Setting up Facebook as an identity pools IdP
Amazon Cognito identity pools work with Facebook to provide federated authentication for your application users. This section explains how to register and set up your application with Facebook as an IdP.
Set up Facebook
Register your application with Facebook before you authenticate Facebook users and interact with Facebook APIs.
The Facebook Developers portal
Amazon Cognito identity pools federation isn't compatible with Facebook Limited
Setting up Facebook
At the Facebook Developers portal
, log in with your Facebook credentials. -
From the Apps menu, select Add a New App.
Select a platform and complete the quick start process.
For more information about how to integrate Android apps with Facebook Login, see the
Getting Started Guide
iOS - Objective-C
For more information about how to integrate iOS Objective-C apps with Facebook Login,
see the Facebook
Getting Started Guide
iOS - Swift
For more information about how to integrate iOS Swift apps with Facebook Login, see
the Facebook
Getting Started Guide
For more information about how to integrate JavaScript web apps with Facebook Login,
see the Facebook Getting Started Guide
For more information about how to integrate Unity apps with Facebook Login, see the
Facebook Getting Started
To add Facebook authentication, first follow the appropriate flow below to integrate the Facebook SDK into your application. Amazon Cognito identity pools use the Facebook access token to generate a unique user identifier that is associated with an Amazon Cognito identity.
Configure an identity provider in the Amazon Cognito identity pools console
Use the following procedure to configure your identity provider.
To add a Facebook identity provider (IdP)
Choose Identity pools from the Amazon Cognito console
. Select an identity pool. -
Choose the User access tab.
Select Add identity provider.
Choose Facebook.
Enter the App ID of the OAuth project that you created at Meta for Developers
. For more information, see Facebook Login in the Meta for Developers Docs. -
To set the role that Amazon Cognito requests when it issues credentials to users who have authenticated with this provider, configure Role settings.
You can assign users from that IdP the Default role that you set up when you configured your Authenticated role, or you can Choose role with rules.
If you chose Choose role with rules, enter the source Claim from your user's authentication, the Operator that you want to compare the claim by, the Value that will cause a match to this role choice, and the Role that you want to assign when the Role assignment matches. Select Add another to create an additional rule based on a different condition.
Choose a Role resolution. When your user's claims don't match your rules, you can deny credentials or issue credentials for your Authenticated role.
To change the principal tags that Amazon Cognito assigns when it issues credentials to users who have authenticated with this provider, configure Attributes for access control.
To apply no principal tags, choose Inactive.
To apply principal tags based on
claims, choose Use default mappings. -
To create your own custom schema of attributes to principal tags, choose Use custom mappings. Then enter a Tag key that you want to source from each Claim that you want to represent in a tag.
Select Save changes.
Using Facebook
To add Facebook authentication, first follow the Facebook guide
After you authenticate your user with the Facebook SDK, add the session token to the Amazon Cognito credentials provider.
Facebook SDK 4.0 or later:
Map<String, String> logins = new HashMap<String, String>(); logins.put("", AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken().getToken()); credentialsProvider.setLogins(logins);
Facebook SDK before 4.0:
Map<String, String> logins = new HashMap<String, String>(); logins.put("", Session.getActiveSession().getAccessToken()); credentialsProvider.setLogins(logins);
The Facebook login process initializes a singleton session in its SDK. The Facebook session object contains an OAuth token that Amazon Cognito uses to generate Amazon credentials for your authenticated end user. Amazon Cognito also uses the token to check against your user database for the existence of a user that matches this particular Facebook identity. If the user already exists, the API returns the existing identifier. Otherwise, the API returns a new identifier. The client SDK automatically caches identifiers on the local device.
After you set the logins map, make a call to refresh
to retrieve the Amazon credentials.
iOS - Objective-C
To add Facebook authentication, first follow the Facebook guide
To provide the Facebook access token to Amazon Cognito, implement the AWSIdentityProviderManager protocol.
When you implement the logins
method, return a dictionary that contains
. This dictionary acts as the key, and the
current access token from the authenticated Facebook user acts as the value, as shown in
the following code example.
- (AWSTask<NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *> *)logins { FBSDKAccessToken* fbToken = [FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]; if(fbToken){ NSString *token = fbToken.tokenString; return [AWSTask taskWithResult: @{ AWSIdentityProviderFacebook : token }]; }else{ return [AWSTask taskWithError:[NSError errorWithDomain:@"Facebook Login" code:-1 userInfo:@{@"error":@"No current Facebook access token"}]]; } }
When you instantiate the AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider
, pass the class
that implements AWSIdentityProviderManager
as the value of
in the constructor. For more information, go to the
reference page and choose
iOS - Swift
To add Facebook authentication, first follow the Facebook guide
Amazon Cognito identity pools federation isn't compatible with Facebook
Limited Login
To provide the Facebook access token to Amazon Cognito, implement the AWSIdentityProviderManager protocol.
When you implement the logins
method, return a dictionary containing
. This dictionary acts as the key, and the
current access token from the authenticated Facebook user acts as the value, as shown in
the following code example.
class FacebookProvider: NSObject, AWSIdentityProviderManager { func logins() -> AWSTask<NSDictionary> { if let token = AccessToken.current?.authenticationToken { return AWSTask(result: [AWSIdentityProviderFacebook:token]) } return AWSTask(error:NSError(domain: "Facebook Login", code: -1 , userInfo: ["Facebook" : "No current Facebook access token"])) } }
When you instantiate the AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider
, pass the class
that implements AWSIdentityProviderManager
as the value of
in the constructor. For more information, go to the
AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider reference page and choose
To add Facebook authentication, follow the Facebook Login for the Web
After you authenticate your user with the Facebook SDK, add the session token to the Amazon Cognito credentials provider.
FB.login(function (response) { // Check if the user logged in successfully. if (response.authResponse) { console.log('You are now logged in.'); // Add the Facebook access token to the Amazon Cognito credentials login map. AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({ IdentityPoolId: 'IDENTITY_POOL_ID', Logins: { '': response.authResponse.accessToken } }); // Obtain AWS credentials AWS.config.credentials.get(function(){ // Access AWS resources here. }); } else { console.log('There was a problem logging you in.'); } });
The Facebook SDK obtains an OAuth token that Amazon Cognito uses to generate Amazon credentials for your authenticated end user. Amazon Cognito also uses the token to check against your user database for the existence of a user matching this particular Facebook identity. If the user already exists, the API returns the existing identifier. Otherwise a new identifier is returned. Identifiers are automatically cached by the client SDK on the local device.
After you set the logins map, make a call to refresh
to get the credentials. For a code example, see "Use Case 17,
Integrating User Pools with Cognito Identity," in the JavaScript README file
To add Facebook authentication, first follow the Facebook guideFB
object to generate a unique user identifier that is associated with an
Amazon Cognito identity.
After you authenticate your user with the Facebook SDK, add the session token to the Amazon Cognito credentials provider:
void Start() { FB.Init(delegate() { if (FB.IsLoggedIn) { //User already logged in from a previous session AddFacebookTokenToCognito(); } else { FB.Login ("email", FacebookLoginCallback); } }); } void FacebookLoginCallback(FBResult result) { if (FB.IsLoggedIn) { AddFacebookTokenToCognito(); } else { Debug.Log("FB Login error"); } } void AddFacebookTokenToCognito() { credentials.AddLogin ("", AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken.TokenString); }
Before you use FB.AccessToken
, call FB.Login()
and make sure
is true.
Xamarin for Android:
public void InitializeFacebook() { FacebookSdk.SdkInitialize(this.ApplicationContext); callbackManager = CallbackManagerFactory.Create(); LoginManager.Instance.RegisterCallback(callbackManager, new FacebookCallback < LoginResult > () { HandleSuccess = loginResult = > { var accessToken = loginResult.AccessToken; credentials.AddLogin("", accessToken.Token); //open new activity }, HandleCancel = () = > { //throw error message }, HandleError = loginError = > { //throw error message } }); LoginManager.Instance.LogInWithReadPermissions(this, new List < string > { "public_profile" }); }
Xamarin for iOS:
public void InitializeFacebook() { LoginManager login = new LoginManager(); login.LogInWithReadPermissions(readPermissions.ToArray(), delegate(LoginManagerLoginResult result, NSError error) { if (error != null) { //throw error message } else if (result.IsCancelled) { //throw error message } else { var accessToken = loginResult.AccessToken; credentials.AddLogin("", accessToken.Token); //open new view controller } }); }