Creating Aggregators - Amazon Config
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Creating Aggregators

You can use the Amazon Config console or the Amazon CLI to create your aggregators. From the Amazon Config you can choose Add individual account IDs or Add my organization from where you want to aggregate data. For the Amazon CLI there are two different procedures.

Creating Aggregators (Console)

On the Aggregator page, you can create an aggregator by specifying the source account IDs or organization and regions from where you want to aggregate data.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Config console at

  2. Navigate to the Aggregators page and choose Create aggregator.

  3. Allow data replication, gives permission to Amazon Config to replicate data from the source accounts into an aggregator account.

    Choose Allow Amazon Config to replicate data from source account(s) into an aggregator account. You must select this checkbox to continue to add an aggregator.

  4. For Aggregator name, type the name for your aggregator.

    The aggregator name must be a unique name with a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters. The name can contain hyphens and underscores.

  5. For Select source accounts, either choose Add individual account IDs or Add my organization from where you want to aggregate data.


    Authorization is required when using Add individual account IDs to select source accounts.

    • If you choose Add individual account IDs, you can add individual account IDs for an aggregator account.

      1. Choose Add source accounts to add account IDs.

      2. Choose Add Amazon Web Services account IDs to manually add comma-separated Amazon Web Services account IDs. If you want to aggregate data from the current account, type the account ID of the account.


        Choose Upload a file to upload a file (.txt or .csv) of comma-separated Amazon Web Services account IDs.

      3. Choose Add source accounts to confirm your selection.

    • If you choose Add my organization, you can add all accounts in your organization to an aggregator account.


      You must be signed in to the management account or a registered delegated administrator and all the features must be enabled in your organization. If the caller is a management account, Amazon Config calls EnableAwsServiceAccess API to enable integration between Amazon Config and Amazon Organizations. If the caller is a registered delegated administrator, Amazon Config calls ListDelegatedAdministrators API to verify whether the caller is a valid delegated administrator.

      Ensure that the management account registers delegated administrator for Amazon Config service principal name ( before the delegated administrator creates an aggregator. To register a delegated administrator, see Registering a Delegated Administrator.

      You must assign an IAM role to allow Amazon Config to call read-only APIs for your organization.

      1. Choose Choose a role from your account to select an existing IAM role.


        In the IAM console, attach the AWSConfigRoleForOrganizations managed policy to your IAM role. Attaching this policy allows Amazon Config to call Amazon Organizations DescribeOrganization, ListAWSServiceAccessForOrganization, and ListAccounts APIs. By default is automatically specified as a trusted entity.

      2. Or, choose Create a role and type a name for your IAM role name to create IAM role.

  6. For Regions, choose the regions for which you want to aggregate data.

    • Select one region or multiple regions or all the Amazon Web Services Regions.

    • Select Include future Amazon Web Services Regions to aggregate data from all future Amazon Web Services Regions where multi-account multi-region data aggregation is enabled.

  7. Choose Save. Amazon Config displays the aggregator.

Creating Aggregators using Individual Accounts (Amazon CLI)
  1. Open a command prompt or a terminal window.

  2. Enter the following command to create an aggregator named MyAggregator.

    aws configservice put-configuration-aggregator --configuration-aggregator-name MyAggregator --account-aggregation-sources "[{\"AccountIds\": [\"AccountID1\",\"AccountID2\",\"AccountID3\"],\"AllAwsRegions\": true}]"

    For account-aggregation-sources, enter one of the following.

    • A comma-separated list of Amazon Web Services account IDs for which you want to aggregate data. Wrap the account IDs in square brackets, and be sure to escape quotation marks (for example, "[{\"AccountIds\": [\"AccountID1\",\"AccountID2\",\"AccountID3\"],\"AllAwsRegions\": true}]").

    • You can also upload a JSON file of comma-separated Amazon Web Services account IDs. Upload the file using the following syntax: --account-aggregation-sources MyFilePath/MyFile.json

      The JSON file must be in the following format:

    [ { "AccountIds": [ "AccountID1", "AccountID2", "AccountID3" ], "AllAwsRegions": true } ]
  3. Press Enter to execute the command.

    You should see output similar to the following:

    { "ConfigurationAggregator": { "ConfigurationAggregatorArn": "arn:aws:config:Region:AccountID:config-aggregator/config-aggregator-floqpus3", "CreationTime": 1517942461.442, "ConfigurationAggregatorName": "MyAggregator", "AccountAggregationSources": [ { "AllAwsRegions": true, "AccountIds": [ "AccountID1", "AccountID2", "AccountID3" ] } ], "LastUpdatedTime": 1517942461.442 } }
Creating Aggreagtors using Amazon Organizations (Amazon CLI)

Before you begin this procedure, you must be signed in to the management account or a registered delegated administrator and all the features must be enabled in your organization.


Ensure that the management account registers a delegated administrator with both of the following Amazon Config service principal names ( before the delegated administrator creates an aggregator. To register a delegated administrator, see Registering a Delegated Administrator.

  1. Open a command prompt or a terminal window.

  2. If have not created an IAM role for your Amazon Config aggregator, enter the following command:

    aws iam create-role --role-name OrgConfigRole --assume-role-policy-document "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"\"},\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\"}]}" --description "Role for organizational AWS Config aggregator"

    Copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) from this IAM role for use when you create your Amazon Config aggregator. You can find the ARN on the response object.

  3. If have not attached a policy to your IAM role, attach the AWSConfigRoleForOrganizations managed policy or enter the following command:

    aws iam create-policy --policy-name OrgConfigPolicy --policy-document '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Action":["organizations:ListAccounts","organizations:DescribeOrganization","organizations:ListAWSServiceAccessForOrganization","organizations:ListDelegatedAdministrators"],"Resource":"*"}]}'
  4. Enter the following command to create an aggregator named MyAggregator.

    aws configservice put-configuration-aggregator --configuration-aggregator-name MyAggregator --organization-aggregation-source "{\"RoleArn\": \"Complete-Arn\",\"AllAwsRegions\": true}"
  5. Press Enter to execute the command.

    You should see output similar to the following:

    { "ConfigurationAggregator": { "ConfigurationAggregatorArn": "arn:aws:config:Region:AccountID:config-aggregator/config-aggregator-floqpus3", "CreationTime": 1517942461.442, "ConfigurationAggregatorName": "MyAggregator", "OrganizationAggregationSource": { "AllAwsRegions": true, "RoleArn": "arn:aws-cn:iam::account-of-role-to-assume:role/name-of-role" }, "LastUpdatedTime": 1517942461.442 } }