Starting Amazon Config with a customer managed configuration recorder using the Amazon CLI
You can start Amazon Config by creating a customer managed configuration recorder. To create a customer managed configuration recorder with the Amazon CLI, use the following commands: put-configuration-recorder
, put-delivery-channel
, and
command creates a customer managed configuration recorder.The
command creates a delivery channel where Amazon Config delivers configuration information to an S3 bucket and SNS topic.The
starts the customer managed configuration recorder. The customer managed configuration recorder will begin recording configuration changes for the resource types you specify.
S3 bucket, SNS topic, and IAM role are required
To create a customer managed configuration recorder, you need to create an S3 bucket, an SNS topic, and an IAM role with attached policies as prerequisites. To set up your prerequisites for Amazon Config, see Prerequisites.
One customer managed configuration recorder per account per Region
You can have only one customer managed configuration recorder for each Amazon Web Services account for each Amazon Web Services Region.
One delivery channel per account per Region
You can have only one delivery channel region for each Amazon Web Services account for each Amazon Web Services Region.
Policies and compliance results
IAM policies and other policies managed in Amazon Organizations can impact whether Amazon Config has permissions to record configuration changes for your resources. Additionally, rules directly evaluate the configuration of a resource and rules don't take into account these policies when running evaluations. Make sure that the policies in effect align with how you intend to use Amazon Config.
Step 1: Run the put-configuration-recorder
Use the put-configuration-recorder
command to create a customer managed configuration recorder:
This command uses the --configuration-recorder
and ---recording-group
$ aws configservice put-configuration-recorder \ --configuration-recorder
\ --recording-groupfile://recordingGroup.json
The configuration-recorder
The configurationRecorder.json
file specifies name
and roleArn
as well as the default recording frequency for the configuration recorder (recordingMode
You can also use this field to override the recording frequency for specific resource types.
{ "name": "
", "roleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/config-role
", "recordingMode": { "recordingFrequency":CONTINUOUS
, "recordingModeOverrides": [ { "description": "Description you provide for the override
", "recordingFrequency":CONTINUOUS
, "resourceTypes": [Comma-separated list of resource types to include in the override
] } ] } }
The recording-group
The recordingGroup.json
file specifies which resource types are recorded.
{ "allSupported":
, "exclusionByResourceTypes": { "resourceTypes": [Comma-separated list of resource types to exclude
] }, "includeGlobalResourceTypes":boolean
, "recordingStrategy": { "useOnly": "Recording strategy for the configuration recorder
" }, "resourceTypes": [Comma-separated list of resource types to include
] }
For more information about these fields, see put-configuration-recorder
in the Amazon CLI Command Reference.
Step 2: Run the put-delivery-channel command
Use the put-delivery-channel
command to create a delivery channel:
This command uses the --delivery-channel
$ aws configservice put-delivery-channel --delivery-channel file://deliveryChannel.json
The delivery-channel
The deliveryChannel.json
file specifies the following:
for the delivery channel.The
where Amazon Config sends configuration snapshots.The
where Amazon Config sends notificationsThe
which sets how often Amazon Config delivers configuration snapshots and how often it invokes evaluations for periodic rules.
{ "name": "
", "s3BucketName": "config-bucket-123456789012
", "snsTopicARN": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:config-topic
", "configSnapshotDeliveryProperties": { "deliveryFrequency": "Twelve_Hours
" } }
For more information about these fields, see put-delivery-channel
in the Amazon CLI Command Reference.
Step 3: Run the start-configuration-recorder command
Use the start-configuration-recorder
command to start Amazon Config:
$ aws configservice start-configuration-recorder --configuration-recorder-name
For more information about these fields, see start-configuration-recorder
in the Amazon CLI Command Reference.