You can't delete a storage virtual machine or volume - FSx for ONTAP
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You can't delete a storage virtual machine or volume

Each FSx for ONTAP file system can contain one or more storage virtual machines (SVMs), and each SVM can contain one or more volumes. When you delete a resource, you must first ensure that all its children have been deleted. For example, before deleting an SVM, you must first delete all the non-root volumes in the SVM.


You can only delete storage virtual machines by using the Amazon FSx console, API, and CLI. You can only delete volumes using the Amazon FSx console, API, or CLI if the volume has Amazon FSx backups enabled.

To help protect your data and configuration, Amazon FSx prevents the deletion of SVMs and volumes in certain circumstances. If you attempt to delete an SVM or volume, and your deletion request doesn't succeed, Amazon FSx provides you with information in the Amazon console, Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI), and API regarding why the resource wasn't deleted. After you have addressed the cause of the deletion failure, you can retry the deletion request.

Identifying failed deletions

When you delete an Amazon FSx SVM or volume, you typically see the resource's Lifecycle state transition to DELETING for up to a few minutes before the resource disappears from the Amazon FSx console, CLI, and API.

If you attempt to delete a resource and its Lifecycle state transitions from to DELETING and then back to CREATED, this behavior indicates that the resource didn't successfully delete. In this case, Amazon FSx reports an alert icon in the console next to the CREATED Lifecycle state. Choosing the alert icon displays the reason for the unsuccessful deletion, as shown in the following example.

Image of an FSx for ONTAP resource Lifecycle state of CREATED with an alert, and the alert message, as seen in the Amazon FSx console.

The most common reasons why Amazon FSx prevents SVM and volume deletion are provided in the following sections, with step-by-step instructions on how to resolve these issues.

SVM deletion: Route tables inaccessible

Each FSx for ONTAP file system creates one or more route table entries to provide automatic failover and fail back across Availability Zones. By default, these route table entries are created in your VPC's default route table. You can optionally specify one or more non-default route tables where FSx for ONTAP interfaces can be created. Amazon FSx tags each route table that it associated with a file system with an AmazonFSx tag, and if this tag is removed, it can prevent Amazon FSx from being able to delete resources. If this situation occurs, you see the following LifecycleTransitionReason:

Amazon FSx is unable to complete the requested storage virtual machine operation because of an inability to access one or more of the route tables associated with your file system. Please contact Amazon Web Services Support.

You can find your file system's route tables in the Amazon FSx console by navigating to the file system's summary page, under the Network & security tab:

The Network & security tab in the Amazon FSx console.

Choosing the route tables link takes you to your route tables. Next, verify that each of the route tables associated with your file system is tagged with this key-value pair:

Key: AmazonFSx
Value: ManagedByAmazonFSx
The Tags panel in the Amazon FSx console displaying keys and their associated values.

If this tag isn't present, recreate it, and then try to delete the SVM again.

SVM deletion: Peer relationship

If you're attempting to delete an SVM or volume that's part of a peer relationship, you must first delete the peer relationship before you delete the SVM or volume. This requirement prevents the peered SVMs from becoming unhealthy. If your SVM can't be deleted because of a peer relationship, you see the following LifecycleTransitionReason:

Amazon FSx is unable to delete the storage virtual machine because it is part of a SVM peer or transition peer relationship. Please delete the relationship and retry.

You can delete SVM peer relationships through the ONTAP CLI. To access the ONTAP CLI, follow the steps in Managing file systems with the ONTAP CLI. Using the ONTAP CLI, take the following steps.

  1. Check for SVM peer relationships by using the following command. Replace svm_name with the name of your SVM.

    FsxId123456789::> vserver peer show -vserver svm_name

    If this command is successful, you'll see output similar to the following:

                Peer        Peer                           Peering        Remote
    Vserver     Vserver     State        Peer Cluster      Applications   Vserver
    ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------------- -------------- ---------
    svm_name    test2       peered       FsxId02d81fef0d84734b6
                                                           snapmirror     fsxDest
    svm_name    test3       peered       FsxId02d81fef0d84734b6
                                                           snapmirror     fsxDest
    2 entries were displayed.
  2. Delete each SVM peer relationship by using the following command. Replace svm_name, and remote_svm_name with your actual values.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> vserver peer delete -vserver svm_name -peer-vserver remote_svm_name

    If this command is successful, you'll see the following output:

    Info: 'vserver peer delete' command is successful.

SVM or volume deletion: SnapMirror

Just as you can't delete an SVM with a peer relationship without first deleting the peer relationship (see SVM deletion: Peer relationship), you can't delete an SVM that has a SnapMirror relationship without first deleting the SnapMirror relationship. To delete the SnapMirror relationship, use the ONTAP CLI to take the following steps on the file system that's the destination of the SnapMirror relationship. To access the ONTAP CLI, follow the steps in Managing file systems with the ONTAP CLI.


Amazon FSx backups use SnapMirror to create point-in-time, incremental backups of your file system's volumes. You can't delete this SnapMirror relationship for your backups in the ONTAP CLI. However, this relationship is automatically deleted when you delete a volume through the Amazon CLI, API, or console.

  1. List your SnapMirror relationships on the destination file system by using the following command. Replace svm_name with the name of your SVM.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> snapmirror show -vserver svm_name

    If this command is successful, you'll see output similar to the following:

    Source            Destination    Mirror  Relationship   Total             Last
    Path        Type  Path           State   Status         Progress  Healthy Updated
    ----------- ---- ------------    ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
                XDP  destSvm:destVol Snapmirrored 
                                              Idle           -         true    -
  2. Delete your SnapMirror relationship by running the following command on the destination file system.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> snapmirror release -destination-path destSvm:destVol -source-path sourceSvm:sourceVol -force true

SVM deletion: Kerberos-enabled LIF

If you are attempting to delete an SVM that has a logical interface (LIF) with Kerberos enabled, you must first disable Kerberos on that LIF before deleting the SVM.

You can disable Kerberos on a LIF through the ONTAP CLI. To access the ONTAP CLI, follow the steps in Managing file systems with the ONTAP CLI.

  1. Enter diagnostic mode in the ONTAP CLI by using the following command.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> set diag

    When prompted to continue, enter y.

    Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
  2. Check which interfaces have Kerberos enabled. Replace svm_name with the name of your SVM.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> kerberos interface show -vserver svm_name

    If this command is successful, you'll see output similar to the following:

    (vserver nfs kerberos interface show)
    Vserver        Interface     Address         Kerberos SPN
    -------------- ------------- --------------- -------- -----------------------
    svm_name       nfs_smb_management_1
    5 entries were displayed.
  3. Disable the Kerberos LIF by using the following command. Replace svm_name with the name of your SVM. You'll need to provide the Active Directory username and password that you used to join this SVM to your Active Directory.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> kerberos interface disable -vserver svm_name -lif nfs_smb_management_1

    If this command is successful, you'll see the following output. Provide the Active Directory username and password that you used to join this SVM to your Active Directory. When prompted to continue, enter y.

    (vserver nfs kerberos interface disable)
    Username: admin
    Password: *************
    Warning: This command deletes the service principal name from the machine account on the KDC.
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
    Disabled Kerberos on LIF "nfs_smb_management_1" in Vserver "svm_name".
  4. Verify that Kerberos is disabled on the SVM by using the following command. Replace svm_name with the name of your SVM.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> kerberos interface show -vserver svm_name

    If this command is successful, you'll see output similar to the following:

    (vserver nfs kerberos interface show)
    Vserver        Interface     Address         Kerberos SPN
    -------------- ------------- --------------- -------- -----------------------
    svm_name       nfs_smb_management_1
    5 entries were displayed.
  5. If the interface is shown as disabled, try to delete the SVM again through the Amazon CLI, API, or console.

    If you weren't able to delete the LIF by using the preceding commands, you can force-delete the Kerberos LIF by using the following command. Replace svm_name with the name of your SVM.


    The following command can strand the computer object of your SVM on your Active Directory.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> kerberos interface disable -vserver svm_name -lif nfs_smb_management_1 -force true

    If this command is successful, you'll see output similar to the following. When prompted to continue, enter y.

    (vserver nfs kerberos interface disable)
    Warning: Kerberos configuration for LIF "nfs_smb_management_1" in Vserver "svm_name" will be deleted.
    The corresponding account on the KDC will not be deleted. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

SVM deletion: Other reason

FSx for ONTAP SVMs create a computer object in your Active Directory when they join your Active Directory. In some cases, you may want to manually unjoin an SVM from your Active Directory by using the ONTAP CLI. To access the ONTAP CLI, follow the steps in Managing file systems with the ONTAP CLI, logging into the ONTAP CLI at the file system level with fsxadmin credentials. Using the ONTAP CLI, take the following steps to unjoin an SVM from your Active Directory.


This procedure can strand the computer object of your SVM on your Active Directory.

  1. Enter advanced mode in the ONTAP CLI by using the following command.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> set adv

    After running this command, you'll see this output. Enter y to continue.

    Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when
          directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
          Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
  2. Delete the DNS for your Active Directory by using the following command. Replace svm_name with the name of your SVM.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> vserver services name-service dns dynamic-update record delete -vserver svm_name -lif nfs_smb_management_1

    If the DNS record has already been deleted or if the DNS server is unreachable, this command fails. If that happens, continue with the next step.

  3. Disable the DNS by using the following command. Replace svm_name with the name of your SVM.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> vserver services name-service dns dynamic-update modify -vserver svm_name -is-enabled false -use-secure false

    If this command is successful, you'll see the following output:

    Warning: DNS updates for Vserver "svm_name" are now disabled.
         Any LIFs that are subsequently modified or deleted
         can result in a stale DNS entry on the DNS server,
         even when DNS updates are enabled again.
  4. Unjoin the device from Active Directory. Replace svm_name with the name of your SVM.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> vserver cifs delete -vserver svm_name

    After running this command, you'll see the following output, where CORP.EXAMPLE.COM is replaced with the name of your domain. When prompted, enter your user name and password. When asked if you want to delete the server, enter y.

    In order to delete an Active Directory machine account for the CIFS server,
    you must supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient
    privileges to remove computers from the "CORP.EXAMPLE.COM" domain.
    Enter the user name: admin
    Enter the password:
    Warning: There are one or more shares associated with this CIFS server
         Do you really want to delete this CIFS server and all its shares? {y|n}: y
    Warning: Unable to delete the Active Directory computer account for this CIFS server.
         Do you want to continue with CIFS server deletion anyway? {y|n}: y

Volume deletion: FlexCache relationship

You can't delete volumes that are the origin volumes for a FlexCache relationship unless you delete the cache relationship first. To determine which volumes have a FlexCache relationship, you can use the ONTAP CLI. To access the ONTAP CLI, follow the steps in Managing file systems with the ONTAP CLI.

  1. Check for FlexCache relationships by using the following command.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> volume flexcache origin show-caches
  2. Delete any cache relationships by using the following command. Replace dest_svm_name, and dest_vol_name with your actual values.

    FsxId123456789abcdef::> volume flexcache delete -vserver dest_svm_name -volume dest_vol_name
  3. After you've deleted the cache relationship, try to delete your SVM through the Amazon CLI, API, or console again.