DML statements (data manipulation language) in Amazon Keyspaces - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
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DML statements (data manipulation language) in Amazon Keyspaces

Data manipulation language (DML) is the set of Cassandra Query Language (CQL) statements that you use to manage data in Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) tables. You use DML statements to add, modify, or delete data in a table.

You also use DML statements to query data in a table. (Note that CQL doesn't support joins or subqueries.)


Use a SELECT statement to query data.


select_statement ::= SELECT [ JSON ] ( select_clause | '*' ) FROM table_name [ WHERE 'where_clause' ] [ ORDER BY 'ordering_clause' ] [ LIMIT (integer | bind_marker) ] [ ALLOW FILTERING ] select_clause ::= selector [ AS identifier ] ( ',' selector [ AS identifier ] ) selector ::= column_name | term | CAST '(' selector AS cql_type ')' | function_name '(' [ selector ( ',' selector )* ] ')' where_clause ::= relation ( AND relation )* relation ::= column_name operator term TOKEN operator ::= '=' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | IN | CONTAINS | CONTAINS KEY ordering_clause ::= column_name [ ASC | DESC ] ( ',' column_name [ ASC | DESC ] )*


SELECT name, id, manager_id FROM "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl ; SELECT JSON name, id, manager_id FROM "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl ;

For a table that maps JSON-encoded data types to Amazon Keyspaces data types, see JSON encoding of Amazon Keyspaces data types.

Using the IN keyword

The IN keyword specifies equality for one or more values. It can be applied to the partition key and the clustering column. Results are returned in the order the keys are presented in the SELECT statement.


SELECT * from mykeyspace.mytable WHERE primary.key1 IN (1,2) and clustering.key1 = 2; SELECT * from mykeyspace.mytable WHERE primary.key1 IN (1,2) and clustering.key1 <= 2; SELECT * from mykeyspace.mytable WHERE primary.key1 = 1 and clustering.key1 IN (1, 2); SELECT * from mykeyspace.mytable WHERE primary.key1 <= 2 and clustering.key1 IN (1, 2) ALLOW FILTERING;

For more information about the IN keyword and how Amazon Keyspaces processes the statement, see Use the IN operator with the SELECT statement in a query in Amazon Keyspaces.

Ordering results

The ORDER BY clause specifies the sort order of the returned results. It takes as arguments a list of column names along with the sort order for each column. You can only specify clustering columns in ordering clauses. Non-clustering columns are not allowed. The sort order options are ASC for ascending and DESC for descending sort order. If the sort order is omitted, the default ordering of the clustering column is used. For possible sort orders, see Order results with ORDER BY in Amazon Keyspaces.


SELECT name, id, division, manager_id FROM "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl WHERE id = '012-34-5678' ORDER BY division;

When using ORDER BY with the IN keyword, results are ordered within a page. Full re-ordering with disabled pagination is not supported.


You can apply the TOKEN function to the PARTITION KEY column in SELECT and WHERE clauses. With the TOKEN function, Amazon Keyspaces returns rows based on the mapped token value of the PARTITION_KEY rather than on the value of the PARTITION KEY.

TOKEN relations are not supported with the IN keyword.


SELECT TOKEN(id) from my_table; SELECT TOKEN(id) from my_table WHERE TOKEN(id) > 100 and TOKEN(id) < 10000;

TTL function

You can use the TTL function with the SELECT statement to retrieve the expiration time in seconds that is stored for a column. If no TTL value is set, the function returns null.


SELECT TTL(my_column) from my_table;

The TTL function can’t be used on multi-cell columns such as collections.

WRITETIME function

You can use the WRITETIME function with the SELECT statement to retrieve the timestamp that is stored as metadata for the value of a column only if the table uses client-side timestamps. For more information, see Client-side timestamps in Amazon Keyspaces.

SELECT WRITETIME(my_column) from my_table;

The WRITETIME function can’t be used on multi-cell columns such as collections.


For compatibility with established Cassandra driver behavior, tag-based authorization policies are not enforced when you perform operations on system tables by using Cassandra Query Language (CQL) API calls through Cassandra drivers and developer tools. For more information, see Amazon Keyspaces resource access based on tags.


Use the INSERT statement to add a row to a table.


insert_statement ::= INSERT INTO table_name ( names_values | json_clause ) [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [ USING update_parameter ( AND update_parameter )* ] names_values ::= names VALUES tuple_literal json_clause ::= JSON string [ DEFAULT ( NULL | UNSET ) ] names ::= '(' column_name ( ',' column_name )* ')'


INSERT INTO "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl (id, name, project, region, division, role, pay_scale, vacation_hrs, manager_id) VALUES ('012-34-5678','Russ','NightFlight','US','Engineering','IC',3,12.5, '234-56-7890') ;

Update parameters

INSERT supports the following values as update_parameter:

  • TTL – A time value in seconds. The maximum configurable value is 630,720,000 seconds, which is the equivalent of 20 years.

  • TIMESTAMP – A bigint value representing the number of microseconds since the standard base time known as the epoch: January 1 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT. A timestamp in Amazon Keyspaces has to fall between the range of 2 days in the past and 5 minutes in the future.


INSERT INTO my_table (userid, time, subject, body, user) VALUES (B79CB3BA-745E-5D9A-8903-4A02327A7E09, 96a29100-5e25-11ec-90d7-b5d91eceda0a, 'Message', 'Hello','') USING TTL 259200;

JSON support

For a table that maps JSON-encoded data types to Amazon Keyspaces data types, see JSON encoding of Amazon Keyspaces data types.

You can use the JSON keyword to insert a JSON-encoded map as a single row. For columns that exist in the table but are omitted in the JSON insert statement, use DEFAULT UNSET to preserve the existing values. Use DEFAULT NULL to write a NULL value into each row of omitted columns and overwrite the existing values (standard write charges apply). DEFAULT NULL is the default option.


INSERT INTO "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl JSON '{"id":"012-34-5678", "name": "Russ", "project": "NightFlight", "region": "US", "division": "Engineering", "role": "IC", "pay_scale": 3, "vacation_hrs": 12.5, "manager_id": "234-56-7890"}';

If the JSON data contains duplicate keys, Amazon Keyspaces stores the last value for the key (similar to Apache Cassandra). In the following example, where the duplicate key is id, the value 234-56-7890 is used.


INSERT INTO "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl JSON '{"id":"012-34-5678", "name": "Russ", "project": "NightFlight", "region": "US", "division": "Engineering", "role": "IC", "pay_scale": 3, "vacation_hrs": 12.5, "id": "234-56-7890"}';


Use the UPDATE statement to modify a row in a table.


update_statement ::= UPDATE table_name [ USING update_parameter ( AND update_parameter )* ] SET assignment ( ',' assignment )* WHERE where_clause [ IF ( EXISTS | condition ( AND condition )*) ] update_parameter ::= ( integer | bind_marker ) assignment ::= simple_selection '=' term | column_name '=' column_name ( '+' | '-' ) term | column_name '=' list_literal '+' column_name simple_selection ::= column_name | column_name '[' term ']' | column_name '.' `field_name condition ::= simple_selection operator term


UPDATE "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl SET pay_scale = 5 WHERE id = '567-89-0123' AND division = 'Marketing' ;

To increment a counter, use the following syntax. For more information, see Counters.

UPDATE ActiveUsers SET counter = counter + 1 WHERE user = A70FE1C0-5408-4AE3-BE34-8733E5K09F14 AND action = 'click';

Update parameters

UPDATE supports the following values as update_parameter:

  • TTL – A time value in seconds. The maximum configurable value is 630,720,000 seconds, which is the equivalent of 20 years.

  • TIMESTAMP – A bigint value representing the number of microseconds since the standard base time known as the epoch: January 1 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT. A timestamp in Amazon Keyspaces has to fall between the range of 2 days in the past and 5 minutes in the future.


UPDATE my_table (userid, time, subject, body, user) VALUES (B79CB3BA-745E-5D9A-8903-4A02327A7E09, 96a29100-5e25-11ec-90d7-b5d91eceda0a, 'Message', 'Hello again','') USING TIMESTAMP '2022-11-03 13:30:54+0400';


Use the DELETE statement to remove a row from a table.


delete_statement ::= DELETE [ simple_selection ( ',' simple_selection ) ] FROM table_name [ USING update_parameter ( AND update_parameter )* ] WHERE where_clause [ IF ( EXISTS | condition ( AND condition )*) ] simple_selection ::= column_name | column_name '[' term ']' | column_name '.' `field_name condition ::= simple_selection operator term


  • table_name is the table that contains the row you want to delete.


DELETE manager_id FROM "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl WHERE id='789-01-2345' AND division='Executive' ;

DELETE supports the following value as update_parameter:

  • TIMESTAMP – A bigint value representing the number of microseconds since the standard base time known as the epoch: January 1 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT.