Understanding your amortized reservation data - Amazon Data Exports
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Understanding your amortized reservation data

Amortizing is when you distribute one-time reservation costs across the billing period that is affected by that cost. Amortizing enables you to see your costs in accrual-based accounting as opposed to cash-based accounting. For example, if you pay $365 for an All Upfront RI for one year and you have a matching instance that uses that RI, that instance costs you $1 a day, amortized.

You can see the data that Billing and Cost Management uses to calculate your amortized costs in the following Cost and Usage Reports columns.


Not all reservation/ columns are populated for every Reserved Instance line item. The reservation/ columns in your report are populated based on the line item type. For example, RI fee line items populate the reservation/UnusedAmortizedUpfrontFeeForBillingPeriod column. Meanwhile, DiscountedUsage line items populate the reservation/effectivecost column.

Reserved Instance inventory

You can use the following columns to track your RI inventory. The values for these columns appear only for RI subscription line items (also known as RI Fee line items) and not for the actual instances using the RIs.

For more information about column descriptions and sample values, see Reservation details.

  • reservation/UpfrontValue

  • reservation/startTime

  • reservation/endTime

  • reservation/modificationStatus

Amortization data for the billing period

You can use the following columns to understand the amortized costs of your RIs for the billing period. The values for these columns appear only for RI subscription line items (also known as RI Fee line items) and not for the actual instances using the RIs.

For more information about column descriptions and sample values, see Reservation details.

  • reservation/amortizedUpfrontFeeForBillingPeriod

  • reservation/unusedQuantity

  • reservation/unusedNormalizedUnitQuantity

  • reservation/unusedRecurringFee

  • reservation/unusedAmortizedUpfrontFeeForBillingPeriod

Reserved Instance effective costs

You can use the following columns to understand your effective cost at the instance level. The values for these columns appear only for instance usage line items (also known as Discounted Usage boxUsage line items).

For more information about column descriptions and sample values, see Reservation details.

  • reservation/amortizedUpfrontCostForUsage

  • reservation/recurringFeeForUsage

  • reservation/effectiveCost