Open a tunnel for remote device and use browser-based SSH
From the Amazon IoT console, you can create a tunnel either from the Tunnels hub or from the details page of an IoT thing that you created. When you create a tunnel from the Tunnels hub, you can specify whether to create a tunnel using the quick setup or the manual setup. For an example tutorial, see Open a tunnel and start SSH session to remote device.
When you create a tunnel from the thing details page of the Amazon IoT console, you can also specify whether to create a new tunnel or open an existing tunnel for that thing as illustrated in this tutorial. If you choose an existing tunnel, you can access the most recent, open tunnel that you created for this device. You can then use the command line interface within the terminal to SSH into the device.
The firewalls that the remote device is behind must allow outbound traffic on port 443. The tunnel that you create will use this port to connect to the remote device.
You have created an IoT thing (for example,
) in the Amazon IoT registry. This thing corresponds to the representation of your remote device in the cloud. For more information, see Register a device in the Amazon IoT registry. -
You have an IoT device agent (see IoT agent snippet) running on the remote device that connects to the Amazon IoT device gateway and is configured with an MQTT topic subscription. For more information, see connect a device to the Amazon IoT device gateway.
You must have an SSH daemon running on the remote device.
Open a new tunnel for the remote device
Say you want to open a tunnel into your remote device, RemoteDevice1
First, create an IoT thing with the name RemoteDevice1
in the Amazon IoT
registry. You can then create a tunnel using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, the Amazon IoT API Reference API,
or the Amazon CLI.
By configuring a destination when creating a tunnel, the secure tunneling service
delivers the destination client access token to the remote device over MQTT and the
reserved MQTT topic ($aws/things/RemoteDeviceA/tunnels/notify
). For
more information, see Tunnel creation methods in Amazon IoT console.
To create a tunnel for remote device from console
Choose the thing,
, to view its details, and then choose Create secure tunnel.Choose whether to create a new tunnel or open an existing tunnel. To create a new tunnel, choose Create new tunnel. You can then choose whether to use the manual setup or the quick setup method to create the tunnel. For more information, see Open a tunnel using manual setup and connect to remote device and Open a tunnel and use browser-based SSH to access remote device.
To create a tunnel for remote device using API
To open a new tunnel, you can use the OpenTunnel API operation. The following code shows an example of running this command.
aws iotsecuretunneling open-tunnel \ --region
\ --endpoint --cli-input-jsonfile://input.json
Following shows the contents for the input.json
file. You can use the
parameter to specify the name of the destination
device (for example,
) and the
service that you want to use to access the destination device, such as
. Optionally, you can also
specify additional parameters such as tunnel description and tags.SSH
Contents of input.json
{ "description": "
Tunnel to remote device1
", "destinationConfig": { "services": [ "SSH
" ], "thingName": "RemoteDevice1
" } }
Running this command creates a new tunnel and provides you the source and destination access tokens.
{ "tunnelId": "01234567-89ab-0123-4c56-789a01234bcd", "tunnelArn": "arn:aws:iot:
:tunnel/01234567-89ab-0123-4c56-789a01234bcd", "sourceAccessToken": "<SOURCE_ACCESS_TOKEN>
", "destinationAccessToken": "<DESTINATION_ACCESS_TOKEN>
" }
Open an existing tunnel and use browser-based SSH
Say you created the tunnel for your remote device, RemoteDevice1
, using the manual
setup method or using the Amazon IoT API Reference API. You can then open the existing tunnel for the device
and choose Quick setup to use the browser-based SSH feature. The configurations
of an existing tunnel can't be edited so you can't use the manual setup method.
To use the browser-based SSH feature, you won't have to download the source access token or configure the local proxy. A web-based local proxy will be automatically configured for you so you can start interacting with your remote device.
To use the quick setup method and browser-based SSH
Go to the details page of the thing that you created,
, and Create secure tunnel.Choose Use existing tunnel to open the most recent, open tunnel that you created for the remote device. The tunnel configurations can't be edited so you can't use the manual setup method for the tunnel. To use the quick setup method, choose Quick setup.
Proceed to review and confirm the tunnel configuration details and create the tunnel. The tunnel configurations can't be edited.
When you create the tunnel, secure tunneling will use the RotateTunnelAccessToken API operation to revoke the original access tokens and generate new access tokens. If your remote device uses MQTT, these tokens will be automatically delivered to the remote device on the MQTT topic that it's subscribed to. You can also choose to download these tokens manually to your source device.
After you've created the tunnel, you can use the browser-based SSH to interact
with the remote device directly from the console using the in-context command-line
interface. To use this command- line interface, choose the tunnel for the thing that
you created, and in the details page, expand the Command-line
interface section. As the local proxy has already been configured for
you, you can start entering commands to quickly get started with accessing and
interacting with your remote device, RemoteDevice1
For more information about the quick setup method and using the browser-based SSH, see Open a tunnel and use browser-based SSH to access remote device.
Cleaning up
Close tunnel
We recommend that you close the tunnel after you've finished using it. A tunnel can also become closed if it stayed open for longer than the specified tunnel duration. A tunnel cannot be reopened once closed. You can still duplicate a tunnel by opening the closed tunnel and then choosing Duplicate tunnel. Specify the tunnel duration that you want to use and then create the new tunnel.
To close an individual tunnel or multiple tunnels from the Amazon IoT console, go to the Tunnels hub
, choose the tunnels that you want to close, and then choose Close tunnel. -
To close an individual tunnel or multiple tunnels using the Amazon IoT API Reference API, use the CloseTunnel API operation.
aws iotsecuretunneling close-tunnel \ --tunnel-id "01234567-89ab-0123-4c56-789a01234bcd"
Delete tunnel
You can delete a tunnel permanently from your Amazon Web Services account.
Deletion actions are permanent and can't be undone.
To delete an individual tunnel or multiple tunnels from the Amazon IoT console, go to the Tunnels hub
, choose the tunnels that you want to delete, and then choose Delete tunnel. -
To delete an individual tunnel or multiple tunnels using the Amazon IoT API Reference API, use the CloseTunnel API operation. When using the API, set the
flag totrue
.aws iotsecuretunneling close-tunnel \ --tunnel-id "01234567-89ab-0123-4c56-789a01234bcd" --delete true