MySQL - RDS, Aurora and self-managed databases running on Amazon EC2
Firehose supports database as a source in all Amazon Web Services Regions
Create the following SQL procedure in your database and then call the procedure to create watermark table, database user for Firehose access to database, and provide required permissions for the Firehose database user. You can use this procedure for self-hosted MySQL, RDS and Aurora MySQL databases.
Some older database versions may not support the string IF NOT
In such cases, remove IF NOT EXISTS
from the CREATE PROCEDURE and use the rest of the procedure.
DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE IF NOT EXISTS setupFirehose(IN databaseName TEXT, IN watermarkTableName TEXT, IN firehoseUserName TEXT, IN firehosePassword TEXT) BEGIN -- Create watermark table SET @create_watermark_text := CONCAT('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ', databaseName, '.', watermarkTableName, '(id varchar(64) PRIMARY KEY, type varchar(32), data varchar(2048))'); PREPARE createWatermarkTable from @create_watermark_text; EXECUTE createWatermarkTable; DEALLOCATE PREPARE createWatermarkTable; SELECT CONCAT('Created watermark table with name ', databaseName, '.', watermarkTableName) as log; -- Create firehose user SET @create_user_text := CONCAT('CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS ''', firehoseUserName, ''' IDENTIFIED BY ''', firehosePassword, ''''); PREPARE createUser from @create_user_text; EXECUTE createUser; DEALLOCATE PREPARE createUser; SELECT CONCAT('Created user with name ', firehoseUserName) as log; -- Grant privileges to firehose user -- Edit *.* to database/tables you want to grant Firehose access to SET @grant_user_text := CONCAT('GRANT SELECT, RELOAD, SHOW DATABASES, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT, LOCK TABLES ON *.* TO ''', firehoseUserName, ''''); PREPARE grantUser from @grant_user_text; EXECUTE grantUser; DEALLOCATE PREPARE grantUser; SET @grant_user_watermark_text := CONCAT('GRANT CREATE, INSERT, DELETE ON ', watermarkTableName, ' to ', firehoseUserName); PREPARE grantUserWatermark from @grant_user_watermark_text; EXECUTE grantUserWatermark; DEALLOCATE PREPARE grantUserWatermark; SELECT CONCAT('Granted necessary permissions to user ', firehoseUserName) AS log; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; -- Show if binlog enabled/disabled SELECT variable_value as "BINARY LOGGING STATUS (log-bin) ::" FROM performance_schema.global_variables WHERE variable_name='log_bin'; END // DELIMITER ;
Call this procedure using a, SQL Client.
CALL setupFirehose(