Using MXNet-Neuron and the Amazon Neuron Compiler
The MXNet-Neuron compilation API provides a method to compile a model graph that you can run on an Amazon Inferentia device.
In this example, you use the API to compile a ResNet-50 model and use it to run inference.
For more information about the Neuron SDK, see the Amazon Neuron SDK documentation
Before using this tutorial, you should have completed the set up steps in Launching a DLAMI Instance with Amazon Neuron. You should also have a familiarity with deep learning and using the DLAMI.
Activate the Conda Environment
Activate the MXNet-Neuron conda environment using the following command:
source activate aws_neuron_mxnet_p36
To exit the current conda environment, run:
source deactivate
Resnet50 Compilation
Create a Python script called
with the
following content. This script uses the MXNet-Neuron compilation Python API to compile a
ResNet-50 model.
import mxnet as mx import numpy as np print("downloading...") path='''resnet/50-layers/resnet-50-0000.params')'resnet/50-layers/resnet-50-symbol.json') print("download finished.") sym, args, aux = mx.model.load_checkpoint('resnet-50', 0) print("compile for inferentia using neuron... this will take a few minutes...") inputs = { "data" : mx.nd.ones([1,3,224,224], name='data', dtype='float32') } sym, args, aux = mx.contrib.neuron.compile(sym, args, aux, inputs) print("save compiled model...") mx.model.save_checkpoint("compiled_resnet50", 0, sym, args, aux)
Compile the model using the following command:
Compilation will take a few minutes. When compilation has finished, the following files will be in your current directory:
resnet-50-0000.params resnet-50-symbol.json compiled_resnet50-0000.params compiled_resnet50-symbol.json
ResNet50 Inference
Create a Python script called
with the
following content. This script downloads a sample image and uses it to run inference
with the compiled model.
import mxnet as mx import numpy as np path='''synset.txt') fname ='') img = mx.image.imread(fname) # convert into format (batch, RGB, width, height) img = mx.image.imresize(img, 224, 224) # resize img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # Channel first img = img.expand_dims(axis=0) # batchify img = img.astype(dtype='float32') sym, args, aux = mx.model.load_checkpoint('compiled_resnet50', 0) softmax = mx.nd.random_normal(shape=(1,)) args['softmax_label'] = softmax args['data'] = img # Inferentia context ctx = mx.neuron() exe = sym.bind(ctx=ctx, args=args, aux_states=aux, grad_req='null') with open('synset.txt', 'r') as f: labels = [l.rstrip() for l in f] exe.forward(data=img) prob = exe.outputs[0].asnumpy() # print the top-5 prob = np.squeeze(prob) a = np.argsort(prob)[::-1] for i in a[0:5]: print('probability=%f, class=%s' %(prob[i], labels[i]))
Run inference with the compiled model using the following command:
Your output should look like the following:
probability=0.642454, class=n02123045 tabby, tabby cat probability=0.189407, class=n02123159 tiger cat probability=0.100798, class=n02124075 Egyptian cat probability=0.030649, class=n02127052 lynx, catamount probability=0.016278, class=n02129604 tiger, Panthera tigris
Next Step
Using MXNet-Neuron Model Serving