Getting started with Flink native Kubernetes for Amazon EMR on EKS
These steps show you how to configure, set up a service account for, and run a Flink application. Flink Native Kubernetes is used to deploy Flink on a running Kubernetes cluster.
Configure and run a Flink application
Amazon EMR 6.13.0 and higher supports Flink Native Kubernetes for running Flink applications on an Amazon EKS cluster. To run a Flink application, follow these steps:
Before you can run a Flink application with the Flink Native Kubernetes command, complete the steps in Setting up Flink Native Kubernetes for Amazon EMR on EKS.
Set the values for the following environment variables.
#Export the FLINK_HOME environment variable to your local installation of Flink export FLINK_HOME=
#Will vary depending on your installation export NAMESPACE=flink export CLUSTER_ID=flink-application-cluster export IMAGE=<123456789012.dkr.ecr.sample-Amazon Web Services> export FLINK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=emr-containers-sa-flink export FLINK_CLUSTER_ROLE_BINDING=emr-containers-crb-flinkCreate a service account to manage Kubernetes resources.
kubectl create serviceaccount $FLINK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT -n $NAMESPACE kubectl create clusterrolebinding $FLINK_CLUSTER_ROLE_BINDING --clusterrole=edit --serviceaccount=$NAMESPACE:$FLINK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
Run the
CLI command.$FLINK_HOME/bin/flink run-application \ --target kubernetes-application \ -Dkubernetes.namespace=$NAMESPACE \ -Dkubernetes.cluster-id=$CLUSTER_ID \ -Dkubernetes.container.image.ref=$IMAGE \ -Dkubernetes.service-account=$FLINK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT \ local:///opt/flink/examples/streaming/Iteration.jar 2022-12-29 21:13:06,947 INFO org.apache.flink.kubernetes.utils.KubernetesUtils [] - Kubernetes deployment requires a fixed port. Configuration blob.server.port will be set to 6124 2022-12-29 21:13:06,948 INFO org.apache.flink.kubernetes.utils.KubernetesUtils [] - Kubernetes deployment requires a fixed port. Configuration taskmanager.rpc.port will be set to 6122 2022-12-29 21:13:07,861 WARN org.apache.flink.kubernetes.KubernetesClusterDescriptor [] - Please note that Flink client operations(e.g. cancel, list, stop, savepoint, etc.) won't work from outside the Kubernetes cluster since '' has been set to ClusterIP. 2022-12-29 21:13:07,868 INFO org.apache.flink.kubernetes.KubernetesClusterDescriptor [] - Create flink application cluster flink-application-cluster successfully, JobManager Web Interface: http://flink-application-cluster-rest.flink:8081
Examine the created Kubernetes resources.
kubectl get all -n <namespace> NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/flink-application-cluster-546687cb47-w2p2z 1/1 Running 0 3m37s pod/flink-application-cluster-taskmanager-1-1 1/1 Running 0 3m24s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/flink-application-cluster ClusterIP None <none> 6123/TCP,6124/TCP 3m38s service/flink-application-cluster-rest ClusterIP <none> 8081/TCP 3m38s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/flink-application-cluster 1/1 1 1 3m38s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/flink-application-cluster-546687cb47 1 1 1 3m38s
Port forward to 8081.
kubectl port-forward service/flink-application-cluster-rest 8081 -n <namespace> Forwarding from -> 8081
Locally access the Flink UI.
Delete the Flink application.
kubectl delete deployment.apps/flink-application-cluster -n <namespace> deployment.apps "flink-application-cluster" deleted
For more information about submitting applications to Flink, see
Native Kubernetes