Troubleshoot common issues when using Amazon EMR with Amazon Lake Formation
This section walks you through the process of troubleshooting common issues when using Amazon EMR with Amazon Lake Formation.
Data lake access not allowed
You must explicitly opt in to data filtering on Amazon EMR clusters before you can analyze and process data in your data lake. When data access fails, you will see a generic Access is not allowed
message in the output of your notebook entries.
To opt in and allow data filtering on Amazon EMR, see Allow data filtering on Amazon EMR in the Amazon Lake Formation Developer Guide for instructions.
Session expiration
The session timeout for EMR Notebooks and Zeppelin is controlled by the IAM Role for
Lake Formation's Maximum CLI/API session duration
setting. The default value for this setting is one hour.
When a session timeout occurs, you will see the following message in the output of your
notebook entries when trying to run Spark SQL commands.
Error 401 HTTP ERROR: 401 Problem accessing /sessions/2/statements. Reason: JWT token included in request failed validation. Powered by Jetty:// 9.3.24.v20180605 org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 401 JWT token included in request failed validation…
To validate your session, refresh the page. You will be prompted to re-authenticate using your IdP and be redirected back to the Notebook. You can continue to run queries after re-authentication.
No permissions for user on requested table
When attempting to access a table that you do not have access to, you will see the following exception in the output of your notebook entries when trying to run Spark SQL commands.
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: Unable to fetch table table. Resource does not exist or requester is not authorized to access requested permissions. (Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: …
To access the table, you must grant access to the user by updating the permissions associated with this table in Lake Formation.
Querying cross-account data shared with Lake Formation
When you use Amazon EMR to access data shared with you from another account, some Spark
libraries will attempt to call Glue:GetUserDefinedFunctions
API operation. Since
versions 1 and 2 of the Amazon RAM managed permissions does not support this action, you receive the
following error message:
"ERROR: User: arn:aws:sts::012345678901:assumed-role/my-spark-role/i-06ab8c2b59299508a is not authorized to perform: glue:GetUserDefinedFunctions on resource: arn:exampleCatalogResource because no resource-based policy allows the glue:GetUserDefinedFunctions action"
To resolve this error, the data lake administrator who created the resource share must
update the Amazon RAM managed permissions attached to the resource share. Version 3 of the Amazon RAM
managed permissions allows principals to perform the glue:GetUserDefinedFunctions
If you create a new resource share, Lake Formation applies the latest version of the Amazon RAM managed permission by default, and no action is required by you. To enable cross-account data access for existing resource shares, you need to update the Amazon RAM managed permissions to version 3.
You can view the Amazon RAM permissions assigned to resources shared with you in Amazon RAM. The following permissions are included in version 3:
Databases AWSRAMPermissionGlueDatabaseReadWriteForCatalog AWSRAMPermissionGlueDatabaseReadWrite Tables AWSRAMPermissionGlueTableReadWriteForCatalog AWSRAMPermissionGlueTableReadWriteForDatabase AllTables AWSRAMPermissionGlueAllTablesReadWriteForCatalog AWSRAMPermissionGlueAllTablesReadWriteForDatabase
To update Amazon RAM managed permissions version of existing resource shares
You (data lake administrator) can either update Amazon RAM managed permissions to a newer version
Inserting into, creating, and altering tables
Inserting into, creating, or altering tables in databases protected by Lake Formation policies is not supported. When performing these operations, you will see the following exception in the output of your notebook entries when trying to run Spark SQL commands: Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: …
For more information, see Limitations of Amazon EMR integration with Amazon Lake Formation.