Custom scope multi-tenancy best practices
Amazon Cognito supports custom OAuth 2.0 scopes for resource servers. You can implement app client multi-tenancy in users pools for machine-to-machine (M2M) authorization models with custom scopes. Scope-based multi-tenancy reduces the effort required to implement M2M multi-tenancy by defining access in your app client or application configuration.
Currently, you can’t customize access tokens to add custom claims or scopes in client credentials (M2M) authorization flows.
The following diagram illustrates one option for custom scope multi-tenancy. It shows each tenant with a dedicated app client that has access to relevant scopes in a user pool.
When to implement custom-scope multi-tenancy
When your usage is M2M authorization with client credentials in a confidential client. As a best practice, create resource servers that are exclusive to an app client. Custom scope multi-tenancy can be request-dependent or client-dependent.
- Request-dependent
Implement application logic to request only the scopes that match the requirements of your tenant. For example, an app client might be able to issue read and write access to API A and API B, but tenant application A requests only the read scope for API A and the scope that indicates tenancy. This model allows for more complex combinations of shared scopes between tenants.
- Client-dependent
Request all scopes assigned to an app client in your authorization requests. To do this, omit the
request parameter in your request to the Token endpoint. This model allows for app clients to store the access indicators that you want to add to your custom scopes.
In either case, your applications receive access tokens with scopes that indicate their privileges for data sources that they depend on. Scopes can also present other information to your application:
Designate tenancy
Contribute to request logging
Indicate the APIs that the application is authorized to query
Inform initial checks for active customers.
Level of effort
Custom-scope multi-tenancy requires a varying level of effort relative to the scale of your application. You must devise application logic that allows your applications to parse access tokens and make the appropriate API requests.
For example, a resource server scope comes in the format [resource server
. The resource server identifier is unlikely to be relevant
to the authorization decision from the tenant scope, requiring the scope name to be
consistently parsed.
Example resource
The following Amazon CloudFormation template creates a user pool for custom-scope multi-tenancy with one resource server and app client.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Description: A sample template illustrating scope-based multi-tenancy Resources: MyUserPool: Type: "AWS::Cognito::UserPool" MyUserPoolDomain: Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPoolDomain Properties: UserPoolId: !Ref MyUserPool # Note that the value for "Domain" must be unique across all of AWS. # In production, you may want to consider using a custom domain. # See: Domain: !Sub "example-userpool-domain-${AWS::AccountId}" MyUserPoolResourceServer: Type: "AWS::Cognito::UserPoolResourceServer" Properties: Identifier: resource1 Name: resource1 Scopes: - ScopeDescription: Read-only access ScopeName: readScope UserPoolId: !Ref MyUserPool MyUserPoolTenantBatch1ResourceServer: Type: "AWS::Cognito::UserPoolResourceServer" Properties: Identifier: TenantBatch1 Name: TenantBatch1 Scopes: - ScopeDescription: tenant1 identifier ScopeName: tenant1 - ScopeDescription: tenant2 identifier ScopeName: tenant2 UserPoolId: !Ref MyUserPool MyUserPoolClientTenant1: Type: "AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient" Properties: AllowedOAuthFlows: - client_credentials AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient: true AllowedOAuthScopes: - !Sub "${MyUserPoolTenantBatch1ResourceServer}/tenant1" - !Sub "${MyUserPoolResourceServer}/readScope" GenerateSecret: true UserPoolId: !Ref MyUserPool Outputs: UserPoolClientId: Description: User pool client ID Value: !Ref MyUserPoolClientTenant1 UserPoolDomain: Description: User pool domain Value: !Sub "https://${MyUserPoolDomain}.auth.${AWS::Region}"