Creating a SAP HANA connection - Amazon Glue
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Creating a SAP HANA connection

To connect to SAP HANA from Amazon Glue, you will need to create and store your SAP HANA credentials in a Amazon Secrets Manager secret, then associate that secret with a SAP HANA Amazon Glue connection. You will need to configure network connectivity between your SAP HANA service and Amazon Glue.


  • If your SAP HANA service is in an Amazon VPC, configure Amazon VPC to allow your Amazon Glue job to communicate with the SAP HANA service without traffic traversing the public internet.

    In Amazon VPC, identify or create a VPC, Subnet and Security group that Amazon Glue will use while executing the job. Additionally, you need to ensure Amazon VPC is configured to permit network traffic between your SAP HANA endpoint and this location. Your job will need to establish a TCP connection with your SAP HANA JDBC port. For more information about SAP HANA ports, see the SAP HANA documentation. Based on your network layout, this may require changes to security group rules, Network ACLs, NAT Gateways and Peering connections.

To configure a connection to SAP HANA:
  1. In Amazon Secrets Manager, create a secret using your SAP HANA credentials. To create a secret in Secrets Manager, follow the tutorial available in Create an Amazon Secrets Manager secret in the Amazon Secrets Manager documentation. After creating the secret, keep the Secret name, secretName for the next step.

    • When selecting Key/value pairs, create a pair for the key user with the value saphanaUsername.

    • When selecting Key/value pairs, create a pair for the key password with the value saphanaPassword.

  2. In the Amazon Glue console, create a connection by following the steps in Adding an Amazon Glue connection. After creating the connection, keep the connection name, connectionName, for future use in Amazon Glue.

    • When selecting a Connection type, select SAP HANA.

    • When providing SAP HANA URL, provide the URL for your instance.

      SAP HANA JDBC URLs are in the form jdbc:sap://saphanaHostname:saphanaPort/?databaseName=saphanaDBname,ParameterName=ParameterValue

      Amazon Glue requires the following JDBC URL parameters:

      • databaseName – A default database in SAP HANA to connect to.

    • When selecting an Amazon Secret, provide secretName.

After creating a Amazon Glue SAP HANA connection, you will need to perform the following steps before running your Amazon Glue job:

  • Grant the IAM role associated with your Amazon Glue job permission to read secretName.