Cost and usage dashboard - Amazon Data Exports
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Cost and usage dashboard

The SQL table name for cost and usage dashboard is COST_AND_USAGE_DASHBOARD.

Table configurations

Table configurations are user-controlled properties that a user can set to change the data or schema of a table before it's queried in Data Exports.

The Cost and Usage Dashboard does not have any modifiable table configurations.

Amazon Organizations support

The cost and usage dashboard table is generated from CUR 2.0 data, which means that it inherits the same Amazon Organizations settings that apply to CUR 2.0 and the same behavior applies. To understand how Amazon Organizations applies to the cost and usage dashboard, refer to Amazon Organizations support in the CUR 2.0 section.

Cost and usage dashboard columns

Column name Description
amortized_cost The effective cost of the upfront and monthly reservation fees spread across the billing period. This is the sum of costs based on the type of line item. The cost is determined as follows:
  • If the line item type is ‘SavingsPlanCoveredUsage’, the cost is the effective cost of the savings plan.

  • If the line item type is ‘SavingsPlanRecurringFee’, the cost is the total commitment to date of the savings plan minus the used commitment..

  • If the line item type is ‘SavingsPlanNegation’ or ‘SavingsPlanUpfrontFee’, the cost is 0.

  • If the line item type is ‘DiscountedUsage’, the cost is the effective cost of the reservation.

  • If the line item type is ‘RIFee’, the cost is the sum of the unused amortized upfront fee for the billing period and the unused recurring fee of the reservation.

  • If the line item type is ‘Fee’ and there is a reservation ARN, the cost is 0.

  • For all other line item types, the cost is the unblended cost of the line item.

availability_zone The Availability Zone that hosts this line item. For example, us-east-1a or us-east-1b.
billing_entity Helps you identify whether your invoices or transactions are for Amazon Marketplace or for purchases of other Amazon services. Possible values include:

Amazon: Identifies a transaction for Amazon services other than in Amazon Marketplace.

Amazon Marketplace: Identifies a purchase in Amazon Marketplace.


The start date of the billing period that is covered by dashboard, in UTC. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ.

Example: 2023-10-01T00:00:00.000Z

charge_category The category of the charge covered by this line item. The following are the possible categories:

Running_usage: When the charge_type is one of the following: ‘DiscountedUsage’, SavingsPlanCoveredUsage’, or ‘Usage’.

Non_Usage: For all the remaining charge_types.

charge_type The type of charge covered by this line item. See lineItem/LineItemType here for all the possible values.
current_generation Helps you identify whether your Amazon RDS instance is of current generation or not.
database_engine Describes the database engine of your database.

Examples: PostgreSQL, Oracle.

instance_type Describes the instance type, size, and family, which define the CPU, networking, and storage capacity of your instance.

Examples: t2.small, m4.xlarge, t2.micro, m4.large, t2.large

instance_type_family The instance family that is associated with the given usage.

Examples: t2, m4, m3


  • Amazon DocumentDB

  • Amazon RDS

invoice_id The ID associated with a specific line item. The Invoice_Id remains blank until the export is final.
item_description The description of the line item type. For example, the description of a usage line item summarizes what type of usage you incurred during a specific time period.

For size-flexible RIs, the description corresponds to the RI the benefit was applied to. For example, if a line item corresponds to a t2.micro and a t2.small RI was applied to the usage, the lineItem/LineItemDescription displays t2.small.

The description for a usage line item with an RI discount contains the pricing plan covered by the line item.

legal_entity The Seller of Record of a specific product or service. In most cases, the invoicing entity and legal entity are the same. The values might differ for third-party Amazon Marketplace transactions. Possible values include:

Amazon Web Services, Inc. : The entity that sells Amazon services.

Amazon Web Services India Private Limited : The local Indian entity that acts as a reseller for Amazon services in India.

linked_account_id The account ID of the account that used this line item. For organizations, this can be either the management account or a member account. You can use this field to track costs or usage by account.
linked_account_name The name of the account that used this line item. For organizations, this can be either the management account or a member account. You can use this field to track costs or usage by account.
operation The specific Amazon operation covered by this line item. This describes the specific usage of the line item. For example, a value of RunInstances indicates the operation of an Amazon EC2 instance.
payer_account_id The account ID of the paying account. For an organization in Amazon Organizations, this is the account ID of the management account.
payer_account_name The account name of the paying account. For an organization in Amazon Organizations, this is the name of the management account.
platform Describes the operating system of your Amazon EC2 instance.

Examples: Amazon Linux, Ubuntu, Windows Server, Oracle Linux, FreeBSD


  • Amazon AppStream

  • Amazon EC2

  • Amazon GameLift

  • Amazon Lightsail

  • Amazon WorkSpaces

  • Amazon CodeBuild

pricing_unit The pricing unit that Amazon used for calculating your usage cost. For example, the pricing unit for Amazon EC2 instance usage is in hours.
processor Describes the processor on your Amazon EC2 instance.

Examples: High Frequency Intel Xeon E7-8880 v3 (Haswell), Intel Xeon E5-2670, AMD EPYC 7571


  • Amazon DocumentDB

  • Amazon EC2

  • Amazon Neptune

  • Amazon RDS

  • Amazon Database Migration Service

processor_features Describes the processor features of your instances.

Examples: Intel AVX, Intel AVX2, Intel AVX512, Intel Turbo


  • Amazon Database Migration Service

  • Amazon DocumentDB

  • Amazon EC2

  • Amazon Neptune

  • Amazon RDS

product_code The code of the product measured. For example, AmazonEC2 is the product code for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
product_family The category for the type of product.

Examples:Alarm, Amazon Budgets, Stopped Instance, Storage Snapshot, Compute

product_from_location Describes the location where the usage originated from.

Sample values: External, US East (N. Virginia), Global


  • Amazon CloudFront

  • Amazon DataTransfer

product_group A construct of several products that are similar by definition, or grouped together. For example, the Amazon EC2 team can categorize their products into shared instances, dedicated host, and dedicated usage.


  • Amazon Certificate Manager

  • Amazon CodeCommit

  • Amazon Glue

  • Amazon IoT Analytics

  • Amazon Lambda

product_name The full name of the Amazon service.

Examples: Amazon Backup, Amazon Config, Amazon Registrar, Amazon Elastic File System, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

product_to_location Describes the location usage destination.

Sample values: External, US East (N. Virginia)


  • Amazon CloudFront

  • Amazon DataTransfer

public_cost The total cost for the line item based on public On-Demand Instance rates. If you have SKUs with multiple On-Demand public costs, the equivalent cost for the highest tier is displayed. For example, services offering free-tiers or tiered pricing.
purchase_option The way in which you acquired and paid for the Amazon resource in this line item. The purchase_option column contains ‘SavingsPlan’, ‘Reserved’, or ‘Spot’ for savings plans, reserved instances, and spot instances respectively. The purchase_option column has ‘OnDemand’ for the remaining records.
region The geographical area that hosts your Amazon services. Use this field to analyze spend across a particular Region.

Examples: eu-west-3, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-northeast-2, sa-east-1


  • Amazon EC2

  • Amazon Certificate Manager

  • Amazon S3

  • Amazon RDS

  • Amazon DynamoDB

  • For the full service list, download:

ri_sp_arn The unique Savings Plan or Reserved Instance identifier. It typically follows the format arn: aws: savingsplans: <region>:<account-id>:savingsplan/<savings-plan-id> or arn: aws:ec2:<region>:<account>reserved-instances/<reserved-instance-id>.
ri_sp_trueup This is the sum of adjustments based on the type of line item. True-up represents the difference between total upfront fees incurred in the period using an unblended cost, and the smaller portion of upfront fees applicable to the period using an amortized cost. The adjustment is determined as follows:
  • If the line item type is ‘SavingsPlanRecurringFee’, the adjustment is the negative of the amortized upfront commitment for the billing period of the Savings Plan.

  • If the line item type is ‘RIFee’, the adjustment is the negative of the amortized upfront fee for the billing period of the reservation.

  • For all other line item types, the adjustment is 0.

ri_sp_upfront_fee The upfront fee refers to the initial payment you make when you choose certain types of Reserved Instances or Savings Plans.
service The name of the Amazon service.

Examples: AmazonVPC, AmazonRDS, AmazonRoute53 etc.

tenancy The type of tenancy allowed on the Amazon EC2 instance.

Examples: Dedicated, Reserved, Shared, NA, Host


  • Amazon EC2

  • Amazon ECS

unblended_cost The UnblendedCost is the UnblendedRate multiplied by the UsageAmount.

The start date and time for the line item in UTC. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ.

Example: 2023-10-01T00:00:00.000Z

usage_quantity The amount of usage that you incurred during the specified time period. For size-flexible Reserved Instances, use the reservation/TotalReservedUnits column instead.

Certain subscription charges will have a UsageAmount of 0.

usage_type The usage details of the line item. For example, USW2-BoxUsage:m2.2xlarge describes an M2 High Memory Double Extra Large instance in the US West (Oregon) Region.