Export data to Amazon S3 with asset property notifications
You can export incoming data from Amazon IoT SiteWise to an Amazon S3 bucket in your account. You can back up your data in a format that you can use to create historical reports or to analyze your data with complex methods.
Amazon IoT SiteWise also supports cold tier storage that let you save data in a customer-managed Amazon S3 bucket. For more information about supported storage tiers, see Manage data storage in Amazon IoT SiteWise.
Amazon IoT SiteWise provides this feature as an Amazon CloudFormation template. When you create a stack from the template, Amazon CloudFormation creates the required Amazon resources to stream incoming data from Amazon IoT SiteWise to an S3 bucket.
Then, the S3 bucket receives all of your asset property data sent from Amazon IoT SiteWise property value update messages. The S3 bucket also receives your asset metadata, which includes asset and property names and other information.
For more information about how to enable property value update messages for the asset properties to export to Amazon S3, see Interact with other Amazon services.
This feature stores your asset property data and asset metadata in the Apache Parquet
When this feature retrieves asset metadata, it supports up to approximately 1,500 assets. This limitation applies only to asset metadata. This limitation doesn't apply to the number of assets supported when the feature exports asset property data.
Each resource's name includes a prefix that you can customize when you create the stack. Resources include the following:
An Amazon S3 bucket
Amazon Lambda functions
An Amazon IoT Core rule
Amazon Identity and Access Management roles
An Amazon Data Firehose stream
An Amazon Glue database
For a complete list, see Resources created from the template in Amazon IoT SiteWise.
You will be charged for the resources that this Amazon CloudFormation template creates and consumes. These charges include data storage and data transfer for multiple Amazon services.