Availability Zone flexibility for an Amazon EMR cluster - Amazon EMR
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Availability Zone flexibility for an Amazon EMR cluster

Each Amazon Web Services Region has multiple, isolated locations known as Availability Zones. When you launch an instance, you can optionally specify an Availability Zone (AZ) in the Amazon Web Services Region that you use. Availability Zone flexibility is the distribution of instances across multiple AZs. If one instance fails, you can design your application so that an instance in another AZ can handle requests. For more information on Availability Zones, see the Region and zones documentation in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Instance flexibility is the use of multiple instance types to satisfy capacity requirements. When you express flexibility with instances, you can use aggregate capacity across instance sizes, families, and generations. Greater flexibility improves the chance to find and allocate your required amount of compute capacity when compared with a cluster that uses a single instance type.

Instance and Availability Zone flexibility reduces insufficient capacity errors (ICE) and Spot interruptions when compared to a cluster with a single instance type or AZ. Use the best practices covered here to determine which instances to diversify after you know the initial instance family and size. This approach maximizes availability to Amazon EC2 capacity pools with minimal performance and cost variance.

Being flexible about Availability Zones

We recommend that you configure all Availability Zones for use in your virtual private cloud (VPC) and that you select them for your EMR cluster. Clusters must exist in only one Availability Zone, but with Amazon EMR instance fleets, you can select multiple subnets for different Availability Zones. When Amazon EMR launches the cluster, it looks across those subnets to find the instances and purchasing options that you specify. When you provision an EMR cluster for multiple subnets, your cluster can access a deeper Amazon EC2 capacity pool when compared to clusters in a single subnet.

If you must prioritize a certain number of Availability Zones for use in your virtual private cloud (VPC) for your EMR cluster, you can leverage the Spot placement score capability with Amazon EC2. With Spot placement scoring, you specify the compute requirements for your Spot Instances, then EC2 returns the top ten Amazon Web Services Regions or Availability Zones scored on a scale from 1 to 10. A score of 10 indicates that your Spot request is highly likely to succeed; a score of 1 indicates that your Spot request is not likely to succeed. For more information on how to use Spot placement scoring, see Spot placement score in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Being flexible about instance types

Instance flexibility is the use of multiple instance types to satisfy capacity requirements. Instance flexibility benefits both Amazon EC2 Spot and On-Demand Instance usage. With Spot Instances, instance flexibility lets Amazon EC2 launch instances from deeper capacity pools using real-time capacity data. It also predicts which instances are most available. This offers fewer interruptions and can reduce the overall cost of a workload. With On-Demand Instances, instance flexibility reduces insufficient capacity errors (ICE) when total capacity provisions across a greater number of instance pools.

For Instance Group clusters, you can specify up to 50 EC2 instance types. For Instance Fleets with allocation strategy, you can specify up to 30 EC2 instance types for each primary, core, and task node group. A broader range of instances improves the benefits of instance flexibility.

Expressing instance flexibility

Consider the following best practices to express instance flexibility for your application.

Determine instance family and size

Amazon EMR supports several instance types for different use cases. These instance types are listed in the Supported instance types with Amazon EMR documentation. Each instance type belongs to an instance family that describes what application the type is optimized for.

For new workloads, you should benchmark with instance types in the general purpose family, such as m5 or c5. Then, monitor the OS and YARN metrics from Ganglia and Amazon CloudWatch to determine system bottlenecks at peak load. Bottlenecks include CPU, memory, storage, and I/O operations. After you identify the bottlenecks, choose compute optimized, memory optimized, storage optimized, or another appropriate instance family for your instance types. For more details, see the Determine right infrastructure for your Spark workloads page in the Amazon EMR best practices guide on GitHub.

Next, identify the smallest YARN container or Spark executor that your application requires. This is the smallest instance size that fits the container and the minimum instance size for the cluster. Use this metric to determine instances that you can further diversify with. A smaller instance will allow for more instance flexibility.

For maximum instance flexibility, you should leverage as many instances as possible. We recommend that you diversify with instances that have similar hardware specifications. This maximizes access to EC2 capacity pools with minimal cost and performance variance. Diversify across sizes. To do so, prioritize Amazon Graviton and previous generations first. As a general rule, try to be flexible across at least 15 instance types for each workload. We recommend that you start with general purpose, compute optimized, or memory optimized instances. These instance types will provide the greatest flexibility.

Include additional instances

For maximum diversity, include additional instance types. Prioritize instance size, Graviton, and generation flexibility first. This allows access to additional EC2 capacity pools with similar cost and performance profiles. If you need further flexibility due to ICE or spot interruptions, consider variant and family flexibility. Each approach has tradeoffs that depend on your use case and requirements.

  • Size flexibility – First, diversify with instances of different sizes within the same family. Instances within the same family provide the same cost and performance, but can launch a different number of containers on each host. For example, if the minimum executor size that you need is 2vCPU and 8Gb memory, the minimum instance size is m5.xlarge. For size flexibility, include m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge, m5.4xlarge, m5.8xlarge, m5.12xlarge, m5.16xlarge, and m5.24xlarge.

  • Graviton flexibility – In addition to size, you can diversify with Graviton instances. Graviton instances are powered by Amazon Graviton2 processors that deliver the best price performance for cloud workloads in Amazon EC2. For example, with the minimum instance size of m5.xlarge, you can include m6g.xlarge, m6g.2xlarge, m6g.4xlarge, m6g.8xlarge, and m6g.16xlarge for Graviton flexibility.

  • Generation flexibility – Similar to Graviton and size flexibility, instances in previous generation families share the same hardware specifications. This results in a similar cost and performance profile with an increase in the total accessible Amazon EC2 pool. For generation flexibility, include m4.xlarge, m4.2xlarge, m4.10xlarge, and m4.16xlarge.

  • Family and variant flexibility

    • Capacity – To optimize for capacity, we recommend instance flexibility across instance families. Common instances from different instance families have deeper instance pools that can assist with meeting capacity requirements. However, instances from different families will have different vCPU to memory ratios. This results in under-utilization if the expected application container is sized for a different instance. For example, with m5.xlarge, include compute-optimized instances such as c5 or memory-optimized instances such as r5 for instance family flexibility.

    • Cost – To optimize for cost, we recommend instance flexibility across variants. These instances have the same memory and vCPU ratio as the initial instance. The tradeoff with variant flexibility is that these instances have smaller capacity pools which might result in limited additional capacity or higher Spot interruptions. With m5.xlarge for example, include AMD-based instances (m5a), SSD-based instances (m5d) or network-optimized instances (m5n) for instance variant flexibility.