Troubleshooting Amazon S3
Check the following if data is not delivered to your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
Check the Firehose
metrics to make sure that data is sent to your Firehose stream successfully. For more information, see Monitor Amazon Data Firehose with CloudWatch metrics. -
If data transformation with Lambda is enabled, check the Firehose
metric to make sure that Firehose has tried to invoke your Lambda function. For more information, see Monitor Amazon Data Firehose with CloudWatch metrics. -
Check the Firehose
metric to make sure that Firehose has tried putting data to your Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Monitor Amazon Data Firehose with CloudWatch metrics. -
Enable error logging if it is not already enabled, and check error logs for delivery failure. For more information, see Monitor Amazon Data Firehose Using CloudWatch Logs.
If you see an error message in the log saying “Firehose encountered InternalServerError when calling Amazon S3 service. The operation will be retried; if the error persists, please contact S3 for resolution.”, it could be due to the significant increase in request rates on a single partition in S3. You can optimize S3 prefix design patterns to mitigate the issue. For more information, see Best practices design patterns: optimizing Amazon S3 performance. If this does not resolve the issue, contact Amazon Support for further assistance.
Make sure that the Amazon S3 bucket that is specified in your Firehose stream still exists.
If data transformation with Lambda is enabled, make sure that the Lambda function that is specified in your Firehose stream still exists.
Make sure that the IAM role that is specified in your Firehose stream has access to your S3 bucket and your Lambda function (if data transformation is enabled). Also, make sure that the IAM role has access to CloudWatch log group and log streams to check error logs. For more information, see Grant Firehose access to an Amazon S3 destination.
If you're using data transformation, make sure that your Lambda function never returns responses whose payload size exceeds 6 MB. For more information, see Amazon Data FirehoseData Transformation