Read Configuration Items with Amazon Config for Third-Party Resources using the Amazon CLI
Read a configuration item for a third-party resource or a custom resource type using the following procedure:
Open a command prompt or a terminal window.
Enter the following command:
aws configservice list-discovered-resources --resource-type MyCustomNamespace::Testing::WordPress
Press Enter.
You should see output similar to the following:
{ "resourceIdentifiers": [ { "resourceType": "MyCustomNamespace::Testing::WordPress", "resourceId": "resource-001" } ] }
Enter the following command:
aws configservice batch-get-resource-config --resource-keys '[ { "resourceType": "MyCustomNamespace::Testing::WordPress", "resourceId": "resource-001" } ]'
Press Enter.
You should see output similar to the following:
{ "unprocessedResourceKeys": [], "baseConfigurationItems": [ { "configurationItemCaptureTime": 1569605832.673, "resourceType": "MyCustomNamespace::Testing::WordPress", "resourceId": "resource-001", "configurationStateId": "1569605832673", "awsRegion": "us-west-2", "version": "1.3", "supplementaryConfiguration": {}, "configuration": "{\"Id\":\"resource-001\",\"Name\":\"My example custom resource.\",\"PublicAccess\":false}", "configurationItemStatus": "ResourceDiscovered", "accountId": "
" } ] }