Viewing recommended actions and estimated savings
Use the following procedure to view a recommended action and estimated savings for a specific resource ID.
On the Savings opportunities page, under Resources with estimated savings, choose a row in the table.
This opens a split-view panel with a recommended action and estimated savings for your chosen resource.
The recommended action includes the following information:
Usage: The usage based on a 14-day lookback period.
Estimated cost (before discounts): The savings estimate using Amazon public (On-Demand) pricing without incorporating any discounts.
Estimated other discounts: Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized, which includes Free Tier. Itemized discounts include Savings Plans and Reserved Instances.
Estimated cost (after discounts): The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
Estimated unused net amortized commitments: The net amortized Savings Plans and Reserved Instances costs included in the cost of the current instance but can't be used for the recommended instance.
Estimated monthly savings: The estimated monthly savings amount for the recommendation.
Estimated savings percentage: The estimated savings percentage relative to the total cost.
Based on the recommended action, you can choose to view the recommendation in the Amazon Billing and Cost Management console, or you can open it in Amazon Compute Optimizer or the relevant console.