Evaluate your provisioned capacity for right-sized provisioning - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
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Evaluate your provisioned capacity for right-sized provisioning

This section provides an overview of how to evaluate if you have right-sized provisioning on your Amazon Keyspaces tables. As your workload evolves, you should modify your operational procedures appropriately, especially when your Amazon Keyspaces table is configured in provisioned mode and you have the risk to over-provision or under-provision your tables.

The procedures described in this section require statistical information that should be captured from the Amazon Keyspaces tables that are supporting your production application. To understand your application behavior, you should define a period of time that is significant enough to capture the data seasonality of your application. For example, if your application shows weekly patterns, using a three week period should give you enough room for analysing application throughput needs.

If you don’t know where to start, use at least one month’s worth of data usage for the calculations below.

While evaluating capacity, for Amazon Keyspaces tables you can configure Read Capacity Units (RCUs) and Write Capacity Units (WCU) independently.

How to retrieve consumption metrics from your Amazon Keyspaces tables

To evaluate the table capacity, monitor the following CloudWatch metrics and select the appropriate dimension to retrieve table information:

Read Capacity Units Write Capacity Units







You can do this either through the Amazon CLI or the Amazon Web Services Management Console.

Amazon CLI

Before you retrieve the table consumption metrics, you need to start by capturing some historical data points using the CloudWatch API.

Start by creating two files: write-calc.json and read-calc.json. These files represent the calculations for the table. You need to update some of the fields, as indicated in the table below, to match your environment.


If the table name is not unique within your account, you must also specify the name of the keyspace.

Field Name Definition Example
<table-name> The name of the table that you are analysing SampleTable
<period> The period of time that you are using to evaluate the utilization target, based in seconds For a 1-hour period you should specify: 3600
<start-time> The beginning of your evaluation interval, specified in ISO8601 format 2022-02-21T23:00:00
<end-time> The end of your evaluation interval, specified in ISO8601 format 2022-02-22T06:00:00

The write calculations file retrieves the number of WCU provisioned and consumed in the time period for the date range specified. It also generates a utilization percentage that can be used for analysis. The full content of the write-calc.json file should look like in the following example.

{ "MetricDataQueries": [ { "Id": "provisionedWCU", "MetricStat": { "Metric": { "Namespace": "AWS/Cassandra", "MetricName": "ProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits", "Dimensions": [ { "Name": "TableName", "Value": "<table-name>" } ] }, "Period": <period>, "Stat": "Average" }, "Label": "Provisioned", "ReturnData": false }, { "Id": "consumedWCU", "MetricStat": { "Metric": { "Namespace": "AWS/Cassandra", "MetricName": "ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits", "Dimensions": [ { "Name": "TableName", "Value": "<table-name>"" } ] }, "Period": <period>, "Stat": "Sum" }, "Label": "", "ReturnData": false }, { "Id": "m1", "Expression": "consumedWCU/PERIOD(consumedWCU)", "Label": "Consumed WCUs", "ReturnData": false }, { "Id": "utilizationPercentage", "Expression": "100*(m1/provisionedWCU)", "Label": "Utilization Percentage", "ReturnData": true } ], "StartTime": "<start-time>", "EndTime": "<end-time>", "ScanBy": "TimestampDescending", "MaxDatapoints": 24 }

The read calculations file uses a similar metrics. This file retrieves how many RCUs were provisioned and consumed during the time period for the date range specified. The contents of the read-calc.json file should look like in this example.

{ "MetricDataQueries": [ { "Id": "provisionedRCU", "MetricStat": { "Metric": { "Namespace": "AWS/Cassandra", "MetricName": "ProvisionedReadCapacityUnits", "Dimensions": [ { "Name": "TableName", "Value": "<table-name>" } ] }, "Period": <period>, "Stat": "Average" }, "Label": "Provisioned", "ReturnData": false }, { "Id": "consumedRCU", "MetricStat": { "Metric": { "Namespace": "AWS/Cassandra", "MetricName": "ConsumedReadCapacityUnits", "Dimensions": [ { "Name": "TableName", "Value": "<table-name>" } ] }, "Period": <period>, "Stat": "Sum" }, "Label": "", "ReturnData": false }, { "Id": "m1", "Expression": "consumedRCU/PERIOD(consumedRCU)", "Label": "Consumed RCUs", "ReturnData": false }, { "Id": "utilizationPercentage", "Expression": "100*(m1/provisionedRCU)", "Label": "Utilization Percentage", "ReturnData": true } ], "StartTime": "<start-time>", "EndTime": "<end-time>", "ScanBy": "TimestampDescending", "MaxDatapoints": 24 }

Once you've created the files, you can start retrieving utilization data.

  1. To retrieve the write utilization data, issue the following command:

    aws cloudwatch get-metric-data --cli-input-json file://write-calc.json
  2. To retrieve the read utilization data, issue the following command:

    aws cloudwatch get-metric-data --cli-input-json file://read-calc.json

The result for both queries is a series of data points in JSON format that can be used for analysis. Your results depend on the number of data points you specified, the period, and your own specific workload data. It could look like in the following example.

{ "MetricDataResults": [ { "Id": "utilizationPercentage", "Label": "Utilization Percentage", "Timestamps": [ "2022-02-22T05:00:00+00:00", "2022-02-22T04:00:00+00:00", "2022-02-22T03:00:00+00:00", "2022-02-22T02:00:00+00:00", "2022-02-22T01:00:00+00:00", "2022-02-22T00:00:00+00:00", "2022-02-21T23:00:00+00:00" ], "Values": [ 91.55364583333333, 55.066631944444445, 2.6114930555555556, 24.9496875, 40.94725694444445, 25.61819444444444, 0.0 ], "StatusCode": "Complete" } ], "Messages": [] }

If you specify a short period and a long time range, you might need to modify the MaxDatapoints value, which is by default set to 24 in the script. This represents one data point per hour and 24 per day.

Amazon Web Services Management Console
  1. Log into the Amazon Web Services Management Console and navigate to the CloudWatch service page at Getting Started with the Amazon Web Services Management Console. Select the appropriate Amazon Web Services Region if necessary.

  2. Locate the Metrics section on the left navigation bar and choose All metrics.

  3. This opens a dashboard with two panels. The top panel shows you the graphic, and the bottom panel has the metrics that you want to graph. Choose the Amazon Keyspaces panel.

  4. Choose the Table Metrics category from the sub panels. This shows you the tables in your current Amazon Web Services Region.

  5. Identify your table name by scrolling down the menu and selecting the write operation metrics: ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits and ProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits


    This example talks about write operation metrics, but you can also use these steps to graph the read operation metrics.

  6. Select the Graphed metrics (2) tab to modify the formulas. By default CloudWatch chooses the statistical function Average for the graphs.

  7. While having both graphed metrics selected (the checkbox on the left) select the menu Add math, followed by Common, and then select the Percentage function. Repeat the procedure twice.

    First time selecting the Percentage function.

    Second time selecting the Percentage function.

  8. At this point you should have four metrics in the bottom menu. Let’s work on the ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits calculation. To be consistent, you need to match the names with the ones you used in the Amazon CLI section. Click on the m1 ID and change this value to consumedWCU.

  9. Change the statistic from Average to Sum. This action automatically creates another metric called ANOMALY_DETECTION_BAND. For the scope of this procedure, you can ignore this by removing the checkbox on the newly generated ad1 metric.

  10. Repeat step 8 to rename the m2 ID to provisionedWCU. Leave the statistic set to Average.

  11. Choose the Expression1 label and update the value to m1 and the label to Consumed WCUs.


    Make sure you have only selected m1 (checkbox on the left) and provisionedWCU to properly visualize the data. Update the formula by clicking in Details and changing the formula to consumedWCU/PERIOD(consumedWCU). This step might also generate another ANOMALY_DETECTION_BAND metric, but for the scope of this procedure you can ignore it.

  12. You should now have two graphics: one that indicates your provisioned WCUs on the table and another that indicates the consumed WCUs.

  13. Update the percentage formula by selecting the Expression2 graphic (e2). Rename the labels and IDs to utilizationPercentage. Rename the formula to match 100*(m1/provisionedWCU).

  14. Remove the checkbox from all the metrics except utilizationPercentage to visualize your utilization patterns. The default interval is set to 1 minute, but feel free to modify it as needed.

The results you get depend on the actual data from your workload. Intervals with more than 100% utilization are prone to low throughput capacity error events. Amazon Keyspaces offers burst capacity, but as soon as the burst capacity is exhausted, anything above 100% experiences low throughput capacity error events.

How to identify under-provisioned Amazon Keyspaces tables

For most workloads, a table is considered under-provisioned when it constantly consumes more than 80% of its provisioned capacity.

Burst capacity is an Amazon Keyspaces feature that allow customers to temporarily consume more RCUs/WCUs than originally provisioned (more than the per-second provisioned throughput that was defined for the table). The burst capacity was created to absorb sudden increases in traffic due to special events or usage spikes. This burst capacity limited, for more information, see Using burst capacity effectively in Amazon Keyspaces. As soon as the unused RCUs and WCUs are depleted, you can experience low capacity throughput error events if you try to consume more capacity than provisioned. When your application traffic is getting close to the 80% utilization rate, your risk of experiencing low capacity throughput error events is significantly higher.

The 80% utilization rate rule varies from the seasonality of your data and your traffic growth. Consider the following scenarios:

  • If your traffic has been stable at ~90% utilization rate for the last 12 months, your table has just the right capacity

  • If your application traffic is growing at a rate of 8% monthly in less than 3 months, you will arrive at 100%

  • If your application traffic is growing at a rate of 5% in a little more than 4 months, you will still arrive at 100%

The results from the queries above provide a picture of your utilization rate. Use them as a guide to further evaluate other metrics that can help you choose to increase your table capacity as required (for example: a monthly or weekly growth rate). Work with your operations team to define what is a good percentage for your workload and your tables.

There are special scenarios where the data is skewed when you analyse it on a daily or weekly basis. For example, with seasonal applications that have spikes in usage during working hours (but then drop to almost zero outside of working hours), you could benefit from scheduling application auto-scaling, where you specify the hours of the day (and the days of the week) to increase the provisioned capacity, as well as when to reduce it. Instead of aiming for higher capacity so you can cover the busy hours, you can also benefit from Amazon Keyspaces table auto-scaling configurations if your seasonality is less pronounced.

How to identify over-provisioned Amazon Keyspaces tables

The query results obtained from the scripts above provide the data points required to perform some initial analysis. If your data set presents values lower than 20% utilization for several intervals, your table might be over-provisioned. To further define if you need to reduce the number of WCUs and RCUS, you should revisit the other readings in the intervals.

When your table contains several low usage intervals, you can benefit from using Application Auto Scaling policies, either by scheduling Application Auto Scaling or by just configuring the default Application Auto Scaling policies for the table that are based on utilization.

If you have a workload with a low utilization to high throttle ratio (Max(ThrottleEvents)/Min(ThrottleEvents) in the interval), this could happen when you have a very spiky workload where traffic increases significantly on specific days (or times of day), but is otherwise consistently low. In these scenarios, it might be beneficial to use scheduled Application Auto Scaling.