Presto and Trino - Amazon EMR
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Presto and Trino


PrestoSQL was renamed to Trino in December 2020. Amazon EMR versions 6.4.0 and later use the name Trino, while earlier release versions use the name PrestoSQL.

Presto is a fast SQL query engine designed for interactive analytic queries over large datasets from multiple sources. For more information, see the Presto website. Presto is included in Amazon EMR releases 5.0.0 and later. Earlier releases include Presto as a sandbox application. For more information, see Amazon EMR 4.x release versions. Amazon EMR release versions 6.1.0 and later support Trino (PrestoSQL) in addition to Presto. For more information, see PrestoDB and Trino installation.

The following table lists the version of Presto included in the latest release of the Amazon EMR 7.x series, along with the components that Amazon EMR installs with Presto.

For the version of components installed with Presto in this release, see Release 7.6.0 Component Versions.

Presto version information for emr-7.6.0
Amazon EMR Release Label Presto Version Components Installed With Presto


Presto 0.287

emrfs, emr-goodies, hadoop-client, hadoop-hdfs-datanode, hadoop-hdfs-library, hadoop-hdfs-namenode, hadoop-kms-server, hadoop-yarn-nodemanager, hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager, hadoop-yarn-timeline-server, hive-client, hudi, hudi-presto, hcatalog-server, mariadb-server, presto-coordinator, presto-worker

The following table lists the version of Presto included in the latest release of the Amazon EMR 6.x series, along with the components that Amazon EMR installs with Presto.

For the version of components installed with Presto in this release, see Release 6.15.0 Component Versions.

Presto version information for emr-6.15.0
Amazon EMR Release Label Presto Version Components Installed With Presto


Presto 0.283

emrfs, emr-goodies, hadoop-client, hadoop-hdfs-datanode, hadoop-hdfs-library, hadoop-hdfs-namenode, hadoop-kms-server, hadoop-yarn-nodemanager, hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager, hadoop-yarn-timeline-server, hive-client, hudi, hudi-presto, hcatalog-server, mariadb-server, presto-coordinator, presto-worker

The following table lists the version of Presto included in the latest release of the Amazon EMR 5.x series, along with the components that Amazon EMR installs with Presto.

For the version of components installed with Presto in this release, see Release 5.36.2 Component Versions.

Presto version information for emr-5.36.2
Amazon EMR Release Label Presto Version Components Installed With Presto


Presto 0.267

emrfs, emr-goodies, hadoop-client, hadoop-hdfs-datanode, hadoop-hdfs-library, hadoop-hdfs-namenode, hadoop-kms-server, hadoop-yarn-nodemanager, hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager, hadoop-yarn-timeline-server, hive-client, hudi, hudi-presto, hcatalog-server, mariadb-server, presto-coordinator, presto-worker

The following table lists the version of Trino (PrestoSQL) included in the latest release of the Amazon EMR 6.x series, along with the components that Amazon EMR installs with Trino (PrestoSQL).

For the version of components installed with Trino (PrestoSQL) in this release, see Release 6.15.0 Component Versions.

Trino (PrestoSQL) version information for emr-6.15.0
Amazon EMR Release Label Trino (PrestoSQL) Version Components Installed With Trino (PrestoSQL)


Trino (PrestoSQL) 426

emrfs, emr-goodies, hadoop-client, hadoop-hdfs-datanode, hadoop-hdfs-library, hadoop-hdfs-namenode, hadoop-kms-server, hadoop-yarn-nodemanager, hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager, hadoop-yarn-timeline-server, hive-client, hudi, hudi-trino, hcatalog-server, mariadb-server, trino-coordinator, trino-worker