Listener configurations for Classic Load Balancers - Elastic Load Balancing
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Listener configurations for Classic Load Balancers

The following table describes possible configurations for HTTP and HTTPS listeners for a Classic Load Balancer.

Use case Front-end protocol Front-end options Back-end protocol Back-end options Notes
Basic HTTP load balancer HTTP NA HTTP NA
Secure website or application using Elastic Load Balancing to offload SSL decryption HTTPS SSL negotiation HTTP NA
Secure website or application using end-to-end encryption HTTPS SSL negotiation HTTPS Back-end authentication

The following table describes possible configurations for TCP and SSL listeners for a Classic Load Balancer.

Use case Front-end protocol Front-end options Back-end protocol Back-end options Notes
Basic TCP load balancer TCP NA TCP NA
Secure website or application using Elastic Load Balancing to offload SSL decryption SSL SSL negotiation TCP NA
Secure website or application using end-to-end encryption with Elastic Load Balancing SSL SSL negotiation SSL Back-end authentication
  • Requires SSL certificates deployed on the load balancer and the registered instances

  • Does not insert SNI headers on back-end SSL connections

  • Does not support the proxy protocol header