Security role permissions for running a Flink application
This topic describes security roles for deploying and running a Flink application. There are two roles required to manage a deployment and to create and manage jobs, the operator role and job role. This topic introduces them and lists their permissions.
Role based access control
To deploy the operator and run Flink jobs, we must create two Kubernetes roles: one operator and one job role. Amazon EMR creates the two roles by default when you install the operator.
Operator role
We use the operator role to manage flinkdeployments
to create and manage
the JobManager for each Flink job and other resources, like services.
The operator role's default name is emr-containers-sa-flink-operator
requires the following permissions.
rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods - services - events - configmaps - secrets - serviceaccounts verbs: - '*' - apiGroups: - resources: - roles - rolebindings verbs: - '*' - apiGroups: - apps resources: - deployments - deployments/finalizers - replicasets verbs: - '*' - apiGroups: - extensions resources: - deployments - ingresses verbs: - '*' - apiGroups: - resources: - flinkdeployments - flinkdeployments/status - flinksessionjobs - flinksessionjobs/status verbs: - '*' - apiGroups: - resources: - ingresses verbs: - '*' - apiGroups: - resources: - leases verbs: - '*'
Job role
The JobManager uses the job role to create and manage TaskManagers and ConfigMaps for each job.
rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods - configmaps verbs: - '*' - apiGroups: - apps resources: - deployments - deployments/finalizers verbs: - '*'