Step 1: Launch a DLAMI - Deep Learning AMI
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Step 1: Launch a DLAMI


For this walkthrough, we might make references specific to the Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu 18.04). Even if you select a different DLAMI, you should be able to follow this guide.

  1. Find the ID of your DLAMI

  2. Launch an Amazon EC2 instance from your DLAMI

    You will use the Amazon EC2 Console. Follow the instructions detailed in Launch from Amazon EC2 Console


    CLI Option: If you choose to spin up a DLAMI using the Amazon CLI, you will need the AMI's ID, the region and instance type, and your security token information. Be sure you have your AMI and instance IDs ready. If you haven't set up the Amazon CLI yet, do that first using the guide for Installing the Amazon Command Line Interface.

  3. After you have completed the steps of one of those options, wait for the instance to be ready. This usually takes only a few minutes. You can verify the status of the instance in the EC2 Console.

Retrieve the DLAMI ID

Each AMI possesses a unique identifier (ID). You can query the ID for the DLAMI of your choice with the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI). If you do not already have the Amazon CLI installed, see Getting started with the Amazon CLI.


Refer to the DLAMI release notes in Release Notes for DLAMI for additional software configurations (drivers, python versions, Amazon EBS type).

  1. Make sure that your Amazon credentials are configured.

    aws configure
  2. Use the following command to retrieve the ID of your DLAMI or find the query provided in the Amazon Deep Learning AMI release notes.

    aws ec2 describe-images --region us-east-1 --owners amazon \ --filters 'Name=name,Values=Deep Learning Base OSS Nvidia Driver GPU AMI (Ubuntu 22.04) ????????' 'Name=state,Values=available' \ --query 'reverse(sort_by(Images, &CreationDate))[:1].ImageId' --output text

    You can specify a release version for a given framework or get the latest release by replacing the version number with a question mark.

  3. The output should look similar to the following:


    Copy this DLAMI ID and press q to exit the prompt.

Next Step

Launch from Amazon EC2 Console

Launch from Amazon EC2 Console


To launch an instance with Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), refer to these steps.

  1. Open the EC2 Console.

  2. Note your current region in the top-most navigation. If this isn't your desired Amazon Web Services Region, change this option before proceeding. For more information, see EC2 Regions.

  3. Choose Launch Instance.

  4. Enter a name for your instance and select the DLAMI that is right for you.

    1. Find an existing DLAMI in My AMIs or choose Quick Start.

    2. Search by DLAMI ID. Browse the options then select your choice.

  5. Choose an instance type. You can find the recommended instance families for your DLAMI in the Amazon Deep Learning AMI release notes. For general recommendations on DLAMI instance types, see Instance Selection.

  6. Choose Launch Instance.

Next Step

Step 2: Connect to the DLAMI