Granting table permissions using the named resource method - Amazon Lake Formation
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Granting table permissions using the named resource method

You can use the Lake Formation console or Amazon CLI to grant Lake Formation permissions on Data Catalog tables. You can grant permissions on individual tables, or with a single grant operation, you can grant permissions on all tables in a database.

If you grant permissions on all tables in a database, you are implicitly granting the DESCRIBE permission on the database. The database then appears on the Databases page on the console, and is returned by the GetDatabases API operation.

When you choose SELECT as the permission to grant, you have the option to apply a column filter, row filter, or cell filter.


The following steps explain how to grant table permissions by using the named resource method and the Grant data lake permissions page on the Lake Formation console. The page is divided into these sections:

  • Principals – The users, roles, Amazon accounts, organizations, or organizational units to grant permissions to.

  • LF-Tags or catalog resources – The databases, tables, or resource links to grant permissions on.

  • Permissions – The Lake Formation permissions to grant.


To grant permissions on a table resource link, see Granting resource link permissions.

  1. Open the Grant data lake permissions page.

    Open the Amazon Lake Formation console at, and sign in as a data lake administrator, the table creator, or a user who has been granted permissions on the table with the grant option.

    Do one of the following:

    • In the navigation pane, choose Data lake permissions under Permissions. Then choose Grant.

    • In the navigation pane, choose Tables. Then, on the Tables page, choose a table, and on the Actions menu, under Permissions, choose Grant.


    You can grant permissions on a table through its resource link. To do so, on the Tables page, choose a resource link, and on the Actions menu, choose Grant on target. For more information, see How resource links work in Lake Formation.

  2. Next, in the Principals section, choose a principal type and specify principals to grant permissions.

    The Principals section contains three tiles that are named in the following text. Each tile contains a option button and text. The IAM Identity Center users and groups tile is selected, and an IAM users and roles dropdown list is below the tiles.
    IAM users and roles

    Choose one or more users or roles from the IAM users and roles list.

    IAM Identity Center

    Choose one or more users or groups from the Users and groups list.

    SAML users and groups

    For SAML and Amazon QuickSight users and groups, enter one or more Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for users or groups federated through SAML, or ARNs for Amazon QuickSight users or groups. Press Enter after each ARN.

    For information about how to construct the ARNs, see Lake Formation grant and revoke Amazon CLI commands.


    Lake Formation integration with Amazon QuickSight is supported for Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition only.

    External accounts

    For Amazon Web Services account , Amazon organization, or IAM Principal enter one or more valid Amazon Web Services account IDs, organization IDs, organizational unit IDs, or the ARN for the IAM user or role. Press Enter after each ID.

    An organization ID consists of "o-" followed by 10–32 lower-case letters or digits.

    An organizational unit ID starts with "ou-" followed by 4–32 lowercase letters or digits (the ID of the root that contains the OU). This string is followed by a second "-" character and 8 to 32 additional lowercase letters or digits.

  3. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, choose a database. Then choose one or more tables, or All tables.

    The LF-Tags or catalog resources section contains two tiles arranged horizontally, where each tile contains an option button and descriptive text. The options are Resources matched by LF-Tags, and Named data catalog resources. Named data catalog resources is selected. Below the tiles are two dropdown lists: Database and Table. The Database dropdown list has a tile beneath it containing the selected database name. The Table dropdown list has a tile beneath it containing the selected table name.
  4. Specify the permissions with no data filtering

    In the Permissions section, select the table permissions to grant, and optionally select grantable permissions.

    The Table and column permissions section has two subsections: Table permissions and Grantable permissions. Each subsection has a check box for each possible Lake Formation permission: Alter, Insert, Drop, Delete, Select, Describe, and Super. The Super permission is set off to the right of the other permissions, and has a description: "This permission allows the principal to grant any of the permissions to the left, and supersedes those grantable permissions."

    If you grant Select, the Data permissions section appears beneath the Table and column permissions section, with the All data access option selected by default. Accept the default.

    The section contains three tiles, arranged horizontally, each with an option button and a description. The option buttons are: All data access (selected), Simple column-based access, and Advanced cell-level filters.
  5. Choose Grant.

  6. Specify the Select permission with data filtering

    Select the Select permission. Don't select any other permissions.

    The Data permissions section appears beneath the Table and column permissions section.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • Apply simple column filtering only.

      1. Choose Simple column-based access.

        The top section is the Table and column permissions section. It is described in the preceding screenshot. It contains check boxes for table permissions and grantable permissions. The bottom section, Data permissions, has three tiles arranged horizontally, where each tile has an option button and description. The options are All data access, Simple column-based access, and Advanced cell-level filters. The Simple column-based access option is selected. Beneath the tiles is an option button group with the label Choose permission filter. The options are Include columns and Exclude columns. Beneath the option group is a Select columns dropdown list, and beneath that is a Grantable permissions subsection, which contains a single check box labeled Select.
      2. Choose whether to include or exclude columns, and then choose the columns to include or exclude.

        Only include lists are supported when granting permissions to an external Amazon account or organization.

      3. (Optional) Under Grantable permissions, turn on the grant option for the Select permission.

        If you include the grant option, the grant recipient can grant permissions only on the columns that you grant to them.


      You can also apply column filtering only by creating a data filter that specifies a column filter and specifies all rows as the row filter. However, this requires more steps.

    • Apply column, row, or cell filtering.

      1. Choose Advanced cell-level filters.

        This section, titled Data permissions, is beneath the Table permissions section. It has three tiles arranged horizontally, where each tile has an option button and description. The options are All data access, Simple column-based access, and Advanced cell-level filters. The Advanced cell-level filters option is selected. Beneath the tiles is the label View existing permissions with an exposure triangle to the left. The existing permissions are not exposed. Below that is a section entitled Data filters to grant. To the right of the title are three buttons: Refresh, Manage filters, and Create new filter. Below the title and buttons is a text field with the placeholder text "Find filter". Below that is a table of existing filters. Each row has a check box at the left. The column headings are Filter name, Table, Database, and Table catalog ID. There are two rows. The filter name in the first row is restrict-pharma. The name in the second row is no-pharma.
      2. (Optional) Expand View existing permissions.

      3. (Optional) Choose Create new filter.

      4. (Optional) To view details for the listed filters, or to create new or delete existing filters, choose Manage filters.

        The Data filters page opens in a new browser window.

        When you are finished on the Data filters page, return to the Grant permissions page, and if necessary, refresh the page to view any new data filters that you created.

      5. Select one or more data filters to apply to the grant.


        If there are no data filters in the list, it means that no data filters were created for the selected table.

  8. Choose Grant.

Amazon CLI

You can grant table permissions by using the named resource method and the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI).

To grant table permissions using the Amazon CLI
  • Run a grant-permissions command, and specify a table as the resource.

Example – Grant on a single table - no filtering

The following example grants SELECT and ALTER to user datalake_user1 in Amazon account 1111-2222-3333 on the table inventory in the database retail.

aws lakeformation grant-permissions --principal DataLakePrincipalIdentifier=arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/datalake_user1 --permissions "SELECT" "ALTER" --resource '{ "Table": {"DatabaseName":"retail", "Name":"inventory"}}'

If you grant the ALTER permission on a table that has its underlying data in a registered location, be sure to also grant data location permissions on the location to the principals. For more information, see Granting data location permissions.

Example – Grant on All Tables with the Grant option - no filtering

The next example grants SELECT with the grant option on all tables in database retail.

aws lakeformation grant-permissions --principal DataLakePrincipalIdentifier=arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/datalake_user1 --permissions "SELECT" --permissions-with-grant-option "SELECT" --resource '{ "Table": { "DatabaseName": "retail", "TableWildcard": {} } }'
Example – Grant with simple column filtering

This next example grants SELECT on a subset of columns in the table persons. It uses simple column filtering.

aws lakeformation grant-permissions --principal DataLakePrincipalIdentifier=arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/datalake_user1 --permissions "SELECT" --resource '{ "TableWithColumns": {"DatabaseName":"hr", "Name":"persons", "ColumnNames":["family_name", "given_name", "gender"]}}'
Example – Grant with a data filter

This example grants SELECT on the orders table and applies the restrict-pharma data filter.

aws lakeformation grant-permissions --cli-input-json file://grant-params.json

The following are the contents of file grant-params.json.

{ "Principal": {"DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/datalake_user1"}, "Resource": { "DataCellsFilter": { "TableCatalogId": "111122223333", "DatabaseName": "sales", "TableName": "orders", "Name": "restrict-pharma" } }, "Permissions": ["SELECT"], "PermissionsWithGrantOption": ["SELECT"] }