Troubleshooting Amazon EMR on EKS vertical autoscaling - Amazon EMR
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Troubleshooting Amazon EMR on EKS vertical autoscaling

Refer to the following sections if you encounter problems when you set up the Amazon EMR on EKS vertical autoscaling operator on an Amazon EKS cluster with Operator Lifecycle Manager. For more information including steps to complete the installation, see Using vertical autoscaling with Amazon EMR Spark jobs.

403 Forbidden error

If you followed the steps in Install the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) on your Amazon EKS cluster, ran the olm status command, and it returned a 403 Forbidden error like the one below, you might not have obtained the authentication tokens to the Amazon ECR repository for the operator.

To resolve this issue, repeat the step in Install the Amazon EMR on EKS vertical autoscaling operator to obtain the tokens. Then, try the installation again.

Error: FATA[0002] Failed to run bundle: pull bundle image: error pulling image IMAGE. error resolving name : unexpected status code [manifests latest]: 403 Forbidden

Kubernetes namespace not found

When you set up the Amazon EMR on EKS vertical autoscaling operator on an Amazon EKS cluster, you might get a namespaces not found error like the one shown here:

FATA[0020] Failed to run bundle: create catalog: error creating catalog source: namespaces "NAME" not found.

If the namespace that you specify doesn't exist, OLM won't install the vertical autoscaling operator. To resolve this issue, use the following command to create the namespace. Then, try the installation again.

kubectl create namespace NAME

Error saving Docker credentials

To set up vertical autoscaling, you must authenticate and fetch your Amazon EMR on EKS vertical autoscaling-related Docker images. When you do this, you might get an error like the following one if Docker isn't running:

aws ecr get-login-password \ --region $REGION | docker login \ --username AWS \ --password-stdin $ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$ Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exit status 1 out: 'Post "http://ipc/registry/credstore-updated": dial unix backend.sock: connect: no such file or directory'

To resolve this issue, confirm that Docker is running or open Docker Desktop. Then, try to save your credentials again.