Getting started tutorial - Amazon IoT Core
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Getting started tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates how to use fleet indexing to index your location data. For simplicity, you create a thing to represent your device and store the location data in a named shadow, update thing indexing configuration for location indexing, and run example geoqueries to search for devices within a radial boundary.

This tutorial takes about 15 minutes to complete.


Create thing and shadow

You create a thing to represent your device, and a named shadow to store its location data (coordinates 47.61564, -122.33584).

  1. Run the following command to create your thing that represents your bike named Bike-1. For more information about how to create a thing using Amazon CLI, see create-thing from Amazon CLI Reference.

    aws iot create-thing --thing-name "Bike-1" \ --attribute-payload '{"attributes": {"model":"OEM-2302-12", "battery":"35", "acqDate":"06/09/23"}}'

    The output of this command can look like the following:

    { "thingName": "Bike-1", "thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:thing/Bike-1", "thingId": "df9cf01d-b0c8-48fe-a2e2-e16cff6b23df" }
  2. Run the following command to create a named shadow to store Bike-1's location data (coordinates 47.61564, -122.33584). For more information about how to create a named shadow using Amazon CLI, see update-thing-shadow from Amazon CLI Reference.

    aws iot-data update-thing-shadow \ --thing-name Bike-1 \ --shadow-name Bike1-shadow \ --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \ --payload '{"state":{"reported":{"coordinates":{"lat": 47.6153, "lon": -122.3333}}}}' \ "output.txt" \

    This command doesn't produce any output. To view the named shadow you created, you can run the list-named-shadows-for-thing CLI command.

    aws iot-data list-named-shadows-for-thing --thing-name Bike-1

    The output of this command can look like the following:

    { "results": [ "Bike1-shadow" ], "timestamp": 1699574309 }

Update thing indexing configuration

To index your location data, you must update your thing indexing configuration to include the location data. Because your location data is stored in a named shadow in this tutorial, set thingIndexingMode to be REGISTRY (at a minimum requirement), set namedShadowIndexingMode to be ON, and add your location data to the configuration. In this example, you must add the name of your named shadow and the shadow's location data path to filter.

  1. Run the command to update your indexing configuration for location indexing.

    aws iot update-indexing-configuration --cli-input-json '{ "thingIndexingConfiguration": { "thingIndexingMode": "REGISTRY", "thingConnectivityIndexingMode": "OFF", "deviceDefenderIndexingMode": "OFF", "namedShadowIndexingMode": "ON", "filter": { "namedShadowNames": ["Bike1-shadow"], "geoLocations":[{ "name":"" }] }, "customFields": [ { "name":"attributes.battery", "type":"Number"}] } }'

    The command doesn't produce any output. You may need to wait for a moment until the update is complete. To check the status, run the describe-index CLI command. If you see indexStatus shows: ACTIVE, your thing indexing update is complete.

  2. Run the command to verify your indexing configuration. This step is optional.

    aws iot get-indexing-configuration

    The output can look like the following:

    { "thingIndexingConfiguration": { "thingIndexingMode": "REGISTRY", "thingConnectivityIndexingMode": "OFF", "deviceDefenderIndexingMode": "OFF", "namedShadowIndexingMode": "ON", "managedFields": [ { "name": "*.hasDelta", "type": "Boolean" }, { "name": "registry.version", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "registry.thingTypeName", "type": "String" }, { "name": "registry.thingGroupNames", "type": "String" }, { "name": "*.version", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "thingName", "type": "String" }, { "name": "thingId", "type": "String" } ], "customFields": [ { "name": "attributes.battery", "type": "Number" } ], "filter": { "namedShadowNames": [ "Bike1-shadow" ], "geoLocations": [ { "name": "", "order": "LatLon" } ] } }, "thingGroupIndexingConfiguration": { "thingGroupIndexingMode": "OFF" } }

Run geoquery

Now you have updated your thing indexing configuration to include the location data. Try to create some geoqueries and run them to see if you can get your desired search results. A geoquery must follow the Query syntax. You can find some useful example geoqueries in Example geoqueries.

In the following example command, you use the geoquery,47.6204,-122.3491,15.5km to search for devices that are within the radial distance of 15.5 km from the center point with coordinates (47.6204,-122.3491).

aws iot search-index --query-string ",47.6204,-122.3491,15.5km"

Because you have a device located at the coordinates "lat": 47.6153, "lon": -122.3333, which falls within the distance of 15.5 km of the center point, you should be able to see this device (Bike-1) in the output. The output can look like the following:

{ "things": [ { "thingName": "Bike-1", "thingId": "df9cf01d-b0c8-48fe-a2e2-e16cff6b23df", "attributes": { "acqDate": "06/09/23", "battery": "35", "model": "OEM-2302-12" }, "shadow": "{\"reported\":{\"coordinates\":{\"lat\":47.6153,\"lon\":-122.3333}},\"metadata\":{\"reported\":{\"coordinates\":{\"lat\":{\"timestamp\":1699572906},\"lon\":{\"timestamp\":1699572906}}}},\"hasDelta\":false,\"version\":1}" } ] }

For more information, see Indexing location data.