.warning( "Your MFA code has expired or has been used already. You might have " "to wait a few seconds until your app shows you a new code." ) else: logger.error( "Couldn't respond to mfa challenge for %s. Here's why: %s: %s", user_name, err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise else: return auth_result

For a complete list of Amazon SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using this service with an Amazon SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.