Configuring error handling settings for Lambda asynchronous invocations - Amazon Lambda
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Configuring error handling settings for Lambda asynchronous invocations

Use the following settings to configure how Lambda handles errors and retries for asynchronous function invocations:

  • MaximumEventAgeInSeconds: The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that Lambda keeps an event in the asynchronous event queue before discarding it.

  • MaximumRetryAttempts: The maximum number of times that Lambda retries events when the function returns an error.

Use the Lambda console or Amazon CLI to configure error handling settings on a function, a version, or an alias.

To configure error handling
  1. Open the Functions page of the Lambda console.

  2. Choose a function.

  3. Choose Configuration and then choose Asynchronous invocation.

  4. Under Asynchronous invocation, choose Edit.

  5. Configure the following settings.

    • Maximum age of event – The maximum amount of time Lambda retains an event in the asynchronous event queue, up to 6 hours.

    • Retry attempts – The number of times Lambda retries when the function returns an error, between 0 and 2.

  6. Choose Save.

Amazon CLI

To configure asynchronous invocation with the Amazon CLI, use the put-function-event-invoke-config command. The following example configures a function with a maximum event age of 1 hour and no retries.

aws lambda put-function-event-invoke-config \ --function-name error \ --maximum-event-age-in-seconds 3600 \ --maximum-retry-attempts 0

The put-function-event-invoke-config command overwrites any existing configuration on the function, version, or alias. To configure an option without resetting others, use update-function-event-invoke-config. The following example configures Lambda to send a record to a standard SQS queue named destination when an event can't be processed.

aws lambda update-function-event-invoke-config \ --function-name my-function \ --destination-config '{"OnFailure":{"Destination": "arn:aws-cn:sqs:us-east-1:123456789012:destination"}}'

You should see the following output:

    "LastModified": 1573686021.479,
    "FunctionArn": "arn:aws-cn:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:my-function:$LATEST",
    "MaximumRetryAttempts": 0,
    "MaximumEventAgeInSeconds": 3600,
    "DestinationConfig": {
        "OnSuccess": {},
        "OnFailure": {}

When an invocation event exceeds the maximum age or fails all retry attempts, Lambda discards it. To retain a copy of discarded events, configure a failed-event destination.