Capturing records of Lambda asynchronous invocations - Amazon Lambda
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Capturing records of Lambda asynchronous invocations

Lambda can send records of asynchronous invocations to one of the following Amazon Web Services services.

  • Amazon SQS – A standard SQS queue.

  • Amazon SNS – A standard SNS topic.

  • Amazon Lambda – A Lambda function.

  • Amazon EventBridge – An EventBridge event bus.

The invocation record contains details about the request and response in JSON format. You can configure separate destinations for events that are processed successfully, and events that fail all processing attempts. Alternatively, you can configure a standard Amazon SQS queue or standard Amazon SNS topic as a dead-letter queue for discarded events. For dead-letter queues, Lambda only sends the content of the event, without details about the response.

If Lambda can't send a record to a destination you have configured, it sends a DestinationDeliveryFailures metric to Amazon CloudWatch. This can happen if your configuration includes an unsupported destination type, such as an Amazon SQS FIFO queue or an Amazon SNS FIFO topic. Delivery errors can also occur due to permissions errors and size limits. For more information on Lambda invocation metrics, see Invocation metrics.


To prevent a function from triggering, you can set the function's reserved concurrency to zero. When you set reserved concurrency to zero for an asynchronously invoked function, Lambda begins sending new events to the configured dead-letter queue or the on-failure event destination, without any retries. To process events that were sent while reserved concurrency was set to zero, you must consume the events from the dead-letter queue or the on-failure event destination.

Adding a destination

To retain records of asynchronous invocations, add a destination to your function. You can choose to send either successful or failed invocations to a destination. Each function can have multiple destinations, so you can configure separate destinations for successful and failed events. Each record sent to the destination is a JSON document with details about the invocation. Like error handling settings, you can configure destinations on a function, function version, or alias.


You can also retain records of failed invocations for the following event source mapping types: Amazon Kinesis, Amazon DynamoDB, self-managed Apache Kafka, and Amazon MSK.

The following table lists supported destinations for asynchronous invocation records. For Lambda to successfully send records to your chosen destination, ensure that your function's execution role also contains the relevant permissions. The table also describes how each destination type receives the JSON invocation record.

Destination type Required permission Destination-specific JSON format

Amazon SQS queue


Lambda passes the invocation record as the Message to the destination.

Amazon SNS topic


Lambda passes the invocation record as the Message to the destination.

Lambda function


Lambda passes the invocation record as the payload to the function.



  • Lambda passes the invocation record as the detail in the PutEvents call.

  • The value for the source event field is lambda.

  • The value for the detail-type event field is either "Lambda Function Invocation Result - Success" or "Lambda Function Invocation Result - Failure".

  • The resource event field contains the function and destination Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).

  • For other event fields, see Amazon EventBridge events.

The following steps describe how to configure a destination for a function using the Lambda console and the Amazon CLI.

  1. Open the Functions page of the Lambda console.

  2. Choose a function.

  3. Under Function overview, choose Add destination.

  4. For Source, choose Asynchronous invocation.

  5. For Condition, choose from the following options:

    • On failure – Send a record when the event fails all processing attempts or exceeds the maximum age.

    • On success – Send a record when the function successfully processes an asynchronous invocation.

  6. For Destination type, choose the type of resource that receives the invocation record.

  7. For Destination, choose a resource.

  8. Choose Save.

Amazon CLI

To configure a destination using the Amazon CLI, run the update-function-event-invoke-config command. The following example configures Lambda to send a record to a standard SQS queue named destination when an event can't be processed.

aws lambda update-function-event-invoke-config \ --function-name my-function \ --destination-config '{"OnFailure":{"Destination": "arn:aws-cn:sqs:us-east-1:123456789012:destination"}}'

When an invocation matches the condition, Lambda sends a JSON document with details about the invocation to the destination. The following example shows an invocation record for an event that failed three processing attempts due to a function error.

Example invocation record
{ "version": "1.0", "timestamp": "2019-11-14T18:16:05.568Z", "requestContext": { "requestId": "e4b46cbf-b738-xmpl-8880-a18cdf61200e", "functionArn": "arn:aws-cn:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:my-function:$LATEST", "condition": "RetriesExhausted", "approximateInvokeCount": 3 }, "requestPayload": { "ORDER_IDS": [ "9e07af03-ce31-4ff3-xmpl-36dce652cb4f", "637de236-e7b2-464e-xmpl-baf57f86bb53", "a81ddca6-2c35-45c7-xmpl-c3a03a31ed15" ] }, "responseContext": { "statusCode": 200, "executedVersion": "$LATEST", "functionError": "Unhandled" }, "responsePayload": { "errorMessage": "RequestId: e4b46cbf-b738-xmpl-8880-a18cdf61200e Process exited before completing request" } }

The invocation record contains details about the event, the response, and the reason that the record was sent.

Tracing requests to destinations

You can use Amazon X-Ray to see a connected view of each request as it's queued, processed by a Lambda function, and passed to the destination service. When you activate X-Ray tracing for a function or a service that invokes a function, Lambda adds an X-Ray header to the request and passes the header to the destination service. Traces from upstream services are automatically linked to traces from downstream Lambda functions and destination services, creating an end-to-end view of the entire application. For more information about tracing, see Visualize Lambda function invocations using Amazon X-Ray.

Adding a dead-letter queue

As an alternative to an on-failure destination, you can configure your function with a dead-letter queue to save discarded events for further processing. A dead-letter queue acts the same as an on-failure destination in that it is used when an event fails all processing attempts or expires without being processed. However, you can only add or remove a dead-letter queue at the function level. Function versions use the same dead-letter queue settings as the unpublished version ($LATEST). On-failure destinations also support additional targets and include details about the function's response in the invocation record.

To reprocess events in a dead-letter queue, you can set it as an event source for your Lambda function. Alternatively, you can manually retrieve the events.

You can choose an Amazon SQS standard queue or Amazon SNS standard topic for your dead-letter queue. FIFO queues and Amazon SNS FIFO topics are not supported.

  • Amazon SQS queue – A queue holds failed events until they're retrieved. Choose an Amazon SQS standard queue if you expect a single entity, such as a Lambda function or CloudWatch alarm, to process the failed event. For more information, see Using Lambda with Amazon SQS.

  • Amazon SNS topic – A topic relays failed events to one or more destinations. Choose an Amazon SNS standard topic if you expect multiple entities to act on a failed event. For example, you can configure a topic to send events to an email address, a Lambda function, and/or an HTTP endpoint. For more information, see Invoking Lambda functions with Amazon SNS notifications.

To send events to a queue or topic, your function needs additional permissions. Add a policy with the required permissions to your function's execution role.

If the target queue or topic is encrypted with a customer managed key, the execution role must also be a user in the key's resource-based policy.

After creating the target and updating your function's execution role, add the dead-letter queue to your function. You can configure multiple functions to send events to the same target.

  1. Open the Functions page of the Lambda console.

  2. Choose a function.

  3. Choose Configuration and then choose Asynchronous invocation.

  4. Under Asynchronous invocation, choose Edit.

  5. Set Dead-letter queue service to Amazon SQS or Amazon SNS.

  6. Choose the target queue or topic.

  7. Choose Save.

Amazon CLI

To configure a dead-letter queue with the Amazon CLI, use the update-function-configuration command.

aws lambda update-function-configuration \ --function-name my-function \ --dead-letter-config TargetArn=arn:aws-cn:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:my-topic

Lambda sends the event to the dead-letter queue as-is, with additional information in attributes. You can use this information to identify the error that the function returned, or to correlate the event with logs or an Amazon X-Ray trace.

Dead-letter queue message attributes
  • RequestID (String) – The ID of the invocation request. Request IDs appear in function logs. You can also use the X-Ray SDK to record the request ID on an attribute in the trace. You can then search for traces by request ID in the X-Ray console.

  • ErrorCode (Number) – The HTTP status code.

  • ErrorMessage (String) – The first 1 KB of the error message.

If Lambda can't send a message to the dead-letter queue, it deletes the event and emits the DeadLetterErrors metric. This can happen because of lack of permissions, or if the total size of the message exceeds the limit for the target queue or topic. For example, say that an Amazon SNS notification with a body close to 256 KB in size triggers a function that results in an error. In that case, the event data that Amazon SNS adds, combined with the attributes that Lambda adds, can cause the message to exceed the maximum size allowed in the dead-letter queue.

If you're using Amazon SQS as an event source, configure a dead-letter queue on the Amazon SQS queue itself and not on the Lambda function. For more information, see Using Lambda with Amazon SQS.