Verifying Delivery Status
Enter the describe-delivery-channel-status
command to verify that
the Amazon Config has started delivering the configurations to the specified delivery channel:
$ aws configservice describe-delivery-channel-status { "DeliveryChannelsStatus": [ { "configStreamDeliveryInfo": { "lastStatusChangeTime": 1415138614.125, "lastStatus": "SUCCESS" }, "configHistoryDeliveryInfo": { "lastSuccessfulTime": 1415148744.267, "lastStatus": "SUCCESS", "lastAttemptTime": 1415148744.267 }, "configSnapshotDeliveryInfo": { "lastSuccessfulTime": 1415333113.4159999, "lastStatus": "SUCCESS", "lastAttemptTime": 1415333113.4159999 }, "name": "default" } ] }
The response lists the status of all the three delivery formats that Amazon Config uses to deliver configurations to your bucket and topic.
View the lastSuccessfulTime
field in
. The time should match the time you last
requested the delivery of the configuration snapshot.
Amazon Config uses the UTC format (Coordinated Universal Time) to record the time.