Managing multiple Elastic Beanstalk environments as a group with the EB CLI
You can use the EB CLI to create groups of Amazon Elastic Beanstalk environments, each running a separate component of a service-oriented architecture application. The EB CLI manages such groups by using the ComposeEnvironments API.
Environment groups are different than multiple containers in a Multicontainer Docker environment. With environment groups, each component of your application runs in a separate Elastic Beanstalk environment, with its own dedicated set of Amazon EC2 instances. Each component can scale separately. With Multicontainer Docker, you combine several components of an application into a single environment. All components share the same set of Amazon EC2 instances, with each instance running multiple Docker containers. Choose one of these architectures according to your application's needs.
For details about Multicontainer Docker, see Using the ECS managed Docker platform branch in Elastic Beanstalk.
Organize your application components into the following folder structure:
|-- component-a
| `-- env.yaml
`-- component-b
`-- env.yaml
Each subfolder contains the source code for an independent component of an application that
will run in its own environment and an environment definition file named
. For details on the env.yaml
format, see
Environment manifest (env.yaml).
To use the Compose Environments
API, first run eb init from the
project folder, specifying each component by the name of the folder that contains it with the
~/workspace/project-name$ eb init --modules component-a component-b
The EB CLI prompts you to configure each
component, and then creates the .elasticbeanstalk
directory in
each component folder. EB CLI doesn't create configuration files in the parent directory.
|-- component-a
| |-- .elasticbeanstalk
| `-- env.yaml
`-- component-b
|-- .elasticbeanstalk
`-- env.yaml
Next, run the eb create command with a list of environments to create, one for each component:
~/workspace/project-name$ eb create --modules component-a component-b
--env-group-suffix group-name
This command creates an environment for each component. The names of the environments are
created by concatenating the EnvironmentName
specified in the
file with the group name, separated by a hyphen. The total
length of these two options and the hyphen must not exceed the maximum allowed environment name
length of 23 characters.
To update the environment, use the eb deploy command:
~/workspace/project-name$ eb deploy --modules component-a component-b
You can update each component individually or you can update them as a group. Specify the
components that you want to update with the --modules
The EB CLI stores the group name that you used with eb create in the
section of the EB CLI configuration file under
. To deploy your application to a different
group, use the --env-group-suffix
option when you run eb deploy. If
the group does not already exist, the EB CLI will create a new group of environments:
~/workspace/project-name$ eb deploy --modules component-a component-b
--env-group-suffix group-2-name
To terminate environments, run eb terminate in the folder for each module. By
default, the EB CLI will show an error if you try to terminate an environment that another
running environment is dependent on. Terminate the dependent environment first, or use the
option to override the default behavior:
~/workspace/project-name/component-b$ eb terminate --ignore-links