UPDATE - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


Use the UPDATE statement to modify a row in a table.


update_statement ::= UPDATE table_name [ USING update_parameter ( AND update_parameter )* ] SET assignment ( ',' assignment )* WHERE where_clause [ IF ( EXISTS | condition ( AND condition )*) ] update_parameter ::= ( integer | bind_marker ) assignment ::= simple_selection '=' term | column_name '=' column_name ( '+' | '-' ) term | column_name '=' list_literal '+' column_name simple_selection ::= column_name | column_name '[' term ']' | column_name '.' `field_name condition ::= simple_selection operator term


UPDATE "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl SET pay_scale = 5 WHERE id = '567-89-0123' AND division = 'Marketing' ;

To increment a counter, use the following syntax. For more information, see Counters.

UPDATE ActiveUsers SET counter = counter + 1 WHERE user = A70FE1C0-5408-4AE3-BE34-8733E5K09F14 AND action = 'click';

Update parameters

UPDATE supports the following values as update_parameter:

  • TTL – A time value in seconds. The maximum configurable value is 630,720,000 seconds, which is the equivalent of 20 years.

  • TIMESTAMP – A bigint value representing the number of microseconds since the standard base time known as the epoch: January 1 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT. A timestamp in Amazon Keyspaces has to fall between the range of 2 days in the past and 5 minutes in the future.


UPDATE my_table (userid, time, subject, body, user) VALUES (B79CB3BA-745E-5D9A-8903-4A02327A7E09, 96a29100-5e25-11ec-90d7-b5d91eceda0a, 'Message', 'Hello again','') USING TIMESTAMP '2022-11-03 13:30:54+0400';