Create a multi-Region table with default settings in Amazon Keyspaces
This section provides examples of how to create a multi-Region table in on-demand mode with all default settings. You can do this on the Amazon Keyspaces console, using CQL or the Amazon CLI. All tables that you create in a multi-Region keyspace automatically inherit the multi-Region settings from the keyspace.
To create a multi-Region keyspace, see Create a multi-Region keyspace in Amazon Keyspaces.
- Console
Create a multi-Region table with default settings (console)
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console, and open the Amazon Keyspaces console at
. -
Choose a multi-Region keyspace.
On the Tables tab, choose Create table.
For Table name, enter the name for the table. The Amazon Web Services Regions that this table is being replicated in are shown in the info box.
Continue with the table schema.
Under Table settings, continue with the Default settings option. Note the following default settings for multi-Region tables.
Capacity mode – The default capacity mode is On-demand. For more information about configuring provisioned mode, see Create a multi-Region table in provisioned mode with auto scaling in Amazon Keyspaces.
Encryption key management – Only the Amazon owned key option is supported.
Client-side timestamps – This feature is required for multi-Region tables.
Choose Customize settings if you need to turn on Time to Live (TTL) for the table and all its replicas.
You won't be able to change TTL settings on an existing multi-Region table.
To finish, choose Create table.
- Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
Create a multi-Region table in on-demand mode with default settings
To create a multi-Region table with default settings, you can use the following CQL statement.
CREATE TABLE mykeyspace.mytable(pk int, ck int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck)) WITH CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = { 'capacity_mode':{ 'throughput_mode':'PAY_PER_REQUEST' }, 'point_in_time_recovery':{ 'status':'enabled' }, 'encryption_specification':{ 'encryption_type':'AWS_OWNED_KMS_KEY' }, 'client_side_timestamps':{ 'status':'enabled' } };
Using the Amazon CLI
To create a multi-Region table with default settings, you only need to specify the schema. You can use the following example.
aws keyspaces create-table --keyspace-name mykeyspace --table-name mytable \ --schema-definition 'allColumns=[{name=pk,type=int}],partitionKeys={name= pk}'
The output of the command is:
{ "resourceArn": "arn:aws:cassandra:us-east-1:111122223333:/keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable" }
To confirm the table's settings, you can use the following statement.
aws keyspaces get-table --keyspace-name mykeyspace --table-name mytable
The output shows all default settings of a multi-Region table.
{ "keyspaceName": "mykeyspace", "tableName": "mytable", "resourceArn": "arn:aws:cassandra:us-east-1:111122223333:/keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable", "creationTimestamp": "2023-12-19T16:50:37.639000+00:00", "status": "ACTIVE", "schemaDefinition": { "allColumns": [ { "name": "pk", "type": "int" } ], "partitionKeys": [ { "name": "pk" } ], "clusteringKeys": [], "staticColumns": [] }, "capacitySpecification": { "throughputMode": "PAY_PER_REQUEST", "lastUpdateToPayPerRequestTimestamp": "2023-12-19T16:50:37.639000+00:00" }, "encryptionSpecification": { "type": "AWS_OWNED_KMS_KEY" }, "pointInTimeRecovery": { "status": "DISABLED" }, "defaultTimeToLive": 0, "comment": { "message": "" }, "clientSideTimestamps": { "status": "ENABLED" }, "replicaSpecifications": [ { "region": "us-east-1", "status": "ACTIVE", "capacitySpecification": { "throughputMode": "PAY_PER_REQUEST", "lastUpdateToPayPerRequestTimestamp": 1702895811.469 } }, { "region": "eu-north-1", "status": "ACTIVE", "capacitySpecification": { "throughputMode": "PAY_PER_REQUEST", "lastUpdateToPayPerRequestTimestamp": 1702895811.121 } } ] }