Prometheus metrics - Amazon EKS
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Prometheus metrics


Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus isn't available in this Amazon Web Services Region.

Prometheus is a monitoring and time series database that scrapes endpoints. It provides the ability to query, aggregate, and store collected data. You can also use it for alerting and alert aggregation. This topic explains how to set up Prometheus as either a managed or open source option. Monitoring Amazon EKS control plane metrics is a common use case.

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is a Prometheus-compatible monitoring and alerting service that makes it easy to monitor containerized applications and infrastructure at scale. It is a fully-managed service that automatically scales the ingestion, storage, querying, and alerting of your metrics. It also integrates with Amazon security services to enable fast and secure access to your data. You can use the open-source PromQL query language to query your metrics and alert on them. Also, you can use alert manager in Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus to set up alerting rules for critical alerts. You can then send these critical alerts as notifications to an Amazon SNS topic.

For more information about how to use the Prometheus metrics after you turn them on, see the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus User Guide.

Turn on Prometheus metrics when creating a cluster


Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus resources are outside of the cluster lifecycle and need to be maintained independent of the cluster. When you delete your cluster, make sure to also delete any applicable scrapers to stop applicable costs. For more information, see Find and delete scrapers in the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus User Guide.

When you create a new cluster, you can turn on the option to send metrics to Prometheus. In the Amazon Web Services Management Console, this option is in the Configure observability step of creating a new cluster. For more information, see Create an Amazon EKS cluster.

Prometheus discovers and collects metrics from your cluster through a pull-based model called scraping. Scrapers are set up to gather data from your cluster infrastructure and containerized applications.

When you turn on the option to send Prometheus metrics, Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus provides a fully managed agentless scraper. Use the following Advanced configuration options to customize the default scraper as needed.

Scraper alias

(Optional) Enter a unique alias for the scraper.


Choose an Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspace. A workspace is a logical space dedicated to the storage and querying of Prometheus metrics. With this workspace, you will be able to view Prometheus metrics across the accounts that have access to it. The Create new workspace option tells Amazon EKS to create a workspace on your behalf using the Workspace alias you provide. With the Select existing workspace option, you can select an existing workspace from a dropdown list. For more information about workspaces, see Managing workspaces in the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus User Guide.

Service access

This section summarizes the permissions you grant when sending Prometheus metrics:

  • Allow Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus to describe the scraped Amazon EKS cluster

  • Allow remote writing to the Amazon Managed Prometheus workspace

If the AmazonManagedScraperRole already exists, the scraper uses it. Choose the AmazonManagedScraperRole link to see the Permission details. If the AmazonManagedScraperRole doesn’t exist already, choose the View permission details link to see the specific permissions you are granting by sending Prometheus metrics.


View the subnets that the scraper will inherit. If you need to change them, go back to the create cluster Specify networking step.

Security groups

View the security groups that the scraper will inherit. If you need to change them, go back to the create cluster Specify networking step.

Scraper configuration

Modify the scraper configuration in YAML format as needed. To do so, use the form or upload a replacement YAML file. For more information, see Scraper configuration in the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus User Guide.

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus refers to the agentless scraper that is created alongside the cluster as an Amazon managed collector. For more information about Amazon managed collectors, see Amazon managed collectors in the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus User Guide.


You must set up your aws-auth ConfigMap to give the scraper in-cluster permissions. For more information, see Configuring your Amazon EKS cluster in the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus User Guide.

Viewing Prometheus scraper details

After creating a cluster with the Prometheus metrics option turned on, you can view your Prometheus scraper details. When viewing your cluster in the Amazon Web Services Management Console, choose the Observability tab. A table shows a list of scrapers for the cluster, including information such as the scraper ID, alias, status, and creation date.

To see more details about the scraper, choose a scraper ID link. For example, you can view the scraper configuration, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), remote write URL, and networking information. You can use the scraper ID as input to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus API operations like DescribeScraper and DeleteScraper. You can also use the API to create more scrapers.

For more information on using the Prometheus API, see the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus API Reference.

Deploying Prometheus using Helm

Alternatively, you can deploy Prometheus into your cluster with Helm V3. If you already have Helm installed, you can check your version with the helm version command. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes clusters. For more information about Helm and how to install it, see Deploy applications with Helm on Amazon EKS.

After you configure Helm for your Amazon EKS cluster, you can use it to deploy Prometheus with the following steps.

To deploy Prometheus using Helm
  1. Create a Prometheus namespace.

    kubectl create namespace prometheus
  2. Add the prometheus-community chart repository.

    helm repo add prometheus-community
  3. Deploy Prometheus.

    helm upgrade -i prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus \ --namespace prometheus \ --set alertmanager.persistence.storageClass="gp2" \ --set server.persistentVolume.storageClass="gp2"

    If you get the error Error: failed to download "stable/prometheus" (hint: running `helm repo update` may help) when executing this command, run helm repo update prometheus-community, and then try running the Step 2 command again.

    If you get the error Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists, run helm uninstall your-release-name -n namespace, then try running the Step 3 command again.

  4. Verify that all of the Pods in the prometheus namespace are in the READY state.

    kubectl get pods -n prometheus

    An example output is as follows.

    NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE prometheus-alertmanager-59b4c8c744-r7bgp 1/2 Running 0 48s prometheus-kube-state-metrics-7cfd87cf99-jkz2f 1/1 Running 0 48s prometheus-node-exporter-jcjqz 1/1 Running 0 48s prometheus-node-exporter-jxv2h 1/1 Running 0 48s prometheus-node-exporter-vbdks 1/1 Running 0 48s prometheus-pushgateway-76c444b68c-82tnw 1/1 Running 0 48s prometheus-server-775957f748-mmht9 1/2 Running 0 48s
  5. Use kubectl to port forward the Prometheus console to your local machine.

    kubectl --namespace=prometheus port-forward deploy/prometheus-server 9090
  6. Point a web browser to http://localhost:9090 to view the Prometheus console.

  7. Choose a metric from the - insert metric at cursor menu, then choose Execute. Choose the Graph tab to show the metric over time. The following image shows container_memory_usage_bytes over time.

    Prometheus metrics
  8. From the top navigation bar, choose Status, then Targets.

    Prometheus console

    All of the Kubernetes endpoints that are connected to Prometheus using service discovery are displayed.

Viewing the control plane raw metrics

As an alternative to deploying Prometheus, the Kubernetes API server exposes a number of metrics that are represented in a Prometheus format. These metrics are useful for monitoring and analysis. They are exposed internally through a metrics endpoint that refers to the /metrics HTTP API. Like other endpoints, this endpoint is exposed on the Amazon EKS control plane. This endpoint is primarily useful for looking at a specific metric. To analyze metrics over time, we recommend deploying Prometheus.

To view the raw metrics output, use kubectl with the --raw flag. This command allows you to pass any HTTP path and returns the raw response.

kubectl get --raw /metrics

An example output is as follows.

# HELP rest_client_requests_total Number of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
# TYPE rest_client_requests_total counter
rest_client_requests_total{code="200",host="",method="POST"} 4994
rest_client_requests_total{code="200",host="",method="DELETE"} 1
rest_client_requests_total{code="200",host="",method="GET"} 1.326086e+06
rest_client_requests_total{code="200",host="",method="PUT"} 862173
rest_client_requests_total{code="404",host="",method="GET"} 2
rest_client_requests_total{code="409",host="",method="POST"} 3
rest_client_requests_total{code="409",host="",method="PUT"} 8
# HELP ssh_tunnel_open_count Counter of ssh tunnel total open attempts
# TYPE ssh_tunnel_open_count counter
ssh_tunnel_open_count 0
# HELP ssh_tunnel_open_fail_count Counter of ssh tunnel failed open attempts
# TYPE ssh_tunnel_open_fail_count counter
ssh_tunnel_open_fail_count 0

This raw output returns verbatim what the API server exposes. The different metrics are listed by line, with each line including a metric name, tags, and a value.
