Oracle Endpoint Troubleshooting - Amazon Database Migration Service
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Oracle Endpoint Troubleshooting

This section contains replication scenarios specific to Oracle.

Source reading paused

Amazon DMS pauses reading from an Oracle source in the following scenarios. This behavior is by design. You can investigate the causes for this using the task log. Look for messages similar to the following in the task log. For information about working with the task log, see Viewing and managing Amazon DMS task logs.

  • SORTER message: This indicates that DMS is caching transactions on the replication instance. For more information, see SORTER message in task log following.

  • Debug task logs: If DMS interrupts the read process, your task repeatedly writes the following message to the debug task logs, without a change to the context field or timestamp:

    • Binary reader:

      [SOURCE_CAPTURE ]T: Produce CTI event: context '00000020.f23ec6e5.00000002.000a.00.0000:190805.3477731.16' xid [00000000001e0018] timestamp '2021-07-19 06:57:55' thread 2 (oradcdc_oralog.c:817)
    • Logminer:

      [SOURCE_CAPTURE ]T: Produce INSERT event: object id 1309826 context '000000000F2CECAA010000010005A8F500000275016C0000000000000F2CEC58' xid [000014e06411d996] timestamp '2021-08-12 09:20:32' thread 1 (oracdc_reader.c:2269)
  • Amazon DMS logs the following message for every new redo or archived log operation.

    00007298: 2021-08-13T22:00:34 [SOURCE_CAPTURE ]I: Start processing archived Redo log sequence 14850 thread 2 name XXXXX/XXXXX/ARCHIVELOG/2021_08_14/thread_2_seq_14850.22977.1080547209 (oradcdc_redo.c:754)

    If the source has new redo or archived log operations, and Amazon DMS is not writing these messages to the log, this means that the task is not processing events.

High redo generation

If your task is processing redo or archived logs, but the source latency remains high, try to identify the redo log generation rate and generation patterns. If you have a high level of redo log generation, this increases source latency, because your task reads all of the redo and archive logs in order to fetch changes related to the replicated tables.

To determine the redo generation rate, use the following queries.

  • Per-day redo generation rate:

    select trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'DD') Day, thread#, round(sum(BLOCKS*BLOCK_SIZE)/1024/1024/1024) GB, count(*) Archives_Generated from v$archived_log where completion_time > sysdate- 1 group by trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'DD'),thread# order by 1;
  • Per-hour redo generation rate:

    Alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'; select trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'HH') Hour,thread# , round(sum(BLOCKS*BLOCK_SIZE)/1024/1024) "REDO PER HOUR (MB)", count(*) Archives from v$archived_log where completion_time > sysdate- 1 group by trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'HH'),thread# order by 1 ;

To troubleshoot latency in this scenario, check the following:

  • Check the network bandwidth and single-thread performance of your replication to ensure that your underlying network can support the source redo generation rate. For information about how network bandwidth can affect replication performance, see Network speed and bandwidth prior.

  • Check if you set up supplemental logging corrently. Avoid extra logging on the source, such as enabling logging on all columns of a table. For information about setting up supplemental logging, see Setting up supplemental logging.

  • Verify that you are using the correct API to read the redo or archved logs. You can use either Oracle LogMiner or Amazon DMS Binary Reader. While LogMiner reads the online redo logs and archived redo log files, Binary Reader reads and parses the raw redo log files directly. As a result, Binary Reader is more performant. We recommend that you use Binary Reader if your redo log generation is more than 10 GB/ hour. For more information, see Using Oracle LogMiner or Amazon DMS Binary Reader for CDC.

  • Check if you set ArchivedLogsOnly to Y. If this endpoint setting is set, Amazon DMS reads from the archived redo logs. This increases source latency, because Amazon DMS waits for the online redo log to be archived before reading. For more information, see ArchivedLogsOnly.

  • If your Oracle source uses Automatic Storage Management (ASM), see Storing REDO on Oracle ASM when using Oracle as a source for Amazon DMS for information about how to properly configure your data store. You may also be able to optimize reading performance further by using the asmUsePLSQLArray extra connection attrribute (ECA). For information about using asmUsePLSQLArray, see Endpoint settings when using Oracle as a source for Amazon DMS.