Processing data exports
In the following sections, you'll find information about processing your data exports.
Configuring Amazon Athena
Unlike Cost and Usage Reports (CUR), Data Exports doesn't offer an SQL file for setting up Athena to query your exports. You'll need to either use a CloudFormation template for Data Exports (see option 1) or manually configure Athena (see option 2).
(Option 1) Use a CloudFormation template: To locate the
CloudFormation template and instructions for setting up Athena with Data Exports, refer to Data Exports in the Cloud Intelligence
Dashboards Framework
(Option 2) Use an Amazon Glue crawler to build your table and partitions for Athena: When creating CUR for Athena, we suggest using the Apache Parquet file format; it offers better compression and column-oriented storage which contributes to smaller and less expensive Athena queries. The overwrite delivery preference is required so that each monthly partition always contains only one copy of each file and no duplicate line items appear when you execute queries with Amazon Athena.
We also recommend using Amazon Glue with a Glue crawler to load your data into Athena.
To build a table and partitions for Athena using an Amazon Glue crawler
Create an export of CUR 2.0 with the following data export delivery options:
Compression type and file format: Parquet - Parquet
File versioning: Overwrite existing data export file
In Athena, use the notebook editor with Trino SQL and choose Create to create a table with "Amazon Glue crawler". Using the Glue crawler workflow, point the Glue crawler to run on the s3://<bucket-name>/<prefix>/<export-name>/data folder to automatically load all of the delivered partitions for the specified export to Athena.
After the Glue crawler is complete, you can use Athena to write queries on the table created by the Glue crawler.
Configuring Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift is a cloud data warehouse that can be accessed either in a provisioned capacity or serverless model. Amazon Redshift offers fast query performance for processing your data from Data Exports.
Currently, Data Exports doesn't provide the SQL file for setting up Redshift to query your exports like Cost and Usage Reports (CUR) does. However, you can still manually set up Redshift to query your exports. We recommend that you use the gzip/csv compression and file format for Redshift.
For information on setting up Redshift, see the Amazon Redshift Getting Started Guide.
Recommended SQL queries for processing CUR 2.0
After loading your CUR 2.0 export data into a data analytics tool such as Amazon Athena or
Amazon Redshift, you can process it in order to gain cost and usage insights. Amazon
Well-Architected Labs provides a CUR query library that you can use to process CUR. For more
information, see Amazon CUR Query Library
Note the following two pieces of information about SQL queries:
The Well-Architected Labs SQL queries won't work in the data export query field, because Data Exports doesn't support aggregations and some of the other SQL syntax used in these queries.
The Well-Architected Labs SQL queries will only work if you haven’t renamed your columns from the default names. Depending on the query, you may need to query some of the product columns as separate columns using the dot operator. For more information, see Data query–SQL query and table configurations.