Use conditional statements in your workflow steps - EC2 Image Builder
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Use conditional statements in your workflow steps

Conditional statements begin with the if statement document attribute. The ultimate purpose of the if statement is to determine whether to run the step action or to skip it. If the if statement resolves to true, then the step action runs. If it resolves to false, Image Builder skips the step action and records a step status of SKIPPED in the log.

The if statement supports branching statements (and, or) and conditional modifiers (not). It also supports the following comparison operators that perform value comparisons (equal, less than, greater than) based on the data types it compares (string or number).

Supported comparison operators
  • booleanEquals

  • numberEquals

  • numberGreaterThan

  • numberGreaterThanEquals

  • numberLessThan

  • numberLessThanEquals

  • stringEquals

Rules for branching statements and conditional modifiers

The following rules apply for branching statements (and, or) and conditional modifiers (not).

  • Branching statements and conditional modifiers must appear on a line by themselves.

  • Branching statements and conditional modifiers must follow level rules.

    • There can only be one statement at the parent level.

    • Each child branch or modifier starts a new level.

    For more information about levels, see Nested levels in conditional statements.

  • Each branching statement must have at least one child conditional statement, but no more than ten.

  • Conditional modifiers operate on only one child conditional statement.

Nested levels in conditional statements

Conditional statements operate at several levels in a section of their own. For example, the if statement attribute appears at the same level in your workflow document as the step name and action. This is the base of the conditional statement.

You can specify up to four levels of conditional statements, but only one statement can appear at the parent level. All other branching statements, conditional modifiers, or conditional operators are indented from there, one indent per level.

The following outline shows the maximum number of nested levels for a conditional statement.

base: parent: - child (level 2) - child (level 3) child (level 4)
if attribute

The if attribute specifies the conditional statement as a document attribute. This is level zero.

Parent level

This is the first level of nesting for conditional statements. There can be only one statement at this level. If you don't need branching or modifiers, this can be a conditional operator with no child statements. This level doesn't use dash notation, except for conditional operators.

Child levels

Levels two through four are considered child levels. Child statements can include branching statements, conditional modifiers, or conditional operators.

Example: Nested levels

The following example shows the maximum number of levels in a conditional statement.

if: and: #first level - stringEquals: 'my_string' #second level value: 'my_string' - and: #also second level - numberEquals: '1' #third level value: 1 - not: #also third level stringEquals: 'second_string' #fourth level value: "diff_string"
Nesting rules
  • Each branch or modifier at the child level starts a new level.

  • Each level is indented.

  • There can be a maximum of four levels, including one statement, modifier, or operator at the parent level, and up to three additional levels.

Conditional statement examples

This group of examples show various aspects of conditional statements.

Branching: and

The and branching statement operates on a list of expressions that are children of the branch, all of which must evaluate to true. Image Builder evaluates the expressions in the order that they appear in the list. If any expression evaluates to false, then processing stops and the branch is considered false.

The following example evaluates to true, because both expressions evaluate to true.

if: and: - stringEquals: 'test_string' value: 'test_string' - numberEquals: 1 value: 1
Branching: or

The or branching statement operates on a list of expressions that are children of the branch, at least one of which must evaluate to true. Image Builder evaluates the expressions in the order that they appear in the list. If any expression evaluates to true, then processing stops and the branch is considered true.

The following example evaluates to true, even though the first expression is false.

if: or: - stringEquals: 'test_string' value: 'test_string_not_equal' - numberEquals: 1 value: 1
Conditional modifier: not

The not conditional modifier negates the conditional statements that are children of the branch.

The following example evaluates to true when the not modifier negates the stringEquals conditional statement.

if: not: - stringEquals: 'test_string' value: 'test_string_not_equal'
Conditional statement: booleanEquals

The booleanEquals comparison operator compares Boolean values and returns true if the Boolean values exact match.

The following example determines if collectImageScanFindings is enabled.

if: - booleanEquals: true value: '$.imagebuilder.collectImageScanFindings'
Conditional statement: stringEquals

The stringEquals comparison operator compares two strings and returns true if the strings are an exact match. If either value isn't a string, Image Builder converts it to a string before it compares.

The following example compares the platform system variable to determine if the workflow is running on a Linux platform.

if: - stringEquals: 'Linux' value: '$.imagebuilder.Platform'
Conditional statement: numberEquals

The numberEquals comparison operator compares two numbers and returns true if the numbers are equal. The numbers to compare must be one of the following formats.

  • Integer

  • Float

  • A string that matches the following regex pattern: ^-?[0-9]+(\.)?[0-9]+$.

The following example comparisons all evaluate to true.

if: # Value provider as a number numberEquals: 1 value: '1' # Comparison value provided as a string numberEquals: '1' value: 1 # Value provided as a string numberEquals: 1 value: '1' # Floats are supported numberEquals: 5.0 value: 5.0 # Negative values are supported numberEquals: -1 value: -1