Using Python libraries with Amazon Glue - Amazon Glue
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Using Python libraries with Amazon Glue

Amazon Glue lets you install additional Python modules and libraries for use with Amazon Glue ETL.

Installing additional Python modules with pip in Amazon Glue 2.0+

Amazon Glue uses the Python Package Installer (pip3) to install additional modules to be used by Amazon Glue ETL. You can use the --additional-python-modules parameter with a list of comma-separated Python modules to add a new module or change the version of an existing module. You can install custom distributions of a library by uploading the distribution to Amazon S3, then include the path to the Amazon S3 object in your list of modules.

You can pass additional options to pip3 with the --python-modules-installer-option parameter. For example, you could pass "--upgrade" to upgrade the packages specified by "--additional-python-modules". For more examples, see Building Python modules from a wheel for Spark ETL workloads using Amazon Glue 2.0 .

If your Python dependencies transitively depend on native, compiled code, you may run against the following limitation: Amazon Glue does not support compiling native code in the job environment. However, Amazon Glue jobs run within an Amazon Linux 2 environment. You may be able to provide your native dependencies in a compiled form through a Wheel distributable.

For example to update or to add a new scikit-learn module use the following key/value: "--additional-python-modules", "scikit-learn==0.21.3".

Also, within the --additional-python-modules option you can specify an Amazon S3 path to a Python wheel module. For example:

--additional-python-modules s3://aws-glue-native-spark/tests/j4.2/ephem-,s3://aws-glue-native-spark/tests/j4.2/fbprophet-0.6-py3-none-any.whl,scikit-learn==0.21.3

You specify the --additional-python-modules in the Job parameters field of the Amazon Glue console or by altering the job arguments in the Amazon SDK. For more information about setting job parameters, see Amazon Glue job parameters.

Including Python files with PySpark native features

Amazon Glue uses PySpark to include Python files in Amazon Glue ETL jobs. You will want to use --additional-python-modules to manage your dependencies when available. You can use the --extra-py-files job parameter to include Python files. Dependencies must be hosted in Amazon S3 and the argument value should be a comma delimited list of Amazon S3 paths with no spaces. This functionality behaves like the Python dependency management you would use with Spark. For more information on Python dependency management in Spark, see Using PySpark Native Features page in Apache Spark documentation. --extra-py-files is useful in cases where your additional code is not packaged, or when you are migrating a Spark program with an existing toolchain for managing dependencies. For your dependency tooling to be maintainable, you will have to bundle your dependencies before submitting.

Programming scripts that use visual transforms

When you create a Amazon Glue job using the Amazon Glue Studio visual interface, you can transform your data with managed data transform nodes and custom visual transforms. For more information about managed data transform nodes, see Editing Amazon Glue managed data transform nodes. For more information about custom visual transforms, see Amazon Glue custom visual transforms . Scripts using visual transforms can only be generated when when your job Language is set to use Python.

When generating a Amazon Glue job using visual transforms, Amazon Glue Studio will include these transforms in the runtime environment using the --extra-py-files parameter in the job configuration. For more information about job parameters, see Amazon Glue job parameters. When making changes to a generated script or runtime environment, you will need to preserve this job configuration for your script to run successfully.

Python modules already provided in Amazon Glue

To change the version of these provided modules, provide new versions with the --additional-python-modules job parameter.

Amazon Glue version 2.0

Amazon Glue version 2.0 includes the following Python modules out of the box:

  • avro-python3==1.10.0

  • awscli==1.27.60

  • boto3==1.12.4

  • botocore==1.15.4

  • certifi==2019.11.28

  • chardet==3.0.4

  • click==8.1.3

  • colorama==0.4.4

  • cycler==0.10.0

  • Cython==0.29.15

  • docutils==0.15.2

  • enum34==1.1.9

  • fsspec==0.6.2

  • idna==2.9

  • importlib-metadata==6.0.0

  • jmespath==0.9.4

  • joblib==0.14.1

  • kiwisolver==1.1.0

  • matplotlib==3.1.3

  • mpmath==1.1.0

  • nltk==3.5

  • numpy==1.18.1

  • pandas==1.0.1

  • patsy==0.5.1

  • pmdarima==1.5.3

  • ptvsd==4.3.2

  • pyarrow==0.16.0

  • pyasn1==0.4.8

  • pydevd==1.9.0

  • pyhocon==0.3.54

  • PyMySQL==0.9.3

  • pyparsing==2.4.6

  • python-dateutil==2.8.1

  • pytz==2019.3

  • PyYAML==5.3.1

  • regex==2022.10.31

  • requests==2.23.0

  • rsa==4.7.2

  • s3fs==0.4.0

  • s3transfer==0.3.3

  • scikit-learn==0.22.1

  • scipy==1.4.1

  • setuptools==45.2.0

  • six==1.14.0

  • Spark==1.0

  • statsmodels==0.11.1

  • subprocess32==3.5.4

  • sympy==1.5.1

  • tbats==1.0.9

  • tqdm==4.64.1

  • typing-extensions==4.4.0

  • urllib3==1.25.8

  • wheel==0.35.1

  • zipp==3.12.0

Amazon Glue version 3.0

Amazon Glue version 3.0 includes the following Python modules out of the box:,

  • aiobotocore==1.4.2

  • aiohttp==3.8.3

  • aioitertools==0.11.0

  • aiosignal==1.3.1

  • async-timeout==4.0.2

  • asynctest==0.13.0

  • attrs==22.2.0

  • avro-python3==1.10.2

  • boto3==1.18.50

  • botocore==1.21.50

  • certifi==2021.5.30

  • chardet==3.0.4

  • charset-normalizer==2.1.1

  • click==8.1.3

  • cycler==0.10.0

  • Cython==0.29.4

  • docutils==0.17.1

  • enum34==1.1.10

  • frozenlist==1.3.3

  • fsspec==2021.8.1

  • idna==2.10

  • importlib-metadata==6.0.0

  • jmespath==0.10.0

  • joblib==1.0.1

  • kiwisolver==1.3.2

  • matplotlib==3.4.3

  • mpmath==1.2.1

  • multidict==6.0.4

  • nltk==3.6.3

  • numpy==1.19.5

  • packaging==23.0

  • pandas==1.3.2

  • patsy==0.5.1

  • Pillow==9.4.0

  • pip==23.0

  • pmdarima==1.8.2

  • ptvsd==4.3.2

  • pyarrow==5.0.0

  • pydevd==2.5.0

  • pyhocon==0.3.58

  • PyMySQL==1.0.2

  • pyparsing==2.4.7

  • python-dateutil==2.8.2

  • pytz==2021.1

  • PyYAML==5.4.1

  • regex==2022.10.31

  • requests==2.23.0

  • s3fs==2021.8.1

  • s3transfer==0.5.0

  • scikit-learn==0.24.2

  • scipy==1.7.1

  • six==1.16.0

  • Spark==1.0

  • statsmodels==0.12.2

  • subprocess32==3.5.4

  • sympy==1.8

  • tbats==1.1.0

  • threadpoolctl==3.1.0

  • tqdm==4.64.1

  • typing_extensions==4.4.0

  • urllib3==1.25.11

  • wheel==0.37.0

  • wrapt==1.14.1

  • yarl==1.8.2

  • zipp==3.12.0

Amazon Glue version 4.0

Amazon Glue version 4.0 includes the following Python modules out of the box:

  • aiobotocore==2.4.1

  • aiohttp==3.8.3

  • aioitertools==0.11.0

  • aiosignal==1.3.1

  • async-timeout==4.0.2

  • asynctest==0.13.0

  • attrs==22.2.0

  • avro-python3==1.10.2

  • boto3==1.24.70

  • botocore==1.27.59

  • certifi==2021.5.30

  • chardet==3.0.4

  • charset-normalizer==2.1.1

  • click==8.1.3

  • cycler==0.10.0

  • Cython==0.29.32

  • docutils==0.17.1

  • enum34==1.1.10

  • frozenlist==1.3.3

  • fsspec==2021.8.1

  • idna==2.10

  • importlib-metadata==5.0.0

  • jmespath==0.10.0

  • joblib==1.0.1

  • kaleido==0.2.1

  • kiwisolver==1.4.4

  • matplotlib==3.4.3

  • mpmath==1.2.1

  • multidict==6.0.4

  • nltk==3.7

  • numpy==1.23.5

  • packaging==23.0

  • pandas==1.5.1

  • patsy==0.5.1

  • Pillow==9.4.0

  • pip==23.0.1

  • plotly==5.16.0

  • pmdarima==2.0.1

  • ptvsd==4.3.2

  • pyarrow==10.0.0

  • pydevd==2.5.0

  • pyhocon==0.3.58

  • PyMySQL==1.0.2

  • pyparsing==2.4.7

  • python-dateutil==2.8.2

  • pytz==2021.1

  • PyYAML==6.0.1

  • regex==2022.10.31

  • requests==2.23.0

  • s3fs==2022.11.0

  • s3transfer==0.6.0

  • scikit-learn==1.1.3

  • scipy==1.9.3

  • setuptools==49.1.3

  • six==1.16.0

  • statsmodels==0.13.5

  • subprocess32==3.5.4

  • sympy==1.8

  • tbats==1.1.0

  • threadpoolctl==3.1.0

  • tqdm==4.64.1

  • typing_extensions==4.4.0

  • urllib3==1.25.11

  • wheel==0.37.0

  • wrapt==1.14.1

  • yarl==1.8.2

  • zipp==3.10.0

Zipping libraries for inclusion

Unless a library is contained in a single .py file, it should be packaged in a .zip archive. The package directory should be at the root of the archive, and must contain an file for the package. Python will then be able to import the package in the normal way.

If your library only consists of a single Python module in one .py file, you do not need to place it in a .zip file.

Loading Python libraries in Amazon Glue Studio notebooks

To specify Python libraries in Amazon Glue Studio notebooks, see Installing additional Python modules .

Loading Python libraries in a development endpoint

If you are using different library sets for different ETL scripts, you can either set up a separate development endpoint for each set, or you can overwrite the library .zip file(s) that your development endpoint loads every time you switch scripts.

You can use the console to specify one or more library .zip files for a development endpoint when you create it. After assigning a name and an IAM role, choose Script Libraries and job parameters (optional) and enter the full Amazon S3 path to your library .zip file in the Python library path box. For example:


If you want, you can specify multiple full paths to files, separating them with commas but no spaces, like this:


If you update these .zip files later, you can use the console to re-import them into your development endpoint. Navigate to the developer endpoint in question, check the box beside it, and choose Update ETL libraries from the Action menu.

In a similar way, you can specify library files using the Amazon Glue APIs. When you create a development endpoint by calling CreateDevEndpoint action (Python: create_dev_endpoint), you can specify one or more full paths to libraries in the ExtraPythonLibsS3Path parameter, in a call that looks this:

dep = glue.create_dev_endpoint( EndpointName="testDevEndpoint", RoleArn="arn:aws:iam::123456789012", SecurityGroupIds="sg-7f5ad1ff", SubnetId="subnet-c12fdba4", PublicKey="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCtp04H/y...", NumberOfNodes=3, ExtraPythonLibsS3Path="s3://bucket/prefix/,s3://bucket_B/prefix/")

When you update a development endpoint, you can also update the libraries it loads using a DevEndpointCustomLibraries object and setting the UpdateEtlLibraries parameter to True when calling UpdateDevEndpoint (update_dev_endpoint).

Using Python libraries in a job or JobRun

When you are creating a new Job on the console, you can specify one or more library .zip files by choosing Script Libraries and job parameters (optional) and entering the full Amazon S3 library path(s) in the same way you would when creating a development endpoint:


If you are calling CreateJob (create_job), you can specify one or more full paths to default libraries using the --extra-py-files default parameter, like this:

job = glue.create_job(Name='sampleJob', Role='Glue_DefaultRole', Command={'Name': 'glueetl', 'ScriptLocation': 's3://my_script_bucket/scripts/'}, DefaultArguments={'--extra-py-files': 's3://bucket/prefix/,s3://bucket_B/prefix/'})

Then when you are starting a JobRun, you can override the default library setting with a different one:

runId = glue.start_job_run(JobName='sampleJob', Arguments={'--extra-py-files': 's3://bucket/prefix/'})