Create an Amazon S3 bucket to store your update
OTA update files are stored in Amazon S3 buckets.
If you're using Code Signing for Amazon IoT, the command that you use to create a code-signing job takes a source bucket (where the unsigned firmware image is located) and a destination bucket (where the signed firmware image is written). You can specify the same bucket for the source and destination. The file names are changed to GUIDs so the original files are not overwritten.
To create an Amazon S3 bucket
Sign in to the Amazon S3 console at
. -
Choose Create bucket.
Enter a bucket name.
Under Bucket settings for Block Public Access keep Block all public access selected to accept the default permissions.
Under Bucket Versioning, select Enable to keep all versions in the same bucket.
Choose Create bucket.
For more information about Amazon S3, see Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.