Metrics for Amazon Cognito user pools - Amazon Cognito
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Metrics for Amazon Cognito user pools

The following table lists the metrics available for Amazon Cognito user pools. The Amazon CloudWatch metrics namespace for Amazon Cognito is AWS/Cognito. For more information, see Namespaces in Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.


Metrics that haven't had any new data points in the past two weeks don't appear in the console. They also don't appear when you enter their metric name or dimension names in the search box in the All metrics tab in the console. In addition, they are not returned in the results of a list-metrics command. The best way to retrieve these metrics is with the get-metric-data or get-metric-statistics commands in the Amazon CLI.

Metric Description

Provides the total number of successful user registration requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A successful user registration request produces a value of 1, whereas an unsuccessful request produces a value of 0. A throttled request is also considered as an unsuccessful request, and hence a throttled request will also produce a count of 0.

To find the percentage of successful user registration requests, use the Average statistic on this metric. To count the total number of user registration requests, use the Sample Count statistic on this metric. To count the total number of successful user registration requests, use the Sum statistic on this metric. To count the total number of failed user registration requests, use the CloudWatch Math expression and subtract the Sum statistic from the Sample Count statistic.

This metric is published for each user pool for each user pool client. In case when the user registration is performed by an admin, the metric is published with the user pool client as Admin.

Note that this metric is not emitted for User import and User migration cases.

Metric dimension: UserPool, UserPoolClient

Units: Count


Provides the total number of throttled user registration requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A count of 1 is published whenever a user registration request is throttled.

To count the total number of throttled user registration requests, use the Sum statistic for this metric.

This metric is published for each user pool for each client. In case when the request that was throttled was made by an administrator, the metric is published with user pool client as Admin.

Metric dimension: UserPool, UserPoolClient

Units: Count


Provides the total number of successful user authentication requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A user authentication is considered successful when authentication token is issued to the user. A successful authentication produces a value of 1, whereas an unsuccessful request produces a value of 0. A throttled request is also considered as an unsuccessful request, and hence a throttled request will also produce a count of 0.

To find the percentage of successful user authentication requests, use the Average statistic on this metric. To count the total number of user authentication requests, use the Sample Count statistic on this metric. To count the total number of successful user authentication requests, use the Sum statistic on this metric. To count the total number of failed user authentication requests, use the CloudWatch Math expression and subtract the Sum statistic from the Sample Count statistic.

This metric is published for each user pool for each client. In case an invalid user pool client is provided with a request, the corresponding user pool client value in the metric contains a fixed value Invalid instead of the actual invalid value sent in the request.

Note that requests to refresh the Amazon Cognito token is not included in this metric. There is a separate metric for providing Refresh token statistics.

Metric dimension: UserPool, UserPoolClient

Units: Count


Provides the total number of throttled user authentication requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A count of 1 is published whenever an authentication request is throttled.

To count the total number of throttled user authentication requests, use the Sum statistic for this metric.

This metric is published for each user pool for each client. In case an invalid user pool client is provided with a request, the corresponding user pool client value in the metric contains a fixed value Invalid instead of the actual invalid value sent in the request.

Requests to refresh Amazon Cognito token is not included in this metric. There is a separate metric for providing Refresh token statistics.

Metric dimension: UserPool, UserPoolClient

Units: Count


Provides the total number of successful requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token that were made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A successful refresh Amazon Cognito token request produces a value of 1, whereas an unsuccessful request produces a value of 0. A throttled request is also considered as an unsuccessful request, and hence a throttled request will also produce a count of 0.

To find the percentage of successful requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token, use the Average statistic on this metric. To count the total number of requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token, use the Sample Count statistic on this metric. To count the total number of successful requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token, use the Sum statistic on this metric. To count the total number of failed requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token, use the CloudWatch Math expression and subtract the Sum statistic from the Sample Count statistic.

This metric is published per each user pool client. If an invalid user pool client is in a request, the user pool client value contains a fixed value of Invalid.

Metric dimension: UserPool, UserPoolClient

Units: Count


Provides the total number of throttled requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token that were made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A count of 1 is published whenever a refresh Amazon Cognito token request is throttled.

To count the total number of throttled requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token, use the Sum statistic for this metric.

This metric is published for each user pool for each client. In case an invalid user pool client is provided with a request, corresponding user pool client value in the metric contains a fixed value Invalid instead of the actual invalid value sent in the request.

Metric dimension: UserPool, UserPoolClient

Units: Count


Provides the total number of successful identity federation requests to the Amazon Cognito user pool. An identity federation is considered successful when Amazon Cognito issues authentication tokens to the user. A successful identity federation request produces a value of 1, whereas an unsuccessful request produces a value of 0. Throttled requests and requests that generate an authorization code but no tokens produce a value of 0.

To find the percentage of successful identity federation requests, use the Average statistic on this metric. To count the total number of identity federation requests, use the Sample Count statistic on this metric. To count the total number of successful identity federation requests, use the Sum statistic on this metric. To count the total number of failed identity federation requests, use the CloudWatch Math expression and subtract the Sum statistic from the Sample Count statistic.

Metric dimension: UserPool, UserPoolClient, IdentityProvider

Units: Count


Provides the total number of throttled identity federation requests to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A count of 1 is published whenever an identity federation request is throttled.

To count the total number of throttled identity federation requests, use the Sum statistic for this metric.

Metric dimension: UserPool, UserPoolClient, IdentityProvider

Units: Count


Provides the total number of calls customers made related to a category. This metric includes all the calls, such as throttled calls, failed calls, and successful calls.

This metric is available in the Usage nameSpace.

The category quota is enforced for each Amazon account across all user pools in an account and Region.

You can count the total number of calls in a category using the Sum statistic for this metric.

Metric dimension: Service, Type, Resource, Class

Units: Count


Provides the total number of throttled calls related to a category.

This metric is available in the Usage nameSpace.

This metric is published at the account level.

You can count the total number of calls in a category, using the Sum statistic for this metric.

Metric dimension: Service, Type, Resource, Class

Units: Count