Viewing Compliance History for your Amazon Resources with Amazon Config
For accurate reporting on the compliance status, you must record the AWS::Config::ResourceCompliance
resource type.
For more information, see Recording Amazon Resources.
You can view the configuration, relationships, and number of changes made to a resource in the Amazon Config console. You can view the configuration history for a resource using Amazon CLI.
Viewing Compliance History (Console)
When you look up resources on the Resource inventory page, choose the resource name or ID in the resource identifier column to view the resource's details page. The details page provides information about the configuration, relationships, and number of changes made to that resource.
To access the resource timeline from the resource details page, choose the Resource Timeline button. The Resource timeline captures
changes as ConfigurationItems
over a period of time for a specific
resource. You can filter by Configuration events, Compliance events, or CloudTrail
Viewing Compliance History (Amazon CLI)
The configuration items that Amazon Config records are delivered to the specified delivery channel on demand as a configuration snapshot and as a configuration stream. You can use the Amazon CLI to view history of configuration items for each resource.
Viewing Configuration History
Enter the get-resource-config-history
command and specify the
resource type and the resource ID, for example:
$ aws configservice get-resource-config-history --resource-type AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup --resource-id sg-6fbb3807 { "configurationItems": [ { "configurationItemCaptureTime": 1414708529.9219999, "relationships": [ { "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "resourceId": "i-7a3b232a", "relationshipName": "Is associated with Instance" }, { "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "resourceId": "i-8b6eb2ab", "relationshipName": "Is associated with Instance" }, { "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "resourceId": "i-c478efe5", "relationshipName": "Is associated with Instance" }, { "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "resourceId": "i-e4cbe38d", "relationshipName": "Is associated with Instance" } ], "availabilityZone": "Not Applicable", "tags": {}, "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", "resourceId": "sg-6fbb3807", "configurationStateId": "1", "relatedEvents": [], "arn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-2:012345678912:security-group/default", "version": "1.0", "configurationItemMD5Hash": "860aa81fc3869e186b2ee00bc638a01a", "configuration": "{\"ownerId\":\"605053316265\",\"groupName\":\"default\",\"groupId\":\"sg-6fbb3807\",\"description\":\"default group\",\"ipPermissions\":[{\"ipProtocol\":\"tcp\",\"fromPort\":80,\"toPort\":80,\"userIdGroupPairs\":[{\"userId\":\"amazon-elb\",\"groupName\":\"amazon-elb-sg\",\"groupId\":\"sg-843f59ed\"}],\"ipRanges\":[\"\"]},{\"ipProtocol\":\"tcp\",\"fromPort\":0,\"toPort\":65535,\"userIdGroupPairs\":[{\"userId\":\"605053316265\",\"groupName\":\"default\",\"groupId\":\"sg-6fbb3807\"}],\"ipRanges\":[]},{\"ipProtocol\":\"udp\",\"fromPort\":0,\"toPort\":65535,\"userIdGroupPairs\":[{\"userId\":\"605053316265\",\"groupName\":\"default\",\"groupId\":\"sg-6fbb3807\"}],\"ipRanges\":[]},{\"ipProtocol\":\"icmp\",\"fromPort\":-1,\"toPort\":-1,\"userIdGroupPairs\":[{\"userId\":\"605053316265\",\"groupName\":\"default\",\"groupId\":\"sg-6fbb3807\"}],\"ipRanges\":[]},{\"ipProtocol\":\"tcp\",\"fromPort\":1433,\"toPort\":1433,\"userIdGroupPairs\":[],\"ipRanges\":[\"\"]},{\"ipProtocol\":\"tcp\",\"fromPort\":3389,\"toPort\":3389,\"userIdGroupPairs\":[],\"ipRanges\":[\"\"]}],\"ipPermissionsEgress\":[],\"vpcId\":null,\"tags\":[]}", "configurationItemStatus": "ResourceDiscovered", "accountId": "605053316265" } ], "nextToken": ..........
For detailed explanation of the response fields, see Components of a Configuration Item and Supported Resource Types for Amazon Config.
Example Amazon EBS Configuration History from Amazon Config
Amazon Config generates a set of files that each represent a resource type and lists all configuration changes for the resources of that type that Amazon Config is recording. Amazon Config exports this resource-centric configuration history as an object in the Amazon S3 bucket that you specified when you enabled Amazon Config. The configuration history file for each resource type contains the changes that were detected for the resources of that type since the last history file was delivered. The history files are typically delivered every six hours.
The following is an example of the contents of the Amazon S3 object that describes the
configuration history of all the Amazon Elastic Block Store volumes in the current region for your
Amazon Web Services account. The volumes in this account include vol-ce676ccc
. Volume vol-ce676ccc
had two configuration
changes since the previous history file was delivered while volume
had one change.
{ "fileVersion": "1.0", "requestId": "asudf8ow-4e34-4f32-afeb-0ace5bf3trye", "configurationItems": [ { "snapshotVersion": "1.0", "resourceId": "vol-ce676ccc", "arn": "arn:aws:us-west-2b:123456789012:volume/vol-ce676ccc", "accountId": "12345678910", "configurationItemCaptureTime": "2014-03-07T23:47:08.918Z", "configurationStateID": "3e660fdf-4e34-4f32-afeb-0ace5bf3d63a", "configurationItemStatus": "OK", "relatedEvents": [ "06c12a39-eb35-11de-ae07-adb69edbb1e4", "c376e30d-71a2-4694-89b7-a5a04ad92281" ], "availibilityZone": "us-west-2b", "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Volume", "resourceCreationTime": "2014-02-27T21:43:53.885Z", "tags": {}, "relationships": [ { "resourceId": "i-344c463d", "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "name": "Attached to Instance" } ], "configuration": { "volumeId": "vol-ce676ccc", "size": 1, "snapshotId": "", "availabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "state": "in-use", "createTime": "2014-02-27T21:43:53.0885+0000", "attachments": [ { "volumeId": "vol-ce676ccc", "instanceId": "i-344c463d", "device": "/dev/sdf", "state": "attached", "attachTime": "2014-03-07T23:46:28.0000+0000", "deleteOnTermination": false } ], "tags": [ { "tagName": "environment", "tagValue": "PROD" }, { "tagName": "name", "tagValue": "DataVolume1" } ], "volumeType": "standard" } }, { "configurationItemVersion": "1.0", "resourceId": "vol-ce676ccc", "arn": "arn:aws:us-west-2b:123456789012:volume/vol-ce676ccc", "accountId": "12345678910", "configurationItemCaptureTime": "2014-03-07T21:47:08.918Z", "configurationItemState": "3e660fdf-4e34-4f32-sseb-0ace5bf3d63a", "configurationItemStatus": "OK", "relatedEvents": [ "06c12a39-eb35-11de-ae07-ad229edbb1e4", "c376e30d-71a2-4694-89b7-a5a04w292281" ], "availibilityZone": "us-west-2b", "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Volume", "resourceCreationTime": "2014-02-27T21:43:53.885Z", "tags": {}, "relationships": [ { "resourceId": "i-344c463d", "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "name": "Attached to Instance" } ], "configuration": { "volumeId": "vol-ce676ccc", "size": 1, "snapshotId": "", "availabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "state": "in-use", "createTime": "2014-02-27T21:43:53.0885+0000", "attachments": [ { "volumeId": "vol-ce676ccc", "instanceId": "i-344c463d", "device": "/dev/sdf", "state": "attached", "attachTime": "2014-03-07T23:46:28.0000+0000", "deleteOnTermination": false } ], "tags": [ { "tagName": "environment", "tagValue": "PROD" }, { "tagName": "name", "tagValue": "DataVolume1" } ], "volumeType": "standard" } }, { "configurationItemVersion": "1.0", "resourceId": "vol-cia007c", "arn": "arn:aws:us-west-2b:123456789012:volume/vol-cia007c", "accountId": "12345678910", "configurationItemCaptureTime": "2014-03-07T20:47:08.918Z", "configurationItemState": "3e660fdf-4e34-4f88-sseb-0ace5bf3d63a", "configurationItemStatus": "OK", "relatedEvents": [ "06c12a39-eb35-11de-ae07-adjhk8edbb1e4", "c376e30d-71a2-4694-89b7-a5a67u292281" ], "availibilityZone": "us-west-2b", "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Volume", "resourceCreationTime": "2014-02-27T20:43:53.885Z", "tags": {}, "relationships": [ { "resourceId": "i-344e563d", "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "name": "Attached to Instance" } ], "configuration": { "volumeId": "vol-cia007c", "size": 1, "snapshotId": "", "availabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "state": "in-use", "createTime": "2014-02-27T20:43:53.0885+0000", "attachments": [ { "volumeId": "vol-cia007c", "instanceId": "i-344e563d", "device": "/dev/sdf", "state": "attached", "attachTime": "2014-03-07T23:46:28.0000+0000", "deleteOnTermination": false } ], "tags": [ { "tagName": "environment", "tagValue": "PROD" }, { "tagName": "name", "tagValue": "DataVolume2" } ], "volumeType": "standard" } } ] }
Viewing Compliance History Timeline for Resources and Rules
Amazon Config supports storing compliance state changes of resources as evaluated by Amazon Config Rules. The
resource compliance history is presented in the form of a timeline. The timeline captures
changes as ConfigurationItems
over a period of time for a specific resource.
For information on the contents of ConfigurationItem
, see ConfigurationItem in the Amazon Config API
You can opt in or out to record all resource types in Amazon Config. If you have opted to record
all resource types, Amazon Config automatically begins recording the resource compliance history as
evaluated by Amazon Config Rules. By default, Amazon Config records the configuration changes for all supported
resources. You can also select only the specific resource compliance history resource type:
. For more information, see Recording Amazon Records.