Cassandra Query Language (CQL) elements in Amazon Keyspaces - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
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Cassandra Query Language (CQL) elements in Amazon Keyspaces

Learn about the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) elements that are supported by Amazon Keyspaces, including identifiers, constants, terms, and data types.


Identifiers (or names) are used to identify tables, columns, and other objects. An identifier can be quoted or not quoted. The following applies.

identifier ::= unquoted_identifier | quoted_identifier unquoted_identifier ::= re('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*') quoted_identifier ::= '"' (any character where " can appear if doubled)+ '"'


The following constants are defined.

constant ::= string | integer | float | boolean | uuid | blob | NULL string ::= '\'' (any character where ' can appear if doubled)+ '\'' '$$' (any character other than '$$') '$$' integer ::= re('-?[0-9]+') float ::= re('-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9+])?') | NAN | INFINITY boolean ::= TRUE | FALSE uuid ::= hex{8}-hex{4}-hex{4}-hex{4}-hex{12} hex ::= re("[0-9a-fA-F]") blob ::= '0' ('x' | 'X') hex+


A term denotes the kind of values that are supported. Terms are defined by the following.

term ::= constant | literal | function_call | arithmetic_operation | type_hint | bind_marker literal ::= collection_literal | tuple_literal function_call ::= identifier '(' [ term (',' term)* ] ')' arithmetic_operation ::= '-' term | term ('+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%') term

Data types

Amazon Keyspaces supports the following data types:

String types

Data type Description


Represents an ASCII character string.


Represents a UTF-8 encoded string.


Represents a UTF-8 encoded string (varchar is an alias for text).

Numeric types

Data type Description


Represents a 64-bit signed long.


Represents a 64-bit signed integer counter. For more information, see Counters.


Represents a variable-precision decimal.


Represents a 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point.


Represents a 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.


Represents a 32-bit signed int.


Represents an integer of arbitrary precision.


A counter column contains a 64-bit signed integer. The counter value is incremented or decremented using the UPDATE statement, and it cannot be set directly. This makes counter columns useful for tracking counts. For example, you can use counters to track the number of entries in a log file or the number of times a post has been viewed on a social network. The following restrictions apply to counter columns:

  • A column of type counter cannot be part of the primary key of a table.

  • In a table that contains one or more columns of type counter, all columns in that table must be of type counter.

In cases where a counter update fails (for example, because of timeouts or loss of connection with Amazon Keyspaces), the client doesn't know whether the counter value was updated. If the update is retried, the update to the counter value might get applied a second time.

Blob type

Data type Description


Represents arbitrary bytes.

Boolean type

Data type Description


Represents true or false.

Time-related types

Data type Description


A string in the format <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>.


64-bit signed integer representing the date and time since epoch (January 1 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT) in milliseconds.


Represents a version 1 UUID.

Collection types

Data type Description


Represents an ordered collection of literal elements.


Represents an unordered collection of key-value pairs.


Represents an unordered collection of one or more literal elements.

You declare a collection column by using the collection type followed by another data type (for example, TEXT or INT) in angled brackets. You can create a column with a SET of TEXT, or you can create a MAP of TEXT and INT key-value pairs, as shown in the following example.


A non-frozen collection allows you to make updates to each individual collection element. Client-side timestamps and Time to Live (TTL) settings are stored for individual elements.

When you use the FROZEN keyword on a collection type, the values of the collection are serialized into a single immutable value, and Amazon Keyspaces treats them like a BLOB. This is a frozen collection. An INSERT or UPDATE statement overwrites the entire frozen collection. You can't make updates to individual elements inside a frozen collection.

Client-side timestamps and Time to Live (TTL) settings apply to the entire frozen collection, not to individual elements. Frozen collection columns can be part of the PRIMARY KEY of a table.

You can nest frozen collections. For example, you can define a MAP within a SET if the MAP is using the FROZEN keyword, as shown in the following example.


Amazon Keyspaces supports nesting of up to 8 levels of frozen collections by default. For more information, see Amazon Keyspaces service quotas. For more information about functional differences with Apache Cassandra, see FROZEN collections. For more information about CQL syntax, see CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE.

Tuple type

The tuple data type represents a bounded group of literal elements. You can use a tuple as an alternative to a user defined type. You don't need to use the FROZEN keyword for tuples. This is because a tuple is always frozen and you can't update elements individually.

Other types

Data type Description


A string representing an IP address, in either IPv4 or IPv6 format.


In an Amazon Keyspaces table with clustering columns, you can use the STATIC keyword to create a static column of any type.

The following statement is an example of this.

my_column INT STATIC

For more information about working with static columns, see Estimate capacity consumption for static columns in Amazon Keyspaces.

User-defined types (UDTs)

Amazon Keyspaces supports user-defined types (UDTs). You can use any valid Amazon Keyspaces data type to create a UDT, including collections and other existing UDTs. You create UDTs in a keyspace and can use them to define columns in any table in the keyspace.

For more information about CQL syntax, see User-defined types (UDTs). For more information about working with UDTs, see User-defined types (UDTs) in Amazon Keyspaces.

To review how many UDTs are supported per keyspace, supported levels of nesting, and other default values and quotas related to UDTs, see Quotas and default values for user-defined types (UDTs) in Amazon Keyspaces.

JSON encoding of Amazon Keyspaces data types

Amazon Keyspaces offers the same JSON data type mappings as Apache Cassandra. The following table describes the data types Amazon Keyspaces accepts in INSERT JSON statements and the data types Amazon Keyspaces uses when returning data with the SELECT JSON statement.

For single-field data types such as float, int, UUID, and date, you also can insert data as a string. For compound data types and collections, such as tuple, map, and list, you can also insert data as JSON or as an encoded JSON string.

JSON data type Data types accepted in INSERT JSON statements Data types returned in SELECT JSON statements Notes


string string

Uses JSON character escape \u.


integer, string integer

String must be a valid 64-bit integer.


string string

String should begin with 0x followed by an even number of hex digits.


boolean, string boolean

String must be either true or false.


string string

Date in format YYYY-MM-DD, timezone UTC.


integer, float, string float

Can exceed 32-bit or 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point precision in client-side decoder.


integer, float, string float

String must be a valid integer or float.


integer, float, string float

String must be a valid integer or float.


string string

IPv4 or IPv6 address.


integer, string integer

String must be a valid 32-bit integer.


list, string list

Uses the native JSON list representation.


map, string map

Uses the native JSON map representation.


integer, string integer

String must be a valid 16-bit integer.


list, string list

Uses the native JSON list representation.


string string

Uses JSON character escape \u.


string string

Time of day in format HH-MM-SS[.fffffffff].


integer, string string

A timestamp. String constants allow you to store timestamps as dates. Date stamps with format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS are returned.


string string

Type 1 UUID. See constants for the UUID format.


integer, string integer

String must be a valid 8-bit integer.


list, string list

Uses the native JSON list representation.


map, string map

Uses the native JSON map representation with field names as keys.


string string

See constants for the UUID format.


string string

Uses JSON character escape \u.


integer, string integer

Variable length; might overflow 32-bit or 64-bit integers in client-side decoder.