Sharing your rightsizing recommendations
You can download a rightsizing recommendations report in CSV format.
To download your recommendations
Open the Amazon Billing and Cost Management console at
. -
In the navigation pane, under Legacy pages, choose Rightsizing.
Under Findings, choose Download CSV.
The following is a list of fields in the downloadable CSV file from the Rightsizing recommendations page. The fields are repeated if there are multiple rightsizing options available. The file also contains all of your relevant cost allocation tags.
Account ID – The Amazon account ID that owns the instance that the recommendation is based off of.
Account Name – The name of the account that owns the instance that the recommendation is based off of.
Instance ID – The unique instance identifier.
Instance Name – The name you've given to the instance.
Instance Type – The instance family and size of the original instance.
Instance Name – The name you've given an instance. This field will show as blank if you haven't given the instance a name.
OS – The operating system or platform of the current instance.
Region – The Amazon Region that the instance is running in.
Running Hours – The total number of running hours of the instance over the last 14 days.
RI Hours – The subset of the total running hours that are covered by an Amazon reservation over the look-back period.
OD Hours – The subset of the total running hours that are On-Demand over the look-back period.
SP Hours – The subset of the total running hours that are covered by Savings Plans over the look-back period.
CPU Utilization – The maximum CPU utilization of the instance over the look-back period.
Memory Utilization – The maximum memory utilization of the instance over the look-back period (if available from the Amazon CloudWatch agent).
Disk Utilization – The maximum disk utilization of the instance over the look-back period (if available from the CloudWatch agent - currently not supported).
Network Capacity – The maximum network input/output operations per second capacity of the current instance. This isn't a measure of actual instance use or performance, only capacity. It's not considered in the recommendation.
EBS Read Throughput – The maximum number of read operations per second.
EBS Write Throughput – The maximum number of write operations per second.
EBS Read Bandwidth – The maximum volume of read KiB per second.
EBS Write Bandwidth – The maximum volume of write KiB per second.
Recommended Action – The recommended action, either modify or terminate the instance.
Recommended Instance Type 1 – The instance family and size of the recommended instance type. For termination recommendations, this field is empty.
Recommended Instance Type 1 Estimated Saving – The projected savings based on the recommended action, instance type, associated rates, and your current Reserved Instance (RI) portfolio.
Recommended Instance Type 1 Projected CPU – The projected value of the CPU utilization based on utilization of current instance CPU and recommended instance specifications.
Recommended Instance Type 1 Projected Memory – The projected value of the memory utilization based on utilization of current instance memory and recommended instance specifications.
Recommended Instance Type 1 Projected Disk – The projected value of the disk utilization based on utilization of current instance disk and recommended instance specifications.
Recommended Instance Type 1 Network Capacity – The maximum network input/output operations per second capacity of the recommended instance. This isn't a measure of actual instance use or performance, only capacity. It's not considered in the recommendation.