Using job parameters in Amazon Glue jobs - Amazon Glue
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Using job parameters in Amazon Glue jobs

When creating a Amazon Glue job, you set some standard fields, such as Role and WorkerType. You can provide additional configuration information through the Argument fields (Job Parameters in the console). In these fields, you can provide Amazon Glue jobs with the arguments (parameters) listed in this topic. For more information about the Amazon Glue Job API, see Jobs.

Setting job parameters

You can configure a job through the console on the Job details tab, under the Job Parameters heading. You can also configure a job through the Amazon CLI by setting DefaultArguments or NonOverridableArguments on a job, or setting Arguments on a job run. Arguments set on the job will be passed in every time the job is run, while arguments set on the job run will only be passed in for that individual run.

For example, the following is the syntax for running a job using --arguments to set a job parameter.

$ aws glue start-job-run --job-name "CSV to CSV" --arguments='--scriptLocation="s3://my_glue/libraries/"'

Accessing job parameters

When writing Amazon Glue scripts, you may want to access job parameter values to alter the behavior of your own code. We provide helper methods to do so in our libraries. These methods resolve job run parameter values that override job parameter values. When resolving parameters set in multiple places, job NonOverridableArguments will override job run Arguments, which will override job DefaultArguments.

In Python:

In Python jobs, we provide a function named getResolvedParameters. For more information, see Accessing parameters using getResolvedOptions. Job parameters are available in the sys.argv variable.

In Scala:

In Scala jobs, we provide an object named GlueArgParser. For more information, see Amazon Glue Scala GlueArgParser APIs. Job parameters are available in the sysArgs variable.

Job parameter reference

Amazon Glue recognizes the following argument names that you can use to set up the script environment for your jobs and job runs:


A comma delimited list representing a set of Python packages to be installed. You can install packages from PyPI or provide a custom distribution. A PyPI package entry will be in the format package==version, with the PyPI name and version of your target package. A custom distribution entry is the S3 path to the distribution.

Entries use Python version matching to match package and version. This means you will need to use two equals signs, such as ==. There are other version matching operators, for more information see PEP 440.

To pass module installation options to pip3, use the --python-modules-installer-option parameter.


The default value is false. This parameter can only be used for Amazon Glue streaming jobs, which process the streaming data in a series of micro batches, and auto scaling must be enabled. When setting this value to false, it computes the exponential moving average of batch duration for completed micro-batches and compares this value with the window size to determine whether to scale up or scale down the number of executors. Scaling only happens when a micro batch is completed. When setting this value to true, during a micro-batch, it scales up when the number of Spark tasks remains the same for 30 seconds, or the current batch processing is greater than the window size. The number of executors will drop if an executor has been idle for more than 60 seconds, or the exponential moving average of batch duration is low.


The Scala class that serves as the entry point for your Scala script. This applies only if your --job-language is set to scala.


Specifies a custom conversion log pattern for a job enabled for continuous logging. The conversion pattern applies only to driver logs and executor logs. It does not affect the Amazon Glue progress bar.


Specifies a custom Amazon CloudWatch log group name for a job enabled for continuous logging.


Specifies a custom CloudWatch log stream prefix for a job enabled for continuous logging.

--customer-driver-env-vars and --customer-executor-env-vars

These parameters set environment variables on the operating system respectively for each worker (driver or executor). You can use these parameters when building platforms and custom frameworks on top of Amazon Glue, to let your users write jobs on top of it. Enabling these two flags will allow you to set different environment variables on the driver and executor respectively without having to inject the same logic in the job script itself.

Example usage

The following is an example of using these parameters:

"—customer-driver-env-vars", "CUSTOMER_KEY1=VAL1,CUSTOMER_KEY2=\"val2,val2 val2\"", "—customer-executor-env-vars", "CUSTOMER_KEY3=VAL3,KEY4=VAL4"

Setting these in the job run argument is equivalent to running the following commands:

In the driver:

  • export CUSTOMER_KEY1=VAL1

  • export CUSTOMER_KEY2="val2,val2 val2"

In the executor:

  • export CUSTOMER_KEY3=VAL3

Then, in the job script itself, you can retrieve the environment variables using os.environ.get("CUSTOMER_KEY1") or System.getenv("CUSTOMER_KEY1").

Enforced syntax

Observe the following standards when defining environment variables:

  • Each key must have the CUSTOMER_ prefix.

    For example: for "CUSTOMER_KEY3=VAL3,KEY4=VAL4", KEY4=VAL4 will be ignored and not set.

  • Each key and value pair must be delineated with a single comma.


  • If the "value" has spaces or commas, then it must be defined within quotations.

    For example: CUSTOMER_KEY2=\"val2,val2 val2\"

This syntax closely models the standards of setting bash environment variables.


Supported in Amazon Glue 3.0 and later versions.

Specifies the data lake framework to use. Amazon Glue adds the required JAR files for the frameworks that you specify into the classpath. For more information, see Using data lake frameworks with Amazon Glue ETL jobs.

You can specify one or more of the following values, separated by a comma:

  • hudi

  • delta

  • iceberg

For example, pass the following argument to specify all three frameworks.

'--datalake-formats': 'hudi,delta,iceberg'

Disable the service proxy to allow Amazon service calls to Amazon S3, CloudWatch, and Amazon Glue originating from your script through your VPC. For more information, see Configuring Amazon calls to go through your VPC . To disable the service proxy, set the value of this paramater to true.


Turns on auto scaling and per-worker billing when you set the value to true.


Enables real-time continuous logging for Amazon Glue jobs. You can view real-time Apache Spark job logs in CloudWatch.


Specifies a standard filter (true) or no filter (false) when you create or edit a job enabled for continuous logging. Choosing the standard filter prunes out non-useful Apache Spark driver/executor and Apache Hadoop YARN heartbeat log messages. Choosing no filter gives you all the log messages.


Enables you to use the Amazon Glue Data Catalog as an Apache Spark Hive metastore. To enable this feature, set the value to true.


Enables additional error analysis monitoring with Amazon Glue job run insights. For details, see Monitoring with Amazon Glue job run insights. By default, the value is set to true and job run insights are enabled.

This option is available for Amazon Glue version 2.0 and 3.0.


Enables the collection of metrics for job profiling for this job run. These metrics are available on the Amazon Glue console and the Amazon CloudWatch console. The value of this parameter is not relevant. To enable this feature, you can provide this parameter with any value, but true is recommended for clarity. To disable this feature, remove this parameter from your job configuration.


Enables a set of Observability metrics to generate insights into what is happening inside each job run on Job Runs Monitoring page under Amazon Glue console and the Amazon CloudWatch console. To enable this feature, set the value of this parameter to true. To disable this feature, set it to false or remove this parameter from your job configuration.


Sets the EMRFS rename algorithm version to version 2. When a Spark job uses dynamic partition overwrite mode, there is a possibility that a duplicate partition is created. For instance, you can end up with a duplicate partition such as s3://bucket/table/location/p1=1/p1=1. Here, P1 is the partition that is being overwritten. Rename algorithm version 2 fixes this issue.

This option is only available on Amazon Glue version 1.0.


Enables the EMRFS S3-optimized committer for writing Parquet data into Amazon S3. You can supply the parameter/value pair via the Amazon Glue console when creating or updating an Amazon Glue job. Setting the value to true enables the committer. By default, the flag is turned on in Amazon Glue 3.0 and off in Amazon Glue 2.0.

For more information, see Using the EMRFS S3-optimized Committer.


When set to true, turns on the feature to use the Spark UI to monitor and debug Amazon Glue ETL jobs.


Number of spark tasks that can run in parallel. This option is supported on Amazon Glue 3.0+. The value should not exceed 2x the number of vCPUs on the worker type, which is 8 on G.1X, 16 on G.2X, 32 on G.4X and 64 on G.8X. You should exercise caution while updating this configuration as it could impact job performance because increased task parallelism causes memory, disk pressure as well as it could throttle the source and target systems (for example: it would cause more concurrent connections on Amazon RDS).


The Amazon S3 paths to additional files, such as configuration files that Amazon Glue copies to the working directory of your script on the driver node before running it. Multiple values must be complete paths separated by a comma (,). Only individual files are supported, not a directory path. This option is not supported for Python Shell job types.


The Amazon S3 paths to additional files that Amazon Glue copies to the driver and executors. Amazon Glue also adds these files to the Java classpath before executing your script. Multiple values must be complete paths separated by a comma (,). The extension need not be .jar


The Amazon S3 paths to additional Python modules that Amazon Glue adds to the Python path on the driver node before running your script. Multiple values must be complete paths separated by a comma (,). Only individual files are supported, not a directory path.


Controls the behavior of a job bookmark. The following option values can be set.

‑‑job‑bookmark‑option value Description
job-bookmark-enable Keep track of previously processed data. When a job runs, process new data since the last checkpoint.
job-bookmark-disable Always process the entire dataset. You are responsible for managing the output from previous job runs.
job-bookmark-pause Process incremental data since the last successful run or the data in the range identified by the following suboptions, without updating the state of the last bookmark. You are responsible for managing the output from previous job runs. The two suboptions are as follows:
  • job-bookmark-from <from-value> is the run ID that represents all the input that was processed until the last successful run before and including the specified run ID. The corresponding input is ignored.

  • job-bookmark-to <to-value> is the run ID that represents all the input that was processed until the last successful run before and including the specified run ID. The corresponding input excluding the input identified by the <from-value> is processed by the job. Any input later than this input is also excluded for processing.

The job bookmark state is not updated when this option set is specified.

The suboptions are optional. However, when used, both suboptions must be provided.

For example, to enable a job bookmark, pass the following argument.

'--job-bookmark-option': 'job-bookmark-enable'

The script programming language. This value must be either scala or python. If this parameter is not present, the default is python.


A plaintext string that defines options to be passed to pip3 when installing modules with --additional-python-modules. Provide options as you would in the command line, separated by spaces and prefixed by dashes. For more information about usage, see Installing additional Python modules with pip in Amazon Glue 2.0+.


This option is not supported for Amazon Glue jobs when you use Python 3.9.


The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location where your ETL script is located (in the form s3://path/to/my/ This parameter overrides a script location set in the JobCommand object.


Specifies an Amazon S3 path. When using the Spark UI monitoring feature, Amazon Glue flushes the Spark event logs to this Amazon S3 path every 30 seconds to a bucket that can be used as a temporary directory for storing Spark UI events.


Specifies an Amazon S3 path to a bucket that can be used as a temporary directory for the job.

For example, to set a temporary directory, pass the following argument.

'--TempDir': 's3-path-to-directory'

Amazon Glue creates a temporary bucket for jobs if a bucket doesn't already exist in a Region. This bucket might permit public access. You can either modify the bucket in Amazon S3 to set the public access block, or delete the bucket later after all jobs in that Region have completed.


When setting this value to true, it prioritizes the Postgres JDBC driver in the class path to avoid a conflict with the Amazon Redshift JDBC driver. This option is only available in Amazon Glue version 2.0.


When setting this value to true, it prioritizes the customer's extra JAR files in the classpath. This option is only available in Amazon Glue version 2.0 or later.


Controls Spark config parameters. It is for advanced use cases.


Legacy parameter. The corresponding behavior should be configured using security configurations. for more information about security configurations, see Encrypting data written by Amazon Glue.

Amazon Glue uses the following arguments internally and you should never use them:

  • --debug — Internal to Amazon Glue. Do not set.

  • --mode — Internal to Amazon Glue. Do not set.

  • --JOB_NAME — Internal to Amazon Glue. Do not set.

  • --endpoint — Internal to Amazon Glue. Do not set.

Amazon Glue supports bootstrapping an environment with Python's site module using sitecustomize to perform site-specific customizations. Bootstrapping your own initilization functions is recommended for advanced use cases only and is supported on a best-effort basis on Amazon Glue 4.0.

The environment variable prefix, GLUE_CUSTOMER, is reserved for customer use.