Verifying Delivery Status - Amazon Config
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Verifying Delivery Status

Enter the describe-delivery-channel-status command to verify that the Amazon Config has started delivering the configurations to the specified delivery channel:

$ aws configservice describe-delivery-channel-status { "DeliveryChannelsStatus": [ { "configStreamDeliveryInfo": { "lastStatusChangeTime": 1415138614.125, "lastStatus": "SUCCESS" }, "configHistoryDeliveryInfo": { "lastSuccessfulTime": 1415148744.267, "lastStatus": "SUCCESS", "lastAttemptTime": 1415148744.267 }, "configSnapshotDeliveryInfo": { "lastSuccessfulTime": 1415333113.4159999, "lastStatus": "SUCCESS", "lastAttemptTime": 1415333113.4159999 }, "name": "default" } ] }

The response lists the status of all the three delivery formats that Amazon Config uses to deliver configurations to your bucket and topic.

View the lastSuccessfulTime field in configSnapshotDeliveryInfo. The time should match the time you last requested the delivery of the configuration snapshot.


Amazon Config uses the UTC format (Coordinated Universal Time) to record the time.