The managed login sign-in endpoint: /login - Amazon Cognito
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The managed login sign-in endpoint: /login

The login endpoint is an authentication server and a redirect destination from Authorize endpoint. It's the entry point to managed login when you don't specify an identity provider. When you generate a redirect to the login endpoint, it loads the login page and presents the authentication options configured for the client to the user.


The login endpoint is a component of managed login. In your app, invoke federation and managed login pages that redirect to the login endpoint. Direct access by users to the login endpoint isn't a best practice.

GET /login

The /login endpoint only supports HTTPS GET for your user's initial request. Your app invokes the page in a browser like Chrome or Firefox. When you redirect to /login from the Authorize endpoint, it passes along all the parameters that you provided in your initial request. The login endpoint supports all the request parameters of the authorize endpoint. You can also access the login endpoint directly. As a best practice, originate all your users' sessions at /oauth2/authorize.

Example – prompt the user to sign in

This example displays the login screen.

GET response_type=code& client_id=ad398u21ijw3s9w3939& redirect_uri=https://YOUR_APP/redirect_uri& state=STATE& scope=openid+profile+aws.cognito.signin.user.admin
Example – response

The authentication server redirects to your app with the authorization code and state. The server must return the code and state in the query string parameters and not in the fragment.

HTTP/1.1 302 Found Location: https://YOUR_APP/redirect_uri?code=AUTHORIZATION_CODE&state=STATE

User-initiated sign-in request

After your user loads the /login endpoint, they can enter a user name and password and choose Sign in. When they do this, they generate an HTTPS POST request with the same header request parameters as the GET request, and a request body with their username, password, and a device fingerprint.