Amazon IoT Events identity-based policy examples - Amazon IoT Events
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Amazon IoT Events identity-based policy examples

By default, users and roles don't have permission to create or modify Amazon IoT Events resources. They also can't perform tasks using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, Amazon CLI, or Amazon API. An IAM administrator must create IAM policies that grant users and roles permission to perform specific API operations on the specified resources they need. The administrator must then attach those policies to the users or groups that require those permissions.

To learn how to create an IAM identity-based policy using these example JSON policy documents, see Creating policies on the JSON tab in the IAM User Guide.

Policy best practices

Identity-based policies are very powerful. They determine whether someone can create, access, or delete Amazon IoT Events resources in your account. These actions can incur costs for your Amazon Web Services account. When you create or edit identity-based policies, follow these guidelines and recommendations:

  • Get Started Using Amazon Managed Policies – To start using Amazon IoT Events quickly, use Amazon managed policies to give your employees the permissions they need. These policies are already available in your account and are maintained and updated by Amazon. For more information, see Get started using permissions with Amazon managed policies in the IAM User Guide.

  • Grant Least Privilege – When you create custom policies, grant only the permissions required to perform a task. Start with a minimum set of permissions and grant additional permissions as necessary. Doing so is more secure than starting with permissions that are too lenient and then trying to tighten them later. For more information, see Grant least privilege in the IAM User Guide.

  • Enable MFA for Sensitive Operations – For extra security, require users to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access sensitive resources or API operations. For more information, see Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) in Amazon in the IAM User Guide.

  • Use Policy Conditions for Extra Security – To the extent that it's practical, define the conditions under which your identity-based policies allow access to a resource. For example, you can write conditions to specify a range of allowable IP addresses that a request must come from. You can also write conditions to allow requests only within a specified date or time range, or to require the use of SSL or MFA. For more information, see IAM JSON policy elements: Condition in the IAM User Guide.

Using the Amazon IoT Events console

To access the Amazon IoT Events console, you must have a minimum set of permissions. These permissions must allow you to list and view details about the Amazon IoT Events resources in your Amazon Web Services account. If you create an identity-based policy that is more restrictive than the minimum required permissions, the console won't function as intended for entities (users or roles) with that policy.

To ensure that those entities can still use the Amazon IoT Events console, also attach the following Amazon managed policy to the entities. For more information, see Adding permissions to a user in the IAM User Guide:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iotevents-data:BatchPutMessage", "iotevents-data:BatchUpdateDetector", "iotevents:CreateDetectorModel", "iotevents:CreateInput", "iotevents:DeleteDetectorModel", "iotevents:DeleteInput", "iotevents-data:DescribeDetector", "iotevents:DescribeDetectorModel", "iotevents:DescribeInput", "iotevents:DescribeLoggingOptions", "iotevents:ListDetectorModelVersions", "iotevents:ListDetectorModels", "iotevents-data:ListDetectors", "iotevents:ListInputs", "iotevents:ListTagsForResource", "iotevents:PutLoggingOptions", "iotevents:TagResource", "iotevents:UntagResource", "iotevents:UpdateDetectorModel", "iotevents:UpdateInput", "iotevents:UpdateInputRouting" ], "Resource": "arn:${Partition}:iotevents:${Region}:${Account}:detectorModel/${detectorModelName}", "Resource": "arn:${Partition}:iotevents:${Region}:${Account}:input/${inputName}" } ] }

You don't need to allow minimum console permissions for users that are making calls only to the Amazon CLI or the Amazon API. Instead, allow access to only the actions that match the API operation that you're trying to perform.

Allow users to view their own permissions

This example shows how you might create a policy that allows users to view the inline and managed policies that are attached to their user identity. This policy includes permissions to complete this action on the console or programmatically using the Amazon CLI or Amazon API.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ViewOwnUserInfo", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:GetUserPolicy", "iam:ListGroupsForUser", "iam:ListAttachedUserPolicies", "iam:ListUserPolicies", "iam:GetUser" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws-cn:iam::*:user/${aws:username}" ] }, { "Sid": "NavigateInConsole", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:GetGroupPolicy", "iam:GetPolicyVersion", "iam:GetPolicy", "iam:ListAttachedGroupPolicies", "iam:ListGroupPolicies", "iam:ListPolicyVersions", "iam:ListPolicies", "iam:ListUsers" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

Accessing one Amazon IoT Events input

In this example, you want to grant a user in your Amazon Web Services account access to one of your Amazon IoT Events inputs, exampleInput. You also want to allow the user to add, update, and delete inputs.

The policy grants the iotevents:ListInputs, iotevents:DescribeInput, iotevents:CreateInput, iotevents:DeleteInput, and iotevents:UpdateInput permissions to the user. For an example walkthrough for the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) that grants permissions to users and tests them using the console, see An example walkthrough: Using user policies to control access to your bucket.

{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Sid":"ListInputsInConsole", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "iotevents:ListInputs" ], "Resource":"arn:aws-cn:iotevents:::*" }, { "Sid":"ViewSpecificInputInfo", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "iotevents:DescribeInput" ], "Resource":"arn:aws-cn:iotevents:::exampleInput" }, { "Sid":"ManageInputs", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "iotevents:CreateInput", "iotevents:DeleteInput", "iotevents:DescribeInput", "iotevents:ListInputs", "iotevents:UpdateInput" ], "Resource":"arn:aws-cn:iotevents:::exampleInput/*" } ] }

Viewing Amazon IoT Eventsinputs based on tags

You can use conditions in your identity-based policy to control access to Amazon IoT Events resources based on tags. This example shows how you might create a policy that allows viewing an input. However, permission is granted only if the input tag Owner has the value of that user's user name. This policy also grants the permissions necessary to complete this action on the console.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ListInputsInConsole", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iotevents:ListInputs", "Resource": "*" }, { "Sid": "ViewInputsIfOwner", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iotevents:ListInputs", "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:iotevents:*:*:input/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": {"aws:ResourceTag/Owner": "${aws:username}"} } } ] }

You can attach this policy to the users in your account. If a user named richard-roe attempts to view an Amazon IoT Events input, the input must be tagged Owner=richard-roe or owner=richard-roe. Otherwise he is denied access. The condition tag key Owner matches both Owner and owner because condition key names are not case-sensitive. For more information, see IAM JSON policy elements: Condition in the IAM User Guide.